
Chapter 27- Confrontation


"Deal." Killer smiled, and kissed the fore-skull of his tiny newborn. The small skeleton fluttered his eye-sockets open, and his sight was steered towards the skeleton holding on him. Staring.

However, Killer's soul was melting, as his eye-sockets couldn't stop staring at his child. Outer hummed quietly and smiled as he looked at his two boys, he looked up and saw the protector observing the child.

"Huh, so this was all the fuss was all about." Ink commented while looking at the newborn, Outer took a moment and bolted from the skeleton's presence.

"Ink?!-I--uh, How are you oka- I mean! Are you okay?" The skeleton stumbled, which resulted in Killer to perk his skull up towards his husband then to Ink.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm totally fine! Just...interesting how the kid looks, and their unique soul- very cool." The couple looked at each other then back at their soul, and saw the planet themed soul covering over the skeleton's rib-cage.

"He'ssoperfect..." Killer muttered to himself, and cradled his son. Outer chuckled quietly and nodded his skull,he then kissed the top of both of the skeleton's skulls of his beloved husband and son. Ink got up and rubbed the back of his skull to then realised that everything that started to slowly return to its original colour.

"Oh forgot about that! It finally ended." Ink had stated, as he searched through the outer sky. The couple looked up towards the sky, and stared in awe for a moment. The wonder through their eye-sockets searched in the cosmos, and the three skeletons sighed.

"Never gets old..." Killer muttered, and the skeleton raised back up steadily. The child Killer held, passed out right in his father's arms and he could've felt a tear escape from the skeleton's eye-sockets.

Ink then saw his beloved possession, and headed towards it. He grabbed the paintbrush, and grinned to himself, that was until he heard a voice.

"You finally woke up! You idiot!" The three skeletons looked over to the skeleton full of glitches, as if his voice were broken circuits they echoed through the moon. The human was heavily breathing within the string's grasp, their body refused to get back up and face them.

"Oh- Hi Error, looks like you got the kid after all!" Ink hummed delightfully, and with one swish from his paintbrush, there was a puddle of paint in the ground and was about to take a leap into the puddle of liquid.

"OI NO! I didn't say you could leave!" Error yelled, and Ink stopped in his tracks and sighed. The protector's posture went forward and took a moment to stare at the destroyer.

"Remember this abomination?! We have to destroy them!" The destroyer continued, the human then rolled their eyes and looked at the destroyer.

"Uh excuse me, you do know I have a name. Or is your glitching making your memory as fuzzy as the Ink fusion skeleton there?" Chara smirked slightly, which resulted in the glitching skeleton to tighten to grip of the strings on their wrists.

"Mistakes don't talk." Error sighed, and the protector walked over towards the human and kneeled down to them, they gave Chara a small smile. The human however, was full of discomfort and disgust.

"This is where your journey ends Chara, but don't worry all of this effort won't be in vain y'know? I think." Ink muttered. "But hey you gave it a try."

Chara trembled and looked away from the skeleton that was in-front of them. With everything they had, they pulled the strings that were attached to their wrists. With a deep cut sliced through the skin, they winced from the pain and rolled away from the destroyer's threads.

"Hey! Get back here!" Error called out, and Chara only looked back towards the skeleton and quickly got up. Almost tripping on their own feet within the process, they kept running further into Stardin.

The human snickered quietly, but then saw the exhausted space skeleton in front of them. "You stupid skeletons!" They yelled, and skidded across the ground and slipped onto the rough ground.

The space theme skeleton stood there, using what little strength they had within his system to approach the human.

"Kiddo...Please, stop running. We can sort this out- maybe going with....uh Core-Frisk, or negotiate with-"

"You've ruined everything." Chara snapped, Outer froze but kept his mouth shut. "If you weren't in that stupid cell none of this would've happened!"

"...Excuse me..?" Outer whispered, but Chara clenched their fists and took a big breath.

"All of them could've been saved, after Nightmare's stupid plan was successful! The world would've been resetted and everything would have been okay! But you HAD to come along and mess all of that didn't you?!" Chara screamed, the skeleton stood completely still as he heard the words come out of the human's mouth.

"...You know better than I do about that situation, Nightmare was gathering Au's, of course I was involved in that cell!" The skeleton defended.

"But now because of that, he's like a part of your universe and brought a child into this?! What the hell were you two thinking?!" Chara yelled, and the fury could've been found in Outer's eye-sockets.

"Do. Not. Bring my son into this! He's only been here for about an hour, and I love him more than life itself! Don't you discriminate against my child, and it was Killer's choice to be here, his choice NOT YOURS!" The skeleton began to choke due to his eye-sockets being slightly overwhelmed.

"You don't understand!" Chara cried. "You don't know what it's like to BE STUCK TO THAT SKELETON FOR COUNTLESS RESETS, Your universe being forgotten!" The human then took a big breath.

"Within one day... that skeleton offered Killer a job and I was FORCED to leave my family, my home. Now that stupid idiot has a life, while I'm left with nothing?! Not even a place to rest?!" The human then collapsed to the ground, and pulled their hair while avoiding the skeletons gaze.

A moment of silence had occurred, the skeleton rubbed his arm and sighed as he looked at the child in-front of him. Outer then crouched down to Chara's level and took a big inhale.

"...I'm sorry to hear that Chara, I couldn't imagine." The space skeleton looked to the side, and continued to rub into the fabric of his sweater. "But that doesn't excuse everything you've done, this hatred for me... I get where it comes from but you didn't need to take it out of us Kiddo."

"You've given me many nights of no rest, and constantly worried for me and my husband's lives..." He then took a moment. "But you do deserve a place to finally rest and settle."

The human looked at the skeleton that kneeled in-front of them, completely stunned by the response but the two refused to look at each-other. The child felt themselves being cuffed by the strings again, and had an elbow leaned against their shoulder and the human groaned quietly in irritation.

"Alright, that's enough running." Ink shook his skull, as he glanced at Error who yanked the threads towards the fully formed portal.

Outer turned around and found his family walking towards him, and the skeleton rested his skull on his husband's shoulder and took many breaths full with ease.

"Are you okay love?" Killer asked, the skeleton then sighed and slightly nodded his skull.

"Yeah, I think I am, but....I think Chara would appreciate it more if....you two finally talked it out."

