Journey Back Into History

Our story begins in the year of 5 January 1209 with the birth of Prince Richard of Cornwall, who was the second son of King John of England and Queen Isabella, Countess of Angoulême.

Prince Richard of Cornwall was the second son of King John of England and Queen Isabella of Angouleme.

Prince Richard of Cornwall by his mistress Joan de Vautort had a son, named Sir Richard of Cornwall and he married Lady Joan Fitzallan and they had Lady Joan of Cornwall who married Sir John Howard in 1331 and together they had a son name Sir Robert Howard and he married Lady Margaret and he married Lady Alice and they had Lord Robert Howard who married Lady Margaret de Mowbray and they had our hero, Lord John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk in 1425 and in the year of 1442 he married Lady Katherine De Moleyns and they had only surviving child, Lord Thomas Howard in 1443 who succeeded his father to the Dukedom of Norfolk in 1501 and he married twice, and between two wives he had 21 children and for of them were : Lord Thomas Howard, Lord Edmund and Lady Elizabeth by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Tinley and Lord William Howard.

Our two Dukes come from Lord Thomas Howard and Lady Elizabeth Howard and Lord William Howard.

Lord Patrick William Howard first Duke of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12 is a direct descendant of Lord John Howard through his eldest son, Lord Thomas Howard and Lord John Carey is a direct descendant of Sir John Carey who married Lady Jane De Brian who had a son named Sir Robert Carey who married Lady Margaret Courtney who had Sir Philip Carey who married Lady Christina de Orchard and they had Lord William Carey who married Lady Alice Fulford and they had a son named Lord Thomas Carey who married Lady Margaret Spenser who was the daughter of Lady Eleanor Beaufort who was the daughter of Lord Edmund Beaufort who was the great-grandson of King Edward III through his third son, Lord John of Gaunt and his third wife, Lady Katherine Sywnford.

Lord Patrick William Howard was born in Pre-World War III Planet Earth in Norfolk, England under the glorious reign of King George VII of England who was the great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England and Prince Philip of Greece in 2130.

King George VII became King in 2130, and at that time there were rumors of war.

Lord Patrick William Howard's father was Lord William Howard and his mother was Lady Elizabeth Stuart.

Lord William Howard was the second son of Lord Charles Howard and Lady Mary Grey and he wasn't expected to inherit his father's title or Dukedom.

Lord Patrick William Howard married Lady Margret Penelope Devereux in 2148 and she is the daughter of Lord Richard Devereux and Lady Dorothy Hastings.

Lord Patrick William Howard graduates from Oxford University with a master's degree in Architecture and they settle in a country manor in Norfolk, England.

Everything goes well for the young couple from 2150 until April 27, 2153 and Lord Patrick William Howard receives a vision from Odin and Frigga that World War III is about to break out.

Like Noah in his day Odin and Frigga tell him to go house to house and gather some of the most important families living in England at the time.

April 28 with Lord John Devereux. Lord Patrick William goes door to door and tells the following families that they must come with him to Heathrow International Airport in London, England.

Lord Patrick William and Lord John ask the following families to come with them: The Beauforts, The Beauchamps, The Bourbons, The Carey's, The Collins, The Craven's, The Devereux, The Greys, The Habsburgs,The Hastings, The Percy's, The Seymour's, The Staffords, The Stanhopes, The Stuart's, and The Valois.

Lord Patrick William tells them "Only take with you what you can carry with you in your suitcases plus the tools of your trade."

"You have time to pay your final respects to your ancestors and place a reef of flowers where they died or laid to rest." Lord Patrick William states.

All the couples are young and had planned to start their families but all of a sudden their plans had to change.

On April 28, 2153, Lord Patrick and Lord John travel with their wives, Lady Margaret and Lady Mary out to Bosworth field where their noble ancestors died together on August 22, 1485 fighting for King Richard III who was the youngest son of Richard, Duke of York and Lady Cecily Neville.

Lord Patrick and Lord John lay a reef of white roses where their noble ancestors died in 1485 and with tears in their eyes they walk away.

Although neither of them are Christians Lady Margaret reminds Lord Patrick William "Do you know what it said in the Book of St. John when Jesus heard that his dear friend Lazarus died?"

"It states "And Jesus Wept." Lady Margaret states.

The young couples walk away slowly from the bloody battle that killed their noble ancestors in 1485.

Two days later on April 30, 2153, Lord Patrick William Howard with his entourage arrived at Heathrow International Airport in London, England.

Captain Archer is the commanding officer to the USS Excalibur and his first officer meets their passengers and they bow to them " I am your Captain for the journey that will take 5 years to get you and your entourage to Star Base 12."

"Please know we will take good care of you during your journey." Captain Decker tells them " The United Federation of Planets will keep us informed of any new news and we will give it to you."

"The USS Excalibur is fully equipped with a commissary, library, music hall, recreational hall, mess hall, even a garden for the ladies to enjoy. We have a medical officer on board." Captain Archer states.

Lord Patrick William thanks Captain Archer and they are escorted to their quarters for their long five year journey to Star Base 12.

Lord Patrick William is 23 years old and Lady Margaret is 21 year old when they begin their journey to Star Base 12 along with their rest of the families.

Eager to start their family they have to wait until they arrive on Star Base 12 but during their journey on May 1, 2153 they receive the bad news that World War III started.

Lady Margaret cries "Not again, Lord Patrick."

Lady Ann cries " When it is going to end when men stop their senseless fighting between each other."

