Chapter 31

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The human world was not that bad afterall, it wasn't difficult to blend in since it was almost the same as their world. They had buildings too, malls, cafés and other establishments, the only difference is that their place was always red due to the fire surrounding the whole place and that the people there were not people but demons.

At first he hesitated to follow Yasha's order but because of his father's stupidity, he had no choice but to come to this world and do what he is told.

He looked around hoping to find any clue which could lead him to his mission.


Closes eyes and feels the surrounding...

"you fckn bastard!",a woman shouted from afar catching up with a man wearing a green bonnet with a cover on his face.

"come back here! Thief! Thief!",she continued.

The woman chased the thief as they went towards an alley.

"poor creature. If he only knows the place he will be heading to when he dies.",he scoffed.

"My baaaag!!!",the woman shrieked when she wasn't able to catch up with the thief.

The thief happily ran through the alleys looking at the bag he had snatched.

"what a lucky day---",he was suddenly thrown to the ground.

He groaned as he tried to stand but he failed. He looked down to his left leg and panicked when he saw blood oozing out to the ground.

"aaarrggghhh....shit...shit....",he hit the ground with his hand cursing to whoever had done it. "fucker!!! Come out you coward!",he screamed with pain and anger.

An empty can of cola rolled from the dark part of the alley. It continue rolling until it came out from the darkness and hit the man's foot.

He gulped hard anticipating whoever might come out from the dark. Sweat was flowing from his head and trickled down his jaw.

Footsteps were heard from the dark alley. It was slowly coming towards him. He tried to crawl as fast as he can but everytime he crawls, his leg hurts even more. "fkkk....fckkk...stupid...fckk..",he looked back and his eyes widened when he saw a figure forming coming out of the darkness.



The sound of his heart beating was so loud that it almost made him deaf as he stared at the figure.

"what a lucky day",the figure imitated what he just said earlier but it sounded more feminine.

"come out you coward! Show your self!",he challenged.

"trying to be brave eh?",she smirked looking at the thief with disgust.

"huh? Just a girl?",he seemed disappointed but still took caution of what might actually happen. His hand crept slowly towards his right side on his waist where he kept his pocket knife.

"a shot on the leg",she said holding a silencer gun on her left hand. The woman cleaned her glasses by blowing on it then wiped it on her plain navy blue shirt and put it back. "and look at you, you sound like a baby",she added as she stooped down eximing the wound on his leg. "not deep enough though",she said pinching the wound with the gun.

The coldness of the metal sent chills on his body as he screamed when she poked it on his bleeding wound. "you bitch!",he glared at her though he was sweating a lot.

"you should be thankful i did not kill you.",she said in a low tone then licked the blood from the tip of the gun. "you don't even taste good",she said and stood up. "disgusting",she spits on the ground.

The man quickly pulled out the knife and with full force, he threw it towards her.

In a slow motion, she smirked and effortlessly dodged the knife making it clatter to the ground . "you know...",she walked beside him then squats on the ground. "i haven't fed myself for a week...",she traced a finger on his neck. The man shivered and was shaking with fear. "imagine that...a week. It wouldn't be that bad if I suck a little blood on you won't it?",she smiled with a hint of wickedness on her eyes.

His eyes widened with fear and his mouth agape with terror. "what on earth are you",he muttered. "sshh. This won't hurt",her smile widened even more as she licked her lips.

The man couldn't express his emotions. He was in terror which made him want to scream for help but no matter how hard he tries, no words ever came out from his mouth. His throat was running dry, his heart was beating wildly and his body was paralyzed. He shooked his head slowly saying, "nnn...",he gulped hard, "nnooo" until he cried "pplss...hhvv..meerrccy"

"mercy?",she furrowed her brows then bends her neck to the other side with an "i wonder" kind of look. "never have thought you knew such word",she said as if she was amazed. "c'mon, this won't hurt. Just a teeny tiny bite will do, kay?",she smiled viciously.

The man trembled with fear. He cried hard and peed on his jeans.

"such a bully, aren't you",someone from behind spoke.

With her senses, she immediately jumped away from the thief's trembling body to face the intruder and readied herself.

"whoa! That was cool!",the intruder remarked.

"fck off!",she spats clenching her fists tightly lowering her body a little.

"chill. I mean no harm okay. I was just passing by then you know, i kind of enjoyed the show by the way",he answered sounding pleased.

"liar!",she said slowly moving her feet.

"stubborn. I like it",he smiled. Well can't blame him. He likes stubborn people and this is the first time he had seen a woman as stubborn as he is!

"should i take that as a compliment?",she looked around and sniffed the air, searching whether this guy was alone or he isn't a threat. "tell me, who sent you?"

The guy finally revealed himself. He was tall and had a well built body, a chiseled jaw, those deep green orbs which seemed mesmerizing and the one that attracts her eyes the most was how red his hair was. He is totally handsome. She looked carefully and noticed a gold skull earing on his left ear.

"too handsome right?",he winked.

'ugh. So much for the so called love yourself!'she thought. "what do you want!",she asked again.

The guy laughed (the sexiest yet deadly laugh that could melt any woman's heart). "look, sorry for barging in with what you are doing but---",he immediately lunged towards her which she wasn't expecting.


The sound of a gun echoed through the alley. "son of a bitch!",he cursed while lying on the ground (on top of her).

She was dumfounded and stared at his handsome face. 'gosh. This guy was devilishly handsome',her thoughts exclaimed. Other than the access of seeing his handsome features up close, he smells so damn good....way too good....attractively goo...'wait! What!?',

"hello? I'm squished.",she said though  her face was as red a tomato.

He immediately stood up and gripped the thief's neck raising him higher, his feet was hanging a few meters from the ground. The thief struggled hard to free himself from the deathgrip. He wiggled and tried to reach out the man's face but the man was taller than him and stronger. "do you know what we do down there to people like you?",he said sternly looking at the thief. "wanna find out?",he smiled mischievously. The man's eyes widened for a moment then all that could be seen was white, his whole body was drained and finally, the red haired guy broke the thief's neck and the his body burned and turned into ashes.

"holy shit",she was shocked at what she saw with her mout left wide open then looked at the guy who pulled out the bullet from his shoulder without feeling any pain.

"stupid human",he hissed then looked at her.

She gulped hard knowing how powerful the person in front of her was. He was no ordinary person and she can sense it.

He then smiled...a playful charming smile. "now, you owe me a favor".

She blinked twice before the whole situation sank into her mind. "oh",was all she could say.

He went closer and she stepped back until her back hit the wall. He placed both hands on the wall on both sides near her head. She closed her eyes thinking he'd smash the wall and next her head. "cat got you toungue?",he said still smiling.

She opened her eyes and tried to think of anywords to fire back at him. "llookk...i didn't mean to be rude back then okay...i didn't do anything to you..",she stuttered. He leaned closer enough for his breath to touch the skin on her was so cool. She pressed the back of her head on the wall to keep distance from his face and placed both hands in front of her in attempt to stop him if he gets too close and yep, he went closer pressing his hard muscles on her hands. 'damn muscles',she thought. Her heart was beating faster and faster. Then, she thought of an idea.

She slowly lowered herself and was able to escape from his cage. She stood beside him...well, a few meters from him.

"look thank you okay.",she said trying hard not to stutter. "there, you go",she said as she was about to turn around slowly. The man just stood there silent but was still smiling looking straight at her, oh with her vampire senses she could feel his eyes piercing through her back. She walked right out of the alley but was still followed by the man.


How's this chapter so far? I've been thinking of the name for the guy but it's soo difficult😖
