The New School Year (Movie 1 - Part. 1)

"Well its your fault he's still potty training" Susan told Greg as Rodrick ran into the kitchen grabbing a quick breakfast.

"thanks for the eggs mom, I promised to pick (Name) up I gotta go" Is all he yelled before running out the front, Susan told Greg to hurry up so he wouldn't be late.


(Name) checked her watch again as she sat on her porch, letting out a breath. She stood up once she heard the all to familiar loud music before Rodricks van came flying around the corner, hitting a quick stop.

The van was half on the road, half on the sidewalk however Rodrick didn't seem to care as he rolled down the window yelling out "come on (Nickname)!" (Name) shook her head with a smile before running over the van and hopping in.


Once the first school day was over Rodricks band was loading their equipment into the back of his van. (Name) made her way over to them Rodrick smiling widely once he noticed her "Hey (Nickname)! Was starting to wonder when you'd show up, are you coming by this afternoon?" He asked

"yeah, I'm sure my parents won't mind. Don't you have band practice though?" (Name) asked "yeah? and? you're always welcome" He tapped one of his drumsticks on her nose before throwing it into the front seat of the van.

"hey dude, ladies in the front" Rodrick spoke towards one of his band members who sat in the passenger seat. The band member jumped into the back with the others as Rodrick nodded opening the door for (Name) to get in before slamming it shut and getting into the drivers side.


The van played rock music as it came to a sudden stop outside of the Heffley's house, hitting the trash cans in the process. The band jumped out of the Van, beginning to take the equipment inside, Rodrick jumped out of the drivers seat tripping before catching himself looking around to make sure no one saw it.

"Hey little brother" Rodrick smirked as he saw Rowley and Greg walking on the footpath. "was your first day as crappy as I said it would be?" He asked standing Infront of them, "No. not at all" Greg lied as the band took the equipment towards the garage.

(Name) walked up to them carrying the drum sets cymbal "Hey Greg, Rowley. How was the first day?" She smiled towards them, Rowley happily waved at (Name) "It was good" Greg lied again

Greg turned back to look at Rodrick "you where wrong, It was actually-" "worse" Rowley spoke . Rodrick gave a low chuckle "you didn't listen to me did you? I told you not to talk, look or go anywhere and what happened?" (Name) hit his shoulder "Stop it"

Rodrick pouted slightly before Rowley spoke up "he had to eat his lunch on the floor" "Rowley!" Greg sternly whispered, Rodrick snickered "perfect! and if nobody wants you sitting at their table you think they want chummy buttons over here"

"Rodrick, leave them alone" (Name) sighed as Rodrick only chuckled "I was right he isn't going to make it out of there alive, the only chance you have to make the yearbook is when they dedicate it to your memory" "ignore him, I'm sure it'll get better...maybe" (Name) smiled before following Rodrick

"Why is she even friends with your brother?" Rowley asked watching as Rodrick held the door open before following (Name) inside "How would I know? I'm surprised Rodrick is even able to get one girl to talk to him" Greg replied

"so wanna play twisted wizard?" Rowley asked "No, I have a better idea" Greg answered


Greg was looking under Rodricks bed, Rowley standing at the top of the stairs keeping guard. "if he catches you in here he'll kill you! literally kill you" Rowley worries as Greg looks back at him. "don't worry as long as we hear the music, we're ok" Greg reassures throwing an adult magazine out from under the bed.

"whoa, I didn't know Rodrick was into motorcycles" Rowley said tilting his head at the magazine, "I found it" Greg smiled holding Rodricks year book from middle school. "found what?" Rowley asked sitting next the Greg.

"Rodricks yearbook" Greg smiled as they flipped through the yearbook, looking at all the different photos. They went to the middle of the book where the 'class-favorite's' where. "this is the area we want to be in, these people always have a spot at a table" Greg said in awe looking at all the different photos.

"woah! (Name)!" Rowley smiled pointing to a middle school (Name) in the 'Class (Whatever you'd like)' "there's tones I can qualify for best looking, class clown" Greg said "don't you have to be funny for that? oh! we should try out for cutest friends!" Rowley spoke happily

"what are you two doing in here?" (Name) asked as she made her way to the top of the staircase "he'll kill you if he finds you in here" She said grabbing a spare drumstick Rodrick was looking for. Just then Rodrick ran up the stairs next to (Name) "did you find- what did I tell you would happen if I ever found you in my room again!?" He angrily said

"but your bands still playing" Rowley said "its the base solo, turd burglar. Don't you know anything about music? now we came up here to find a new drumstick, now I'm going to kill you, literally kill you" He spoke before telling Rowley to get out.

Rowley grabbed Rodricks legs while Greg ran away "let go baby hippo!" Rodrick said kicking his leg while (Name) went after Greg. Turning to face Rodrick as Greg slammed the door "(name) I don't want you involved" He said

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it Rodrick" (Name) informed, Rodrick groaned running a hand through his hair. "fine! fine, Only because you don't want him dead" Rodrick caved in "good.." (Name) rose a brow thinking that was to easy.

Once (Name) was out of earshot Rodrick spoke through the door "I can wait all day Greg, but the minute you step out of that room, I'm going to kill you" "you told (Name) you wouldn't!" "I'll make sure she doesn't see it" Rodrick shrugged refusing to move

(Name) ended up having to head home, calling up the stairs to say goodbye to Rodrick who called bye back while he drew on his arm with a sharpie, still not moving from Infront of Gregs door.


