
Meanwhile, Soleil's ghost came out of Ciel's necklace. She saw Ciel bleeding.

Soleil: I gotta do something. Ghosts, help me heal Ciel.

Using their combined powers, Ciel was healed. He then opened his eyes.

Ciel: What happened?

Soleil: You were really close to dying. I'm lucky Haou didn't jam our powers this time.

Ciel: Where's Alma? And Angie?

Soleil: They went on ahead. But I think Haou may have gotten to them, too.

Ciel: Well, you still have your powers. They could be dead.

Soleil: Let's go find them.

Kasha: But there are evil clones everywhere. How are we going to sneak past them and get outside?

Soleil: I have an idea.

Using her powers, she made Ciel invisible.

Soleil: Now no one can see you. Come on.

Ciel managed to sneak past Haou and his army and get outside of the castle.

Ciel: ANGIE!!!

He went over to his girlfriend and Alma, who were both dead. Shelley was still unconscious, but at least he's still alive.

Ciel: Please revive them, Soleil.

Soleil: Okay. I'll try.

Angelica and Alma both began to glow gold. A few seconds later, the glowing stopped. Angelica woke up first.

Angelica: Ciel!

She hugged him.

Angelica: I'm so sorry!

Ciel: About what?

Angelica: Alma and I left you while you almost died. I should've helped you...All I cared about was getting out of Dark World.

Ciel: It's alright. Just...don't do it again.

Alma: How did you get out of the castle? That place was crawling with clones.

Ciel: Soleil made me invisible and we snuck out. 

Angelica: Soleil, I thought Haou jammed your powers?

Soleil: He didn't this time. Maybe he forgot.

Alma: Well, that's good. Now, do you have a power that can wake up Shelley?

Soleil: I'll try.

She floated over to Shelley and his body began to glow gold. After a few seconds, the glowing stopped. A groan was heard from Shelley.

Shelley: What...what happened?

Alma: Oh, Shelley! I'm so glad you're okay!

She hugged her twin.

Shelley: Alma? What are you doing here?

Alma: I came to save your butt. And also...I saw Ileen dead.

Shelley: But what about the module killer and his army?

Angelica: He's right. We better get out of here before they come back.

Soleil: Kasha, if you would be so kind...

Haou: Not so fast!

The group of modules gasped.

Haou: You lot killed my daughter! You'll pay for that!

Ciel: Kasha...get us out of here!

Kasha: Shouldn't we kill him first?

Angelica: Oh...right.

She fired an emerald beam from her necklace. Haou was sent flying back to his castle.

Alma: Okay, NOW we can leave.

Kasha: One trip home, coming right up.

And so, the group teleported out of Dark World.

I'll leave it up to Tammy to finish this series.
