Chapter Five, System

"B-a-r-k, b-a-r-k, b-a-r..." My alarm from my phone goes off, waking me up.

Getting out of my bed and then went to the bathroom. I just stand in front of the mirror, looking at my appearance. Tracing my hand over my first tattoo. The Rose Dragons Mafia Omega Tattoo is on my shoulder. It's a dragon and two roses; the two roses represent being in the top brace. But for an average Rose Dragon member, there would only be a dragon and a single rose, not a double.

Then my fingers go over my right collarbone, where my three butterflies are. Those butterflies represent the three people who died for me and who I deeply cared about. My mom died protecting me from her own twin. Domoto Natsue sacrificed his own life for mine. Ametsuchi Ruru took a bullet meant for me.

Next, my hand goes to the scars that litter my left arm. When I was fourteen, I got captured. While being held, they tortured me for information about The Rose Dragons. The thing about the interrogation was that they only targeted one part of the body to inflict the most pain upon the person. Of course, Natsue left me there for forty-eight hours to test and show me what it's like on the other end of the bars.

Snapping out of it, splashing the cold water on my face, makes me shiver, but it wakes me up. Causing my eyes to land on my pale white skin and natural black hair that goes well with my rare cobalt blue eyes. It makes me think how much they have been missing me throughout these years. Will they even accept the person I am now instead of the innocent girl they lost twelve years ago?

Being me, I got dressed in a light gray blouse and black wavy dress pants that go well with my silver butterfly necklace. Next, after clothes, I apply my waterproof makeup. So no one can see my tattoos and scars. People tend to pity me when they see my different scars. I just hate it when people just look at me.

R-i-n-g, R-i-n-g, my phone goes off. Seeing that it's Clover calling me, I accept the call. "Hey, Clover, what's going on?" I presented in a chirpy mood as I prepared to leave my apartment.

"Elma. I wanted to inform you that Mila has been cleared," Clover announced good news over the phone. My adorable black fluffy purebred labrador, Mila. Will finally join me in Italy. I feel bad for not taking her, but she had thrown up that evening.

"Thank you, Clover. And make sure to send Mila to headquarters." I dictated strongly, relaying my orders.

"Yes, Donna and your weapons should be ar-riving...." There were some computer clicks in the background. "By this afternoon with Mila's stuff." Clover finished her sentence.

"Got it," I replied before hanging up the call and grabbing my new car keys off the hook.

It takes me an hour and fifteen to get to the new headquarters from my apartment. Today I thought about checking out the mansion, but I have to be careful since it's near my family's house. The purpose of having the base near my family's home. So I can just slip away without them noticing. Also, to tell the truth. I don't care about being eighteen to drive; if I get caught, it's really easy to get myself out. Being The Mafia Queen had its perks.

It looks like Brooklyn has got the basic stuff set up already. Man! I love how fast those twins work. Pulling up to Benedict, he is one of the main guards from the old base. "Hi, Benedict!" I declared to myself as I leaned against the car door with my window open.

"Hi, Boss. New Car?" Benedict questioned me with interest.

"Yes," I said harshly in a cold, non-emotional state as Benedict the button to open the metal gate.

Pushing the accelerator pedal in the car and pulling up to the third garage door from the front door. Parking my new shiny black car and headed towards the front door. "COME ON, DOOR!" I yelled with so much frustration at the door.

The next thing I knew, the door hit me right in the nose, making it bleed. Refocusing my vision, I see Huston back away after he saw me holding my bloody nose. "BROOKLYN, I NEED H-E-L-P!" He screamed very loudly as he started to run. All the members in the central area just look towards the door and see my aggressive face.

"HUSTON!" I yelled. Making everyone who was in the room gulp out of fear. Huston, I hope you have a Damn excellent reason to shut a door in my nose.

"What Did You Do Now!" Brooklyn's elevated voice bounced off the walls. She looked up and saw me with my dripping bloody nose.

Then, I see Huston being held by the ear from Brooklyn. Huston was utterly shocked that his sister was pulling his ear in front of people. "Let's Go To My Office!" I grunted loudly.

"Yes, Donna!" Brooklyn replied quickly and then looked at her younger twin out of frustration. Brooklyn lets go of Huston's ear, and we start for the main staircase to the right. I really like this new place. It's a nicely designed, traditional house.

