Chapter 2

A voice spoke out of nowhere.
"The first task is the Honesty Test. You have to answer everything honestly or.. you will be eliminated. First question: Does anyone have guilt in their heart?
First Taylor will answer."
I was surprised. How does this voice know my name?!
"Ye.. Yes. I have guilt in my heart because of Rose's Death."
"Now Courtney."
What? I didn't know Rose's mother's name was Courtney, but that was not a topic that I needed to focus on.
"Yes. For not being a good mom and saving my child." She said in tears.
"Great. Now, Why did you name Rose, Rose?"
"Because of her red hair and green eyes." Said Rose's Mother
"Hmm. Now Taylor. Why did you make Rose chant, Samantha will return, Samantha will return, Samantha will return for her revenge?"
I felt guilty as I said,
"Because I wanted to see if Samantha was real or.... not. I heard about Samantha from a spirit book."
The voice asked us several questions and we answered them honestly.
"Ok. You have completed this task. You can move on. Have this key. It will drop in front of you in 2 seconds and so will the door."
The door appeared in front of us and so did the key. We opened the door with the key. It lead to a place that looked like hell.
