Chapter 4

The doors closed and the elevator hummed as it made its way up to the 11th floor. Soft elevator music played through the speakers, making the awkward silence a little less awkward.

Yoona's hand was getting sweaty as Yugyeom held it, and she hoped it wasn't bothering him.

"My hand is getting a little sweaty." She confessed with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh! Sorry, I'll let you have it back now." He giggled and released her hand. He had taken off his mask and she swooned at his adorable smile and the blush on his cheeks as he looked down at his shoes.

She watched the numbers slowly go up as the elevator climbed higher up the building.

"So... wha-" Yoona began when another blast of thunder reverberated through the walls of the elevator. Yoona yelped, grabbing Yugyeom's hand again, only to stumble into him as the elevator stuttered and jerked. She ended up losing her balance and falling over, bringing Yugyeom with her.

They landed hard on the floor, and luckily Yugyeom had managed to avoid crushing her.

"Holy crap!" He gasped, leaning over her. "Yoona, are you okay? Shit, that was scary."

She slowly sat up, recovering her breath and looking around the elevator. It had come to a complete standstill and floor number was still at 8. The doors were still closed.

"Why are we stopped? Why aren't the doors opening?" Her heart beating wildly against her chest suddenly became all too prominent. She scrambled up and to the buttons, frantically pressing the door open button but nothing happened. Yugyeom stood up and turned her around to look him in the eyes.

"Yoona, you need to relax. I'm sure it was just a minor mechanical complication. We'll be out in no ti-"

At that moment, the lights began to flicker. The two watched as they blinked and eventually died out. The only thing that could be heard was their mingling breaths.

Yugyeom's grip on her shoulders tightened as he unconsciously pulled her to his chest. She could hear the erratic beating of his heart and could feel the light trembling of his arms.

"Yugyeom?" She whispered into the darkness. "Are you okay?"

There was a long moment of silence before he replied. "No..."

"What's wrong? Is it the dark?" She asked, fisting the fabric of his shirt.

She felt him nod against the side of her head. He must be petrified. She sympathized. I have to be there for him now. It might still be a nightmare outside, but Yugyeom needs comfort more than I do right now. Suck it up Yoona.

After her quick internal pep talk, she wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug.

"I'm scared too." She tried. "I know this is really scary, but at least we have each other right? I'm right here. Take a few deep breaths." She talked to him in a soothing voice as she slowly led him to the wall so they could sit down.

"I'm gonna try and find my phone so we have some light." She let go of his hands and fumbled for the zipper on her purse, but in a second, Yugyeom began to panic again.

"W-where did you go? Please hold my hand. Where are you?" He spoke quickly and his words were getting blurred together, but Yoona quickly took his wandering hand.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. I'm right here. I got you. I'm not going anywhere okay?" She scooted closer to him so she was leaning against him. "I'm gonna let go of your hand now so I can find my phone. I'll be quick."


After an eternity, her hand finally landed on her phone and she pulled it out. She turned it on and squinted at the sudden light, but quickly turned her flashlight on. The battery was now down to 6% but hopefully it would last long enough for them to be saved.

"Do you have your phone?" He nodded and took it out of his pocket. "Do you have a charger?" She asked hopefully. He shook his head.

Yoona sighed, beginning to lose hope. But hopefully Yugyeom's phone was sufficiently charged. He turned on his flashlight and leaned it against the wall along with Yoona's.

"Is that a little better?" She asked him, rubbing his arm. He nodded with a deep breath and Yoona smiled. "Good. Now all that's left to do is wait..." 

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