Chapter 24

"Your home? Don't you live in the city?"

"My other home. Ever been to Wisconsin?"


"Well, you're going now." He accelerated out of the city, going north.

"Can you at least untie me?"

Clarke tossed me the handcuff key.

"Don't even think about escaping."

I didn't plan on it. Miles away from the city, I would have no where to go.

I fell asleep for the majority of the ride, making it feel shorter. I felt something gently shake my shoulder.

"Will. We're here."

Their other home was different than I expected. It was in the country. The brown fields went on for acres. The house was surprisingly a well kept Ranch Style. Trees grew around it. Hell, there were even cows in the pastures. The so seemed to be bluer up there. It was beautiful.

"Wow." I observed the apple trees, it's leaves brown from autumn's harsh reign.

"You should see it in the summer. Everything's green. The apple trees blossom, cows drink from the stream, and sunflowers grow really tall."

"It's beautiful. But it so.."

"Unexpected? Didn't expect an infamous, out of power drug lord to hide out here?"

"I wouldn't look for him here, no."

"Exactly. No one thinks of looking out here. Just listen."

I waited for sound, but there was nothing. Just an occasional 'Moo' from the fenced cows.

"Nothing, really." I admitted.

"That's the beauty of it. It's so tranquil. In the city, there's always noise. And it's always go, go, go! But here, time slows. It's like living in the eye of a hurricane. The center, calm part in a swirling pool of chaos...
No one will find you here, Will. That's a promise. Now let's go take a shower, you reek."

"So do you!" I gave it back to him, following him into the house. The architecture was well crafted and nicely done.


Clarke and I raised our arms in defense.

"Oh, Clarke. It's only you. You almost gave an old man a heart attack!" He put his shotgun down, laughing. Clarke smiled.

"No problem, Eric. This is my... Friend. Will. This is the man who primarily takes care of the property when we're away."

"With help of course. Becca just left. She takes care of the cows and milks them. I'm too afraid to get near those beasts!"

Clarke laughed.

"I don't think those 'beasts' would hurt you." Said Clarke.

"Quite right. How long will you be staying?"

"We're leaving tomorrow around noon."

"Very good, sir... What's that horrid smell? The city finally in such a dumpy state it's patrons smell from it?" He scrunched up his nose at our stench.

"Ha, not quite yet. See you at dinner."

He took me upstairs. There were many rooms, approximately around the same size. He opened the second wooden door on the right.

"Towels are in there."

He went over to a different room and brought me back some clothes.

"These should fit. We're about the same size, except the fact that you're scrawnier." He joked.

The water felt so unbelievably gentle on my skin. The clear water ran down my scratches. It stung, but it was so satisfying.
I scrubbed the garbage stench off me and rinsed. I repeated the process multiple times until I no longer smelled like a dump.

I scrubbed shampoo and conditioner in my messy brown hair. I even found a small coffee bean in it. I flicked it in the garbage can with disgust.

The shirt gave me was slightly baggy from my lac of muscle definition. I used the leather belt to tighten the jeans. The black socks fit well enough.

Clarke was standing in the hall when I was done, already showered and dressed. There must've been another barroom in the house somewhere.

"At least you don't smell like shitty garbage anymore."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Clarke, I have prepared you two dinner." Eric announced.

We hurried down to the kitchen. My nostrils inhaled the sweet and spicy aroma.

Eric had made chili. My stomach growled he poured a large bowl of it for me. I added chili powder, salt, and pepper into the mix. Eric brought us water to drink.

"Anything else, gentlemen?" He asked kindly.
"Wine, perhaps?"

"Not tonight. Some milk would be good. Will?"

"I'm good with water. Never thought I'd miss it as much as I do."

It was perfectly chilled.

The chili was surprisingly better than my mom's. The peppers and tomatoes were so well made. The beans provided the proper amount of thickness for it.

"This is the best chili I've ever had." I wiped my face with a napkin.

"All the ingredients are home grown from the garden in the back yard."

"That's impressive. Much better than the preservative added city food."

Clarke agreed. We both had another bowl. The second one I added a little too much shaker pepper in, but it was still good.

A golden retriever ran out from outside. He was full grown with a shiny coat. In his mouth, he was carrying a chew toy.

"Hey, Tank!" Haven't seen you in a while." He greeted him with a friendly ear rub. He dropped the toy to Clarke's feet.

"He's a handsome dog."

"She." He corrected.

"She? And her name is Tank?"

"I begged my father to get her, but he wouldn't let me bring her to the city. So she lives here with Eric. I thought Tank was suitable for her for some reason."

"She tires me out, all she wants to do is play." Eric said with a smile.

I let her sniff my hand. She licked it and I petted her. She was so sweet.

"Sit." Clarke commanded. She sat down, wagging her tail.

"Good girl."  He fed her a treat and patted her head. She ran over and scratched at the wooden door.

He let her out and followed her. The sun was in the early stage of setting. I watched as Clarke found an old green frisbee and played with his pet through the kitchen window. 

This was Clarke. I thought. The real Clarke. Not some act he put on for his father. Not threatening Toni. This was him. And he was spectacular. I has feelings I didn't know I could have. Feelings I couldn't understand.

It was around eight when we prepared to sleep. We both were exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

He tossed me a loose T-shirt, flannel pajamas, and white socks. I changed and brushed my teeth the packaged tooth brush he provided.

He sat on the edge of the bed when I went in, flipping through a magazine. I went in.

"Question. If you guys are broke, how do you afford this? And the place in the city?"

"My dad paid for this in cash before the incident. Someone was murdered in this house or something, so it was discounted. Eric keeps the bills paid by selling milk and his organic fruits and vegetables. He was a loyal employee to my father for many years, until he hurt his leg. So we hired him here, he's grown pretty accustomed to it, I think."

"I can see why. It's great here. No loud cars, no police sirens. No drugs."

"No gun shots, no bullet holes." He finished.

I sat on the edge of the bed next to him.

"Exactly. I want something more. I'm sick of being afraid of dying."

"Don't be afraid of dying. I've heard dying is peaceful. Life is overbearing and loud. But sometimes, you find things that make it worth living.."

My heart thumped. Clarke was so real. He was so close to me. His eyes sparkled. I closed my eyes and leaned in, kissing Clarke King. He kissed back.

I kissed the Drug Lord's son.