Lord Patrick William asks, "What news Captain Archer?"

"I will only give you the highlights of the events." Captain Arches states.

"At precisely 0230.26 hours Eastern Standard Time, on 1 May 2153 (an event later known as the "May Day Horror of '53"), the Eastern Coalition launched a first strike comprised of intercontinental ballistic missiles, bomber attacks, and portable nuclear weapons, against major North American and European cities, combined with a simultaneous Interface viral assault against the New United Nations computer infrastructure.

Much to the surprise of the ECON political leadership, the New United Nations immediately retaliated with nuclear launches of their own, as well as bomber and satellite-based attacks against targets in the Middle East and Asia. Many Pacific nations sided with the Eastern Coalition against the United States when fighting finally broke out.

Other political groupings, such as the Muslim Bloc, were likewise hit extremely hard during the nuclear exchanges, despite being non-aligned with either side during the war.

The detonation of nuclear weapons over cities (in the multiple-megaton range) such as Washington, D.C., London, Moscow, Berlin, New York City, Boston, Dallas, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Mecca, Riyadh, Samarkand, Karachi, Singapore, and New Delhi killed nearly half a billion people instantly. Smaller detonations occurred over Hong Kong, Beijing, and Ho Chi Minh City. Un-detonated or failed nuclear devices were discovered in or around targets such as Denver, Paris, Madrid, Rome, and Istanbul. Of the hundreds of ICBMs and bombers launched by the United States and allied forces, only one in five made it into the air, due to EMP weapons and viral attacks against the military computer networks — of these, only a fraction detonated properly. "

Captain Archer leads out the religious nonsense as he doesn't want to start a controversy, but later on during their journey he does tells Lord Patrick William and the other men as they gather in the chapel for a second news

During their third day to Star Base 12 Captain Archer gives the men this news but Lord Patrick WIlliam insists that ladies are included and with their wives they congregate in the chapel to hear this news about World War III from Captain Archer

"Conventional military forces on both sides were quickly moved into offensive position against their respective foes — on 3 May 2153, the First, Eighth, and Sixteenth Fleets under New United Nations command carry front-line troops into the Bay of Bengal, and the ECON launches a massive invasion of the North American continent, sending troops and military aircraft southward through Canada. Targets in New England (including Massachusetts), Minnesota, the Rocky Mountains, and the Midwest are hit hard by ECON forces, the U.S. military's defenses along the Canadian border failing utterly. The United States Air Force and United States Army both fought back against the invaders, but lost many fighters and ground soldiers to the enemy.

Certain military units were abandoned in enemy territory during the war, including a New United Nations brigade under the command of Colonel Green in Kashmiristan in late May. Finally, the Eastern Coalition's governing palace was destroyed by American forces, killing ECON founder Lee Kuan."

Lord Patrick William and his entourage didn't hear that war didn't come to a ceasefire until October 31, 2153.

Lord John exclaims " They started the bloody war of Beltane and they ended it on Samhain, our New Year."

The long term effects of World War III never end and a monster appears named Philip Green and he decides to play god by murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people like Adolph Hitler.

The effects of World War III are endless and people are starving, without homes, jobs, and nuclear war has ruined the earth, water, and air that they used to breathe.

The only good thing that comes out of World War III is that Flint The Immortal kills Colonel Green in the mountains of Montana with the Ebola Virus and it kills him instantly.

Finally on April 30, 2159, Lord Patrick William Howard and his entourage arrived on Star Base 12 after five long years.

Lord Patrick William looks at other men and their wives and the first thing the men do is to locate housing for their wives and them.

Five years before Lord Patrick William Howard arrives on Star Base 12, a young American man and his wife have fled from Pre-World War III Planet Earth from the United States from California and their names are Philip and Patricia Johnson.

They brought a large country manor that they have Christened Mount Vernon after President George Washington's birthplace in Virginia.

Philip Johnson and his wife, Patricia arrived in 2153, at the time Lord Patrick William Howard and his entourage left London, England.

It is kindly Philip and his wife, Patricia that offer Lord Patrick William and his weary travelers their first home on Star Base 12.

Lord Patrick William and his wife, Lady Margaret are overwhelmed by their hospitality and so are the rest of the travelers.

Philip and his wife, Patricia decide not to have any child as they are afraid of the long term side effects of radiation that their children may inherit.

Lord Patrick William and Lady Margaret name their first child, a son, Lord Frederick William, after Philip Frederick Johnson in 2165 and Lord John and his wife, Lady Dorothy name their firstborn son, Lord Philip John Carey in 2165.

Together it is Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord John Robert Carey who became the first Dukes of Norfolk and Bedford Territory on Star Base 12.

They are both related by the same common ancestor, Lord John Howard, the 1st Duke of Norfolk Territory through his son, Lord Thomas Howard and his two children, Lord Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Howard as well as his son, Lord William Howard.

Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord John Robert Carey own the two biggest territories on Star Base 12.

Lord John Devereux claims the eastern territory on Star Base 12, and it is christened Essex Territory, Lord Alexander Stuart claims the South-West Territory and he names it Lennox Territory, Lord Edmund Beaufort names his territory Lancaster Territory, Lord  Reginald  Grey names his territory Suffolk Territory, and the rest of the aristocrats share the western territory and divide it between, but it becomes Wessex Territory.

Throughout Star Base 12 one can see The Union Jack fly high, The United States Flag, and French flag too.

All together they join and they start to sing their national hymnals together in joyful union.
