Stories Of The Spirits pt 2

Tanjiro began to close his eyes for the night, attempting to get as much rest as he could as he would begin re training his swordsmanship tomorrow.

As he drifted off to sleep, the world around him began to take a new shape. Tanjiro stood in a grass field, no trees or mountains to be seen in the distance, only the deep purple night sky. The stars seemed to be the only company Tanjiro had been given.

As Tanjiro began to turn around, he noticed a figure standing behind him. It was a man who looked similar to Tanjiro's own father, but he knew this man was someone different. He had red hair and red eyes, as well as the same hanafuda earrings Tanjiro had. He looked to be about 30. Tanjiro realized this must be another visitor from the spirit realm.

"Who are you?" Tanjiro spoke up

"I am Yoruichi, the creator of the breathing techniques, and the original sun breather."

'This was the original sun breather?' Tanjiro thought

"I'm sure you must be curious as to why I am here."

"That I am Mr. Yoruichi." Tanjiro replied

"You have been given a gift young Kamado, one that has been past down to you from generations before you. I believe you have the power to finally bring an end to Muzan. This is why you have been kept here, to save mankind from the evil that seeks to destroy it."

"How could I possibly defeat Muzan, I'm not even strong enough to defeat an Upper Moon without nearly dyeing?" Tanjiro questioned

"You must learn to master Sun Breathing. With it, you will become even stronger than a Hashira. Every Breathing Style that has ever been created came from Sun Breathing. Sun Breathing does not simply harness the power of the sun, but of nature itself. Sun Breathing can even be mixed with other breathing styles  to create new forms. It's power only being limited by the user."

"Tanjiro..." He became very serious

"Yes Mr. Yoruichi?"

"You must learn to let go of your limits and push past what you believe is impossible. Only then will you be able to defeat Muzan and save your sister. You can be as strong as you want to be as soon as you learn to trust yourself and let your limits disappear."

"I promise I will." Tanjiro affirmed

"Good, I believe in you young Kamado."

With that, Yoruichi began to walk away, seeming to fade out and he got more distant.

Tanjiro began to wake up, knowing he must start training as soon as possible.

Training Arc:

Tanjiro sat in the forest behind the Butterfly Estate meditating, he focused on the fire burning inside his heart. He could feel it, the immense power that Yoruichi was telling him about.

Tanjiro picked up his blade and readied his fighting stance, he began to swing his sword, re adjusting to the necessary motion of his blade, he began to feel the fire inside him spark up. Tanjiro let his heart take full control.

He locked his eyes onto a large boulder in the distance, deciding this would be his target to test out his power.

Tanjiro felt his breathing shift as he adjusted his stance.

Tanjiro shifted his right leg back as he knelt down onto his left leg, pressing his left palm against the ground. He felt the raw strength from the earth below him begin to channel into his blade as it ignited into a brown and red blaze.

"Sun-Breathing, Earth Form, Volcanic slash."

Tanjiro kicked off of the ground, gaining momentum as he dashed toward the boulder. He brought his blade back and horizontally aligned his blade with the center of the stone.

Tanjiro's blade melted through the boulder without any resistance, causing the boulder to erupt into molten fragments from the raw power of Tanjiro's attack.

Tanjiro turned around to see the aftermath of his attack. Tanjiro's jaw dropped as he looked at the shattered stone that sat where the boulder used to be.

Tanjiro realized that with Sun Breathing's connection to the other Breathing Styles, he could utilize there strengths mixed in with his own Breathing to boost his power to a level that many demons would not be able to match.

Tanjiro decided to continue his meditation and try to understand the very power that was currently coursing through his veins. He figured the more he understood it, the more of its power he could unleash.