It was the next evening, The Heffley's (Minus Manny) sat at their dinning room table, (Name) sitting next to Rodrick "thanks for having me again Mr and Mrs Heffley" (Name) thanked as Susan pulled the lasagna (I think) out of the oven "any time (Name), you are always welcome here and I've told you to call me Susan" She smiled

(Name) smiled back as Greg began to pile mashed Potato onto his plate, Susan raising a brow "Greg, save some for everyone else honey" "can't I need to bulk up" He explained to his mother. "Why?" Susan asked confused as she placed the lasagna on the table, taking a seat.

"I think your body looks beautiful just the way it is" Susan says hoping to reassure Greg he didn't have to change himself, Rodrick spoke up with amusement "ahh....I heard he got his butt kicked at wrestling" He smirked before his face fell into confusion

"what is wrong with you? why would you sign up for something you don't have to do?" Rodrick generally asked. "you signed up for wrestling?" Frank said happily, Greg looked at him with a strange look "Kind of" He mumbled

"you never sign up for anything at fly below the radar" Rodrick said as (Name) looked at him with a pointed look; using the spoons to put stuff on her plate "I signed up for stuff" (Name) said towards Rodrick

Rodrick quickly looked towards her "you're different, Greg however" He spoke quickly before turning back to Greg, (Name) only furrowed her eyebrows before shrugging it off

"shouldn't. that never raise anyone's expectations" Rodrick nodded taking a bowl from Susan as Frank spoke up "thankyou Rodrick for those motivational words of wisdom, but perhaps a better way to look at it, is its a chance to learn how to excel at something. much like how (Name) found new interests during middle school"

"what could I learn at school that I can't teach myself?" Rodrick smiled as he passed a bowl to (Name) "and if not, I can just ask (Name)" Rodrick spoke with a larger smile "jeez thanks" (Name) joked

"you know you love me" Rodrick joked back towards her, (Name) shaking her head as the thought actually crossed her mind but she quickly brushed it off "well, Greg, I think its great you took the initiative to learn something new" Frank said

"this is like the first step to responsibility, my boss's son Will, was smaller than you, but he built himself up with the weights. Yeah, we could get you the same equipment, proper diet, cardio. and it'll only take three months" Frank smiled as Gregs smile deflated

"three months?" Greg asked in disbelief "yeah" Frank smiled "I'll just stick to eating" Greg nodded as he began to eat again.


It had been a day or two since the dinner, now it was Halloween night. Rodrick walked into the kitchen throwing a piece of candy corn up only to drop it.

Rodrick was in darker clothing rather then dressed up for Halloween "wow you're lucky, my mom doesn't let me play with makeup anymore" Rowley said spotting the black eyeliner Rodrick had on as he opened the fridge

"shut up tool" Rodrick said in a tone, "loaded diapers got a gig tonight, (Names) coming along with me, and she likes the eyeliner look" He spoke with a salty tone before spotting the map snatching it off the table

He chuckled in a mocking tone reading over the map "hmm, going to the north side huh? Takes you right passed the devil worshipper woods" Rodrick explained

"Devil worshipper woods?" Greg asked "you know about that story right?" Rodrick asked them both, Greg and Rowley shaking their heads.

"well, there used to be a house...right here" He pointed to the map "they had to tear it down because what happened there was so terrible" He said, his voice getting lower

"what happened...?" Rowley asked "well, a long time ago two were- I don't know- in middle school, trick or treated that house on Halloween night but the house was full of Devil worshippers" His voice got louder

"they put the kids in these giant ovens, and they cooked them and they ate them! but they forgot to turn to ovens off and the whole house burnt down...with everyone inside" Rodrick said as Greg and Rowley cowered

"how did the trees get there..?" Rowley asked "and then they planted trees!" Rodrick quickly added in a spooky tone "oh..." Rowley mumbled. "and to this day you can still hear the voices of the ghosts looking for more kids to SCARAFICE!" Rodrick yelled causing them to jump

"Rodrick stop scaring them" (Name) spoke entering the kitchen, wearing an outfit similar to Rodricks "I'm only playing...when did you get here anyway?" Rodrick asked "Susan let me in, now get ready we'll be late" (Name) smiled

"have fun with trick-or-treating boys" (Name) smiled at Greg and Rowley as Frank walked into the kitchen "I thought I heard (Names) voice, Rodrick could you and (Name) help me with this I..." His words faded as he looked towards Rodrick

"are you wearing......eyeliner?" Frank asked with a odd look, (Name) smiled softly with a soft chuckle while Rodrick shrugged "Susan!" Frank yelled out "I'm on door duty!" She called back.

Greg and Rowley left the room as Frank only looked strangely towards Rodrick before walking back out into the hall. "we'll be late come on" (Name) said taking a Halloween cookie off the bench and eating as she walked through the side door to avoid the front.

They walked down the drive way in time to spot Greg and Rowley walking down the sidewalk "you didn't tell them that old woods story right?" (Name) asked already knowing the answer

"of course I did, what do you take me for?" Rodrick chuckled swinging and arm around (Name) "that story was something we told each other in middle school, its old" She laughed as he ruffled her hair

"lets hurry up! Don't want to be late" Rodrick said with a pep in his step, picking (Name) up and swinging her over his shoulder "jerk!" She laughed as he walked towards his van pulling out the key and unlocking the van, putting (Name) down as she jumped in the van.
