Chapter 3

Newt says Tommy in the movie. They kept their promise. CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THIS?

Thomas found himself walking to the library after lunch the next day as well. He had three days left before seeing Newt in group therapy, but he didn't want to wait that long. He'd continued to hold on to the boy yesterday until the other got out of his grip. It hurt Thomas a little bit, but he understood that Newt may've needed some space.

The strange thing to him, was that Newt still hadn't said much of a word to Thomas. He assumed the boy could speak, but he still found it interesting that he didn't say anything. Maybe he was just incredibly shy and scared, and Thomas went with that for now until he knew more.

Anyway, it was now after lunch on Friday, and he was walking past the shelf of books that filled with fiction, coming to a halt when he saw the beautiful blonde in front of him, reading one of his books again. It was a different one from yesterday, maybe Newt had finished the previous, but he was still there, reading.

Thomas approached him slowly, careful to not have the same thing as yesterday happen. It had scared him, and he worried for Newt without barely knowing anything about him. He was standing in front of the other now, clearing his throat slowly so that Newt would at least be aware of his presence. Thomas didn't get a reaction.

"Can I sit beside you?" Newt only nodded, and Thomas slowly sat down, careful not to sit on the others legs that were on the couch. He didn't need to hurt Newt.

It was silent for a few seconds as Thomas stared straight ahead at the books in front of him, but then he suddenly heard Newt whimpering. He turned to the blonde, seeing that he was visibly shaking and barely managed to keep his book steady in his hands. And then he looked at Thomas, tears in his already broken eyes as he barely managed to speak.

"P-please don't t-tell. They'll l-lock me u-up again." Thomas nodded, a little surprised to hear a british accent. Nevertheless, he wouldn't tell a soul.

"P-please." Newt whimpered again, a few tears falling from his eyes as his body continued to shake. Thomas wanted to hold him close, but he was hesitant to do so as yesterdays events loomed in the back of his mind.

Thomas was curious as to why Newt had stated that they'd lock him up again, indicating that it had happened before. But he didn't want to push it further as the thought was probably not a comfortable one for the blonde to discuss. Especially with someone that was still a stranger for the most part.

Newt was growing uncomfortable, his body working against him as he tried to steady his breathing. But he knew that Thomas didn't know how scared he really was of new people, or people in general. The fear of being judged was always on his mind, and all he wanted was to be desirable. He wanted to be that perfect person that no one thought bad off, but that was an impossible task that he strived to achieve. However, since he hadn't achieved it yet, he was constantly worried about someone thinking something bad about him.

Thomas was no different. He was scared of people. He was scared of the others thoughts.

And then Thomas reached for his unsteady hand, and Newt flinched as he moved his hands behind his back. The other seemed hurt, but he understood quickly that he may've just crossed a line with Newt, something he should've been more careful of. But he really wanted to hold Newt's hand, trying to soothe him.

"I don't want to hurt you or anything. I'd just like to hold your hand if you'll let me." Thomas hadn't expected Newt to nod in agreement, but the blonde shyly did, making his hands reachable for the other again. Thomas took Newt's hands in his own, noting how cold and small they were against his. But he didn't mind, instead he wrapped his fingers around the others palm, securing them in place. He kept his eyes on Newt's, but the others were looking downwards at his fingers. Thomas smiled at him shyly, admiring the boy up close.

"Is this alright?" Newt nodded again, biting his lower lip anxiously as he looked into Thomas' eyes. Both their hearts were beating equally fast, and Newt was scared. He was scared of what was happening to him when Thomas was so close. He'd never accepted someone else so easily. Newt was scared of people, so why could Thomas suddenly calm him whilst racing his heart at the same time?

"N-no one else has h-held my hand b-before." Thomas blushed slightly before a genuine smile made it's way onto his lips as he continued keeping eye contact with Newt.

"Well I'm honored to be the first. I'm Thomas." Newt giggled silently, and Thomas swore he'd never heard something sound so cute before. The blonde sounded unsure and a little happy when he giggled, and Thomas thought it was angelic and pure.

"I know. Names Newt." It was the first time that he'd spoken without a stutter, and Thomas would've normally said something about it, but he felt like it might make Newt unsure of himself once more. He wanted the blonde to be comfortable around him. He needed him to be.

"Are you here often, Newt?" Thomas was careful as he spoke, watching every word in case the other ended up panicking before running to find a sharp object.

"Y-yeah." Newt seemed embarrassed, a blush forming as he looked down at his crossed over legs.

"Do you like to read?" Newt nodded again, regretting it when he thought that Thomas might make fun of him for being a book worm.

"I like to read too." The blonde glanced up again, letting himself look at Thomas' eyes once more before he smiled.

