Chapter 1: Mira

I woke up with a start, blinked my eyes rapidly. A strange white shape loomed over me as my vision cleared. I realized it was Chiron that was standing over me. Then the Ghostly form of Will's terrified face swam in front of me. I gasped. "Will!"

The old centaur was looking down at me nervously. "We need to talk," he told me. Those words were never good. "Come with me."

I stood up and brushed sand off of my hands. I looked around at my fellow campers. They all looked... Scared of me. I had never been looked at like that before. I followed Chiron to the big house. As I did I saw Will's body being lifted into an oak coffin. I almost broke down.

When we got to the house we went to the sitting room. I slumped down onto one of the couches. Seymour, the stuffed leopard head was snoring on the wall.(Probably dreaming about his sausages). I remembered when Will and I first got to camp Will almost had a heart attack when saw that Seymoure was alive.

Chiron told me that he didn't blame me completely, that there wasn't enough evidence for that yet, but I hardly heard what he said. I had just killed one of my siblings. He continued. "Until we can sort everything out, I want you to stay in cabin 7 indefinitely." I nodded. I was too 'dangerous' to be around anyone else. With a jolt I remembered Nico. What would I say to him? Holy Hades how is he going to react?! I Left the big house and went to lock myself in my cabin. I was scared. I had to share cabin 7 with my other siblings. What would they say? Nothing will ever be the same.

I know I was supposed to be on house arrest, but I had to know how my friend Lisa reacted to Will's death.

 I put on the invisibility cape she gave me for our first game of capture the flag we played together.(She may or may not have an obsession with Harry Potter) And careful not to make any noise, I stepped out of the cabin and slipped tords cabin 9, But before I even got close to the cabin I found Lisa heading toward a shed that was next to cabin 11. Lisa is a child of Hephaestus, She's about 5'4 with brown blonde hair and gray blue eyes and today she was wearing one of her Queen t-shirts. She's a nerd like Nico and I.

And O gods, Some campers were putting Will's coffin in the shed she was heading to. Lisa was lugging a large shield with a harp engraved on it towards the kids carrying the coffin. ( Wow this is going to end so well!). ''Hey you guys, seen Will,'' Lisa asked. ''I just finished fixing his shield.'' The kids looked at each other anxiously, and one of them pointed toward the coffin.

Lisa's eyes widened, then her jaw clenched, then her head and shoulders burst into flame.''YOU MEAN I FIXED HIS SHIELD FOR NOTHING?!'' The flames died down and her eyes filled with tears. She threw the shield down. ''UGHHHH!!''

She turned and ran for the woods. I knew where she was headed so I followed her. I found her staring at the oak tree that marked our special spot in the woods. The tree had four names engraved on it. Mira, Lisa, Nico, and, more recently, Will. It was our club tree so we had to brand it.

Lisa was crying. I took the cape off and sat beside her. She turned to look at me. "Were you there when it happened?" She said as wiped a tear from her eye. I looked away. "Sort of.... yea, I was there" I started crying. "H-how did it happen?" She asked me. I looked away again and stared at the brook that cut through a couple of oak trees about three yards away. "I sh- he was shot. With an arrow.."

Lisas gaze turned to the ground. "Poor Nico," she muttered. "Does he know yet?" she added. "I-I don't know.." I said, my voice cracking. "I don't know what I'm going to do when he finds out. He'll never trust me again-" I said in a rush. Lisa looked up and stared at me. "W-what do you mean he won't trust you anymore."

I realized I'd said too much. I didn't answer. Lisa glared at me " What do you know...?"

"It was me." I whispered, my voice barely audible. "YOU WHOT!!!" She screeched.

"Hey, don't go Brittish on me!" I protested in my Australian accent. You know it's bad when we argue in different accents... "Are you saying that you killed Will?" Lisa asked, still Britishly.

"I knew you didn't like him, but I didn't think you'd kill him!" she muttered. "Wait, do you still have that crush on Nico? Is that why you did it?" Lisa grinned.

"NO!" I said, maybe too quickly. "Okay, okay!" Lisa said, her eyes twinkling. I shrunk beneath her fiery, still British gaze. "I don't even remember pulling back the arrow." I said, my voice shaking. Lisa seemed to notice my discomfort.

"I know I'm not very good with people," she dropped her British accent. "But I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't kill one of your siblings-" "How do you know that?" I shot back.

"At least not on purpose."She amended. I gave her a fake smile. "Can you go check on Nico? I would talk to him myself, but..............................................." Lisa nodded slowly, her eyes betraying how nervous she felt about doing that. It was very hard to cheer up a child of Hades. Mostly because they could give you a one way ticket to the underworld whenever they felt like it. And Nico was no exception. Let's just say, anger issues run in the family.... I got up and snuck back to Cabin 7 under my cape again.

(all right, thats done. hope you liked it. tomorrows chapter will be delayed for school reasons, so i might just post it later tonight.
stay safe, and dont eat uncooked chicken in minecraft.
