The New Guardian

*The Rise of The Guardians movie happens*

From what I could feel, and as far as I knew, my father was gone, and wouldn't be returning for a while.

Taking the chance while I had it, I decided to take a walk in the snow. My mum was at work, spending time with mortals like her. It hurt. No one saw me. I looked up at the moon, a waning gibbous at this point. I sighed. "Why'd you do this, Manny? It's bad enough you didn't just make me normal so Pitch wouldn't hate me, and so I would be seen by other people. This is a joke, there's nothing for me to do-" I stopped talking: I could hear a car coming. I whipped around. "Oops," I muttered, before stretching out my wings and launching myself over the car. I stayed in the air for a while, hovering. It didn't even beep. Of course not. I was invisible.

"Do you feel as if you're the only one in the world, sometimes?" A voice asked. I spun around in the air in tw9 full circles. I still didn't know where teh voice had come from.

"Who said that?" I called. "Pitch..?" I hoped not. I spun around once more, looking through the trees on the ground beneath me: I saw no one.

"Pitch? Me?" The same voice asked. I turned again, seeing a figure wearing a blue hoodie. "We just got rid of him, yesterday; you've got nothing to worry about." I checked for cars before landing on the snow, away from the road.

"What happened?" I asked. Or tried to ask because I heard my name. My mother was driving towards me in her jeep. "Mum!" I called in reply. She called my name again:

"I have something for you, sweetie!"

"Please be a puppy," I said quietly, crossing my fingers. I heard laughter from the voice behind me before it suddenly got really windy. I toppled over and fell into the snow and my mum got out of the car.

"Are you okay?" She asked, helping me up. I'd never fallen over from wind before.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good," I chuckled, stretching my wings and brushing myself off. "Just cold." We got back into the car and I pushed my seat back to where I normally had it - she must have given a colleague a ride home from work. Sitting on chairs was so uncomfortable with wings. "What was it you got for me, mum?"