"Y-you do?" Thomas chuckled as he looked at their hands.

"Yeah. I do." Newt was quiet then, and all Thomas could hear was the blondes heavy breathing. Thomas desperately racked through his brain so that he could settle on a topic and actually talk to Newt, but everything he could think of seemed to be something that would make Newt want to run off again, and he couldn't afford to have that happen.

Newt on the other hand, slowly felt like Thomas' silence was an indication that the blonde should leave, as he clearly didn't want to talk to him. It upset him, and he closed his book after having marked the page, ready to go back to his room to lock himself in for the rest of the day until someone came by to force feed him something.

"Are you leaving?" The blonde looked back at him, surprise written all over him because Thomas had sounded so confused when he thought that Thomas would be relieved to see him go.

"Unless you're really busy, I'd love it if you stayed." Silence overtook them once more, or at least for Thomas it did. Ever so slowly, a faint voice made its way into Newt's head again, taking over him with such force that he couldn't breathe anymore.

"Newt? What's wrong?" Thomas had noticed the blondes sudden change. His breathing had slowly turned irregular, and his eyes seemed distant but glaze with tears. He could make out fear. He could see everything he'd seen the day before.

"Newt?" He said again, but the blonde didn't register his voice, because all he could hear was the voice inside his head, telling him that Thomas didn't want him there. How Newt didn't deserve to have someone so kind waste time with him.

The blonde was about to run off again, ready to grab anything that could help him get rid of what was inside of him, but Thomas had reached out for his thin waist, keeping him in place as he did not have the strength in him to get out of the other boys grasp. He was too weak, and Thomas was too strong.

"I want it gone." Tears were running freely from his eyes, and it only intensified the cruelty of the demon inside of him when he thought of how Thomas was probably laughing at how pathetic he looked. But the reality was entirely different, because Thomas was scared.

"What is it you want gone?" His voice was slow and hesitant, and he knew that whatever he'd say, he'd have to be careful.

He thinks you're stupid. Crazy and delusional.

Newt whimpered, trying to fight off whatever was speaking to him. It was so loud that the blonde couldn't exactly understand how Thomas wasn't able to hear it. The blonde fell back when his knees buckled from lack of strength, and he ended up crying in the strangers lap. It all just kept getting worse.

He didn't ask for someone as sick as you to sit on top of him. Get off!

Newt scrambled to get up, but Thomas held him in place. His last resort was to scream, and so he did. A loud and pained screech left his throat, and Thomas almost covered his ears. Almost. But he couldn't, because that meant letting the unstable boy go, and he wasn't sure he could have that.

A worker came over, and it seemed to Thomas like the new addition thought that he was in danger, when he wasn't in danger at all. When the guy tried to reach for Newt, he snapped because of it.

"Don't touch him!" He threatened, his voice dangerously low.

"He needs to be locked up until he is proven to be stable again. We cannot have patients having outbursts and not have any consequences for it." The guy tried to seem calm, but when Thomas stood up, holding Newt behind him whilst hovering above whoever the guy was, fear was evident from a mile away on the strangers face.

"You are not locking him up. He stays with me." The blonde had his arms linked around Thomas' own, hiding behind him, which wasn't all too difficult because he lacked so much muscle mass and height.

"Stilinski, I will have you locked up again too if you do not let me do my job." Thomas hissed. Of course he'd be mistaken for his brother. Stiles had been in this place for a lot longer than him, therefore already having had a year to make an impression that seemingly wasn't a good one.

"You think I'm Stiles? I'm Thomas you idiot." Thomas lunged for him then, throwing him to the ground as Newt stared and watched. The voice had disappeared into nothing, but he himself was still in utter amazement that Thomas was so angered by someone wanting to take him. No one would've normally defended the blonde like that and prevented him from being locked up. Especially a stranger.

It made him think that maybe Thomas wasn't all too bad.

He felt an arm trap him by the chest, and panic went through him once more at whoever was holding him. The blonde could see more staff members arriving, prying Thomas off the poor man, and he assumed that he himself was being held back by one. That very thought brought a horrible sense of fear into him once more, and he struggled to breathe again as he was being pulled further and further away from Thomas.

"Thomas!" Someone called, and it took a second for the blonde to realize that it was himself that had shouted for the other.

Thomas had heard, because he suddenly stopped hitting the guy and let himself be pulled off from him. He desperately searched for Newt, finding him not too far away from him. But he couldn't reach him anymore, as he was being held back by three staff members that had shown up. The only thing he could think of doing, was reassuring the blonde that it would all be okay.

"Newt! Newt listen to me. I don't know what they're gonna do but I promise that you'll be fine." The blonde tried to believe his words, but it became harder and harder the further he was dragged away from the one person that brought him some sense of security.

