Tora's Training

When I woke up Tora was already sitting at the end of my bed petting Tamako. "Ah, your finally awake. I was going to wake you up but I see that's unnecessary now. Come, your mother has made us breakfast."She said. I got ready, then headed down stairs with Tora. We ate some breakfast then we went to the park. "I need to ask you something. But please don't laugh." She said nervously. "Don't worry, I'm your friend! I wouldn't do that!" I said sweetly. "Okay, here goes. Would you please train me!" She said, worried that I would say no. "Of course, when do you want to start your training?" I asked. "Can we start tomorrow?" She asked excitedly. "Sure!" I said happily. I've never seen her so happy in her whole life! "Well I have to go to the academy see you after school!" I said while running down the pathway.
