12. Rooftop Chats

3rd Person POV:

Natsu was waiting outside the door of the café long before it was actually time. He was pacing outside the door of the little café for quite a while. Why was he nervous? Why was he scared? This was the same shop from which he bought his morning coffee everyday. The same shop where the beautiful lady served him his coffee. Why was he hesitating? It felt like Natsu's nerves were tingling with electricity.

But before he knew what hit him, he was engulfed in darkness and dragged somewhere he could not recognize.

"You did not think I would make it that easy, did you Dragon?", a sweet voice whispered in his ear.

"I suppose not my dear.", he choked back as a hand wound around his neck to silence him.

"Follow me, Love", the nickname made goosebumps appear on his skin. The blindfold was removed from his eyes as a smaller, softer hand slipped through his, guiding him through the darkness. His vision adjusted to the darkness of the alley they were in.

The woman in front of him, his soulmate, was leading the way deeper into the alley. He had no idea where they were going, but for some strange reason, he had faith in her that she would not kill him. No matter how dangerous she was. She climbed up a set of stairs on the side of the building and Natsu follows.

Eventually they reach the roof of the building but their journey did not end there.

"Ready?", she asked with a mischievous smile on her face. 

"Ready for wha...Ahh!", Natsu didn't get to finish his sentence as they jumped off the roof of the building. He felt his life flash before his eyes but soon landed on concrete, and out of reflex his body flipped mid-air and he landed on his limbs, almost like a cat.

"Are you trying to kill me?!", Natsu exclaims looking at the woman, who had an amused smile on her face.

"Not at all, Love. But, you did not think that the trip was going to be that easy did you?", Natsu did not respond, but his expression was enough. They jumped off and climbed on a few more buildings before they reached their destination.

"Welcome to my haven, Love.", the woman turns to him and gives a gentle smile, which takes Natsu's breath away. He wanted to freeze this moment. He wanted to stay like this forever. He did not want to leave. The view in front was amazing. He would admit. But the only aspect of it he was paying attention to was the delicate smile this ethereal being was wearing in front of him.

He slowly approached her, his soulmate. He could not even perceive the fact that he had one in the first place. It was still processing in his mind that he had one. Much less the person he was hunting down almost his entire life. He gently extended his hand, taking her palm in his own, which was rather small compared to his but fir perfectly.

Her hand felt warm in his. The good kind. Not the kind that made you uncomfortable. It was like sparks of electricity were flying around them. His mark was tingling and unbeknownst to him, so was hers. It was like both of their lives were finally on track. Two lives from two completely different worlds meeting and it was like they finally belonged. For the first time in both of their lives, they felt like they truly belonged.

She was watching him, her inquisitive eyes trying to find out what exactly it was that he was trying to do. But when she saw that he was just keeping their locked hands hanging in the air, she squeezed his fingers and pulled.

Natsu knew that she was bold, but he did not think this bold. It almost made his cheeks flush. Almost.

"So, why don't you start by telling me your name, Love?", her soft voice cut through the air as she adjusted her grip so that one of her hands was around his shoulder and the other went from underneath his arm, enveloping him completely, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Natsu was overwhelmed. He had never felt like this before. So safe. So comforted. So at home. He never thought he could feel that way. It almost brought tears to his eyes. She was willing to hold him. Be his comfort place. His safe haven. His home. And he barely knew her! So, he held on. Held on to the only person in the whole wide world who would care for him. Who he was fated to. He may come off as cold and emotionless, but he really wasn't. He put up that mask to hide his fragile heart. He just wanted someone who wanted him for him and not his fame, brain or looks. And who better than the most renowned criminal mastermind around.

"Natsu. Natsu Dragneel", he replied in a timid voice, nestling his head in the crook of her neck and squeezing her tighter. He did not want to leave yet. Not now. Not ever.

"Hello Natsu, I am Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia", she replied in her soft voice. No other words needed to be exchanged. It was like they had a silent understanding. The other's presence was enough. So, that was what they did the entire night. Before either of them knew it, the first rays of dawn were peaking through.

They got up, dusting themselves off. They had ended up laying down during the night. Giving each other a smile before departing. A silent promise that they were going to meet in the same place the next night as well. Spoken in a language which would not be understood to a third person, but to them, they could hear it loud and clear.


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