And when Newt could no longer see Thomas, a whole new set of tears fell from his eyes, and he let himself break down entirely and cry.

That was the last thing he could fully remember before they brought him into a room downstairs and locked him up, unaware that Thomas was locked up in the room right beside him.

Two whole weeks had passed, and Newt was still trapped in the same room. He was scared every day, and the food he received he'd leave on the ground untouched. He refused to eat, especially when he was stuck in the same place, completely restricted from the freedom he usually had. Sure, he may've not had much freedom to begin with, especially with voices inside his head all the time, but at least he could go to the library and lose himself in a good book. Even a terrible book sounded good by now. He would've done anything to get out of here sooner.

Newt was regularly checked on by staff and his therapist, and he grew agitated by it quickly because he didn't want to talk to them. He didn't want to talk to anyone at all. He didn't want to eat. He didn't want to sleep.

What he ended up doing, was slamming his head against the wall countless times out of mere boredom. He'd also find himself hitting his arm against the bed post, causing his skin to bruise. It wasn't as good as something sharp, but there was nothing else in the room for him to use. The people that worked in this place were smart enough not to trust him with any of it.

Newt wore sweaters, but his arms were regularly checked at his weekly appointments with one of the doctors, so it's not like he could actually hide it. His scars were visible, scattered around everywhere with fresh cuts creating uneven bumps above the damaged skin.

The blonde always managed to find something to hurt himself with, and the staff couldn't prevent it.

He didn't exactly see it as hurting himself though. Newt was hurting what was inside of him. Something had taken over his body a long time ago. Speaking to him and critiquing every little thing that he did. The blonde had tried to get rid of this thing for years, desperately slashing his skin in hopes that it would die.

But it never did die, because it was only an illusion that he'd created. Nothing was taking over him, but Newt didn't know that. To him it was as real as anything else.

Newt hadn't been in group therapy the past two times, because patients that were locked down here apparently weren't stable enough to be around a group. The blonde thought it was stupid, but it's not like he missed going.

He was finally let out another week later, and it was like he could finally take a breath of fresh air again after being stuck in such a compact space for three weeks. It had been torture, but he'd gotten through it.

The blonde headed straight for the library when they'd finished checking on him one final time. He rushed over to his usual corner, although rushing for him wasn't all too fast as his one bad leg held him back, and his overall strength to carry him places, lacked. Especially after refusing to eat as often as he did.

Newt went over to the section that was filled with classics, opting to read the original story of Peter Pan for the fifth time instead of searching for something new. He went over to his usual corner where he always sat, only to find it already occupied by someone. But it wasn't just anyone, it was Thomas.

Thomas looked up when the blonde slowly approached, his head down and his teeth chewing nervously on his lower lip. He slowly took a seat next to Thomas, keeping a safe distance incase Thomas thought he'd have been too close.

Thomas couldn't help but stare at Newt. The smaller boy looked so sick, it was frightening. His cheekbones were more visible than three weeks ago, and his whole body was shaking from exhaustion. He was pale as if he'd never seen the sun, and his eyes were that of someone with a broken and lost soul.

Newt took the staring as a bad thing, which it kind of was, and he quickly hid his face in his hands so that Thomas wouldn't see his tears. But Thomas knew that Newt was crying. He could see it with the way the blondes body started to jerk, and he gently placed a hand on the boys back to comfort him. The smaller jumped up in surprise, but he leaned into the touch when he realized that it was only Thomas trying to tell him that it was okay.

"How long have you been out for?" The voice almost seemed foreign to Newt after not having heard it after three weeks, but he glanced up to look at the source anyway before stuttering out an answer.

"An h-hour or so a-ago." Thomas nodded, still in shock over Newt's state.

"What did they do to you?" The question came out before he could stop it, and he internally cussed himself out for saying something like that to Newt.

Even he notices that you don't look right.

"I-I'm sorry." He whimpered, and Thomas wanted to laugh, because Newt had nothing to be sorry for.

"Why?" The blonde only looked at him. Thomas should know what he means. He should know that Newt's apologizing for not looking presentable.

"I look h-horrible." Newt stuttered out. Thomas may've agreed that he didn't look well, but he sensed that the blonde meant it in an entirely different way that he himself didn't agree with.

"I don't think so."

He's lying.

"Y-you don't?"

Yes, he does.

"No, I don't." The blonde smiled at him, the voice at the back of his mind almost disappearing because Thomas seemed to work like a distraction.

"T-thank you, Tommy." The nickname rolled off his tongue effortlessly, and it was only after he'd spoken it, that he realized what he'd said. It ended with him blushing, and he could see the other with a slight tint on his cheeks as well.