Now, at the top of the stairs turning right then left and stopping at the door with the label 'Donna' on it. "This is your office," Brooklyn stated as she opened the dark brown door.

Once, I was in my comfy black desk chair with Huston and Brooklyn standing in front of my desk. "Huston, I know it was an accident, but I can't just let it go... I need to set an example for others." I smiled softly at him but then turned it cold.

"Yes, Boss." Huston pouted at me, knowing that I was gonna break his nose.

"I am not gonna do it now since we have a traitor to take care of," I explained while going to my desk and putting a tissue in my nose. I gestured to them to sit in the seats in front of my desk.

They both sit down, and Brooklyn takes her G-Pad that she had left on my desk earlier. "Here Is The Traitor! Nakamura Kaki from the Transport Department. He is a Captain with a clearance rank of C." She showed a photo of him on her G-Pad. He had short black hair with bangs to his brows wavy to the right.

"Do you know the reason he flipped?" I redacted quickly while pushing back into my chair.

"Yes! His family in Nagoya, Japan was kidnaped...." Huston put it out in a harsh tone. I would do the same thing if it could save my family, but he knew the risks of being a traitor.

"Then why didn't he tell his commanding officer?" I interrupted Huston with my harsh voice. Leaning forward and having my hand on my chin to think.

"Kaki said they had a spy who would know if he had talked." Brooklyn made Kaki's side of the story known. Great, another traitor or spy! I need to get rid of it. They're like little pests I need to manually get rid of myself.

Ug, what alert rank are we on right now? "Brooklyn, I forgot what alert is active right now?" I asked with forgetfulness as I leaned back into my desk chair again.

"Green, Why?" She asked curiously. She might be considering raising the alert level too.

Taking a deep breath and puffing it out. "Move us to Alert Blue." I spun in my chair. And finally, my nose stopped bleeding as I pulled out the tissue.

"Yes, Donna." The twins replied with strength and confidence.

In the hierarchy of The Rose Dragons, The Don or Donna is the boss, the leader of the mafia. The underboss/second-in-command commands The Double Rose Capos. The consigliere/third-in-command is an adviser to The Boss and resolves family issues. The heir is the next in line for the control of the mafia and usually the first born son. A Shadow and Shadow Team, does the direct bidding of The Donna, like assassination, research/spying, and more tasks. Now The Double Rose Capos are divided into three spaces, The Headquarters, German, and Japanese Capos. The nine Headquarters Capos manage the mafia's resources. The Double Rose Head German Capo is in charge of Germany and its sixteen Double Rose German Capos. Who correspond to the sixteen German states. The Double Rose Head Japanese Capo has fourteen Double Rose Japanese Capos to manage twenty-seven provinces. Soldiers and Associates are separated between the three branches, Headquarters, German, and Japanese. This different hierarchy combines two mafias together versus the Basic Mafia System that it meant for one mafia.

In the Basic Mafia System, The Don or Donna is the boss, the leader of the mafia. The underboss/second-in-command in charge of The Capos. The consigliere/third-in-command is an adviser to The Boss. The heir is the next in line for the control of the mafia and usually the first born son. A Shadow and shadow team, does the direct bidding of The Don or Donna, like assassination, research/spying, and more. The Capos manage their assigned state or province, while the Captains, Soldiers, and Associates just follow the hierarchy.

"I want him to be transferred to the new base once we have settled and fixed some things around here." I made it clear while having my thumb and pointer finger on my right brow out of annoyance. Traitors and spies are the ones who break the omega oath. Giving information to our enemies or even stealing profits that are meant to support The Rose Dragons and its members.

Huston and Brooklyn stood up and said, "Yes, Donna!" Loud and clear.

Now moving to the right side of my desk, preparing to break a nose. "Huston came here." I pointed to the ground in front of me. He gulped as he slowly stepped in front of me. Taking my fist and doing an uppercut, punching Huston in the nose and breaking it. He screams from the pain of his broken nose.

Brooklyn dragged her twin out; thankfully, she was not mad at me. Huston tends to be very arrogant or a hot head. And this was not the first punishment I gave him; there have been other events in the past. What deeply surprised me was his personality. He doesn't act like he's one of the Devil Twins but as his true self, Huston. The Devil Twins are known worldwide in the underworld for their death rate and cruelty.
