The Dream

Ruth Russell was standing in the middle of the stage. The audience cheered, clapped and applauded her name. Ruth! Ruth! Ruth! Were the words on every mouth. She couldn't believe it. She was overwhelmed. She was an actor. She was a singer. She was a STAR!

'Ruth, Ruth! Ruth! Are you listening to me?' 'Oh......Yeah Marge!' said Ruth. 'Why does she always wake me up when I'm having such a nice dream,' muttered Ruth fussing over Marge.

'Come on, Ruth we've to go or else we shall miss the meeting.' 'Ya, I'm coming. Give me a second, Marge.'

The two girls set off to their school. The Bicking Public School had decided to organise a play for their annual function. The Drama Teacher, Mrs Abbot had called a meeting for the students who wished to be a part of the play.

There was already a crowd of students standing in the theatre room. There wasn't a single student who did not wish to play a part in the play. It seemed that the entire school had come to the meeting.

'Honestly, I don't know why am I here Ruth!'
'You're here because you are my best friend and you exactly know how important this is to me!'

Marge shrugged as they headed towards the meeting table.

Mrs Abbot, a fair lady with grey hair, asked all the students to line up according to their years. Ruth and Marge lined up for year 10.

'Dear students, The Wills Theatre of our school was gifted to us by The Wills Family. It's obvious we have the privilege of a good theatre.
So as a part of the annual function, we would be organising the play 'Grease'. I hope you all are familiar with the play. The students of years ten, eleven and twelve are eligible to audition for the main cast, whereas the younger students can audition for the supporting cast. If you are willing to be a part of the play, write your name on this sheet. The audition will take place one week from now and you'll get your lines to practice and the song which you will be required to sing.'

'Oh no! Why did they choose a musical play? Grease!! No, I can't do it,' muttered Ruth.

'Come on! Don't start acting childish. Go write your name for Sandy. I know you'll love to play her.'

'No, I won't. I can't even sing. I can't do this. I'm leaving, now.' Saying this Ruth stormed out of the room.


Marge stood there for a minute battling with herself whether to do it or not. She decided and went to the table beside Mrs Abbot and wrote: "Ruth Russell- Auditioning for Sandy."
She had to do this because she EXACTLY knew how important this was to Ruth.
She collected the script from Mrs Abbot and left.


A/N - Hey buds! The first part of my story!! My first ever!!

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