"Well, Newt. Maybe we could go get dinner?" The blonde winced at the word dinner, not wanting Thomas to ask questions about his behavior but knowing that it would come up if he went. So, he didn't quite understand why he nodded and mumbled a silent okay.

Thomas was the first to stand up, Newt following with the book he'd gotten earlier, still in his grasp. The other seemed to see it then, carefully taking it from the blondes slim fingers to observe it.

Great, now he'll think you're a child. Peter Pan? What are you, seven?

"It's a good book, isn't it?" Newt bit his lip, nodding slowly before reaching out to the cover again. Thomas gave it back to him, smiling slightly, and the blonde found his heart skip a beat.

"Y-yeah. Peter Pan is my favorite classic." He regretted saying those words as soon as they left his lips, thinking that Thomas would make fun of him, but no laughter came.

"I love that book, too." Newt's head snapped back up in records speed, barely believing that Thomas had just said he liked something that he adored.

"R-really?" The other laughed then, making the smaller look down in shame, thinking that Thomas had only been joking about it.

"Really. Now why don't we go to the cafeteria?" Thomas started to walk to the exit then, and Newt really didn't know why he followed, but he did.

The cafeteria was a weird place for Newt to be in. He rarely ever walked in here, and usually if he did then it was only to please the staff so that they wouldn't bug him about it and have to bring him food.

He hated this place for two reasons. One, he had a huge fear of people, and being in crowds was one of the worst things he knew. And two, it held food. Food meant gaining weight, which meant more insecurities and more imperfections.

Newt followed Thomas like a lost puppy, grabbing onto the taller boys sleeve as if to shield himself from his surroundings. Thomas didn't seem to mind, he barely responded as he reached for a plate and started putting salad onto it, the blonde looking on in disgust.

"You're eating that?" He asked, already wishing that he could take the words back.

"I'm hungry. And I'm one of the few weirdos on this earth that likes a good salad." Newt scrunched his nose, something Thomas found to be adorable, but he obviously didn't comment on it. Though that didn't change the fact that he had the strong urge to leave a kiss on Newt's nose as a response.

He's gonna gain so much weight just from that dressing alone. Stay away from that.

For once, Newt agreed with the voice that had spoken. He didn't need that. The blonde did get a plate though, putting exactly seven cherry tomatoes onto it. It was the one thing he actually enjoyed to eat, because he thought the sweetness of them were delicious and not too hard on him.

They got some water as well, or well, he did. Thomas got a cherry coke, and Newt inwardly cringed before they sat down somewhere further in the back, the blonde still avoiding to catch any other persons eye. Why the hell had he agreed to this?

"Is that all you got?" The concern in Thomas' voice was evident, but Newt understood it as the other attacking him for his lack of dinner. He couldn't process that the boy was worried for him.

"Y-yeah. W-why? Is that bad?" The blonde bit his lip, picking at one of the tomatoes before watching it roll to the opposite side of the plate, joining two other tomatoes that were sitting still.

"It's just not that much. Aren't you hungrier?" Newt shook his head, his head hung in shame as he started chewing on one of the cherry tomatoes. The taste wasn't as great as he remembered it being, but he blamed that on Thomas.

"Newt?" Thomas tried to reach for his hand, but Newt hid them behind his back so that they weren't reachable.

The blondes sorrowful eyes met Thomas', almost as if telling Thomas exactly why there was such a lack of food on his plate. And then everything seemed to clear for Thomas, as if he'd solved the puzzle piece that made it all fit together. What he could see broke his heart, but it was undeniable. It was the only truth that couldn't simply be looked over.

Newt was skinny. Too skinny. His body was weak, literally having to drag himself places because of the lack of strength. Newt's cheekbones were sunken in, his eyes dark and depressed. The blondes hands were bony. And Newt was incredibly small in whatever sweater he'd decided to wear. Nothing fit him.

Thomas couldn't help the audible gasp that left his lips as his eyes widened, fully alert of the situation that he hadn't been able to see until it was standing right before him.

Newt had an eating disorder.

It might seem a bit confusing that Stiles and Thomas have different last names when they're twins, but that will be explained eventually so bare with me. And it seems like every chapter of every story I write has them crying like what am I doing to them XD Oh and if it seems kinda rushed that they're already like "close" then keep in mind that they're patients in a mental hospital and it works a little differently in the sense that Newt clearly isn't well and Thomas suddenly appears and he's someone the blonde can actually somehow find comfort in. And Thomas in general is just incredibly sweet to him because he knows Newt's really broken and he can't just leave him alone.

Seriously now though, the Tommy thing...
