Chapter 4

It seemed as if I had just laid my head on the pillows when a great force came bursting through the door, rushing straight across the room to the bed and smashing into me. "Uughh..." I groaned and turned over rubbing hard at my abdomen. Small soft hands ceased me and began shaking me beneath the bed covers.

What the heck!!

I bolted up in a crouch.

What! what! where! where!

Vigorously rubbing my eyes to see clearer in the the dark. My sight met a big dimpled smile.

"Wake UP Sawah!!!" came Sammy's shrill shriek."It's time For school.If You don't wake up now we'll be vevy vevy late."

"Oh go back to sleep Sam. It's still night." I answered motioning to the dark.

"No it ain't! It's the cwak of dawn!" Sammy demonstrated by forcefully turning my face to the glass sliding doors of the balcony.

"If you continue in this manner you'll be the one quaking soon!" And I snuggled back into bed.

That's when the imp played his Trump card "If you don't wake up NOW the boys will leave you behind, otherwise they'll never weach school in time. I y'heawd them say so."

I sat up and jumped out of bed and ran into the the bathroom. In less than twenty minutes I had brushed, showered and dressed. The best thing about short hair is that it doesn't need to be blow dried. As I walked out of the washroom I found Sammy perched on my bed.

" Sammy what are you still doing here? Don't you need to dress up for school?"

He looked up at me with a sulky expression . " Jake thwew me out. He said he needed his piwacy to dress."

With difficulty I held back my urge to laugh. "Oh... What's that?" pointing to a pile in his hands.

"My clothes. I'm supposed go elsewhewe and dwess myself."

"Alright then come on." I marched him off him to the basin. Helping him up I scrubbed his hands and face clean.

"Now off with your pajama tops." And I pulled on his clean shirt, carefully buttoning it.

"Take off your pajama bottoms."

"Nah. Thewe is no way I'm getting nwaked in fwont of you."

He he... right Naked!

"Okay... how about I turn around and you can wear your corduroys." I covered my eyes and turned around.

"I'm done. Can you help me with my shoe laces?"


We were one of the first down. Tom and Rick were already there on the breakfast table enjoying a bowl of cereal. Roy was devouring a comic book. As I poured a glass of milk for Sam and me, Jake walked in followed by Dale, who was putting finishing touches to his exquisitely gelled hair. We had to wait for sometime before either Brain or Adam made and appearance.

"All ready?? Lets go!" Brain yelled grabbing a set of keys. Everyone made their way outside and I followed suit. They abruptly stopped in front of the SUV. I stared at it in discomfort. There was no way of climbing in without making a fool of myself in front of the boys.

"We've forgotten our numbers have increased." came Dale's sickening drawl.

"Oh God! We can't fit anyone else at the back with us there is barely any space for us."

" She can ride in the truck." chimmed in Tom and Rick.

" And I'm not sitting on anyone's lap! Not again! There is just no chance!" added a disgruntled Roy.

"Enough!" came an expressionless voice "And don't be silly. She obviously can't sit in the truck for a two hour drive. Would like her to catch a cold?" he explained to the younger two.

I think they had all conveniently forgotten that I was spectator to the conversation.

"You'll sit in front." his cold eyes bore into me. This suggestion seemed to have settled well with all.Though Brain lifted an eyebrow as to question where.  Dumping the bags in the truck, they began to load in. I hesitantly made my way to front seat. Just as I had clambered onto the foothold I found myself gently assisted inside. Surprised, I turned around to find Adam sliding in beside me. I wanted to thank him but without looking at me he picked up Sam and dumped him on my lap.

" You took his place." he coldy explained.

"I don't mind Sawah, you'e more comfowtable than Adam." Sammy confessed in my ear while he squirmed around trying to settle in.

I was squished between Adam and Brain. And poor Rick was half on and half off Adam's lap. By the end of the ride I couldn't feel my legs. And I had a year of this to go. It was a slight relief that Sam, Rick and Tom were dropped of first. Sam at the Elementary while the other two at Secondary school.

We reached high school early. There were hardly any other students. Again I found my self being helped off by Adam but without a word from him, I wasn't sure if i should thank him. Well, I did not. I didn't want to have to deal with that scowling gaze of his.

The school wasn't as big as my last one. It had three buildings surrounding a courtyard. I easily located the school office and introduced myself to the receptionist. The formalities were quite simple. My old grades were good enough for the advanced courses that I wanted to take. I was provided with the course work and slips that needed to be signed by the teachers.

I realised that even here I wouldn't be free of the Rawnberre boys.

My first class was English. I made it to class early. As soon as I entered I noticed Dale crowded by his friends at the back. I immediately made for an empty seat far away from him. Nor did he bother acknowledging me. The seat next to me was occupied by a girl who was fast asleep over the desk. My movement woke her up. She gave me a shy smile "Ayra."

"Hi I'm Sarah."

"Yeah one of the Rawnberre... it's been around."

Wow. News travels quick.

For the rest of the class she didn't talk much. But helped me with the class work. I didn't press her. She seemed really shy.

My next class was Calculus.

" Oi here." Jake was pointing to the seat next to him. "It's my advanced course." he explained as I settled in beside him. I was glad to have Jake, he was extremely help-full. Since it had just been a week since school started, I hadn't missed much.

My next new partner was a surprise. I found a desk right at the back of my World history class. I put my head down waiting for class to begin. I felt a tremor beside me and looked up to find Brain jumping over the desk into the chair. "S'sup coz!?" Just then the teacher walked in and I got up to have my slip signed. But was pulled down into the seat by Brain.

"Mr. Richard, this is Sarah. My cousin. If you could please sign her slip." Brain loudly announced, waving my slip in the air.

"Ah another Rawnberre. But hopefully more promising." came Mr. Richard's dry voice. And instead of throwing us both out he came up and signed the slip.

"This one is easy. You can wrap him 'round your finger." Brain informed me in a whisper.

It was really difficult to concentrate in class with Brain more intent on playing the fool. He enjoyed distracting everyone, ready with a joke or witty comment. It made Mr. Richards boring lecture fun.

Next was Biology. The lab was in the other building so I got lost. I reached class 10 minutes late. The teacher let me in with a disapproving look. I searched around for an empty seat. My eyes met Adam's. He beckoned me to the place next to him making his old partner scurry to the seat behind.

Strange. Maybe he is warming up to me.

Well so much for wish full thinking. Adam far from talking to me didn't even glance at me during the whole period. If he wanted to act like such a jerk why get me the seat in the first place. And I had a bad feeling I was going to regret it....
