The cake

Carlo's POV

I have no idea what 'present' my grandmother said shell give me

But she said its important

"Okay hun, I have something for you"My grandmother said

She was sitting next to me on the love seat in the living room

She took out two rings

One with a red rubby on it and the other one was silver

They looked big way too big to fit

"These are you'res. Well you can wear them when your older. They used to be fathers rings. But I'm giving them to you"she said smiling

"Thanx but you didn't have too"

"Yeah but I wanted to give them to you"


"Thank you..for everything"I added

"Don't thank me Carlos "she said

I nodded

"I don't know what would have happened to us if you didn't save us"

"Don't think about it,hun. Its in the past"

"I know,but not all of us made it out"

She looked down with sadness in her eyes

"I know"she said in a quiet voice

"We did what we could. There was only ten of you kids" tears were forming in her eyes

I nodded

Only the six of us made it out

We don't know what happened to the other four kids

We think they might have died in the fire

Sometimes we think they survived and were kept in the lab

but my grandmother says that the laboratory is under critical situations and won't be back on their feet in years

"Well try and investigate more on what happened that night"

"Yeah"I agreed

"Okay tell you're sister to come down. Its time for her piano lessons"

"Yes ma'am"

I made my way upstairs to Katherine's room

Its a decent size with white walls a queen bed,a bookshelf,a desk,and a key board next to her bed

"Katherine its time for you're piano lessons"

She was on her bed reading her glasses almost falling down

"Okay"she said pushing them back in place

Katherine has been learning how to play piano since she was six

She would get mad every time I touched her key board and still dose

I dont play the piano what I like to play is the acoustic guitar

Cassandra and Brenda the violin

Gloria she just likes to play with random beats I'm not gonna lie

Some of the stough she comes up with is pretty cool

Victor well I don't know he's still trying to figure out

My grandmother gave us the option to learn how to play an instrument

she said "It helps the brain, so take advantage of my offer"

As my sister went down stairs
I decided to hangout with victor

He was in his room with Gloria

They have been hanging out more often than they did before

"Hey"he said as i came in

"Hey..watcha guys doing?"I asked as I sat on his bed

He was on a small couch that my aunt forced him to have

Gloria was his desk chair, laptop on her lap

"Just talking..why?"victor said with annoyance

"Just asking, dude"

They stared at me as if I inturupted them

I rolled my eyes

"Fine geez I'll you two alone"I said as I walked out

"Hey Cass"I said walking in her room

I was bored so I have nothing to do

"Hey"she said with a smile

"What are you doing?"


"What is it"

I asked pointing to her drawing

She blushed "I-its a ninja warrior. I was bored I am drawing stupid stough"

I chuckled

She hates this type of attention just like Katherine

"Its not stupid its actually pretty cool"I complimented

"Thanx"she smiled

Cassandra is into the anamey drawing

She's pretty talented

"I see you got most of you're wall covered with drawings"I looked over the pictures

"Yeah..they look bad"she said looking at them with a disappointed look on her face

"Nah..there good actually"

"Really?"she asked

"Yeah...why do you think there bad. Your talented at this"

She smiled and shrugged

"Yeah..I guess"

"So with one is you're favorite?"I asked clearly interested

"Mmm...that one"she pointed at a drawing with a girl holding a flower

"Wow that is sick"I said getting up to take it down

Getting a better look at it

"Dam Cass you're good like really good"

She let out a small laugh

"I guess"

Her and Gloria are complete opposites for twins

Cassandra is more of a quiet girl who just draws and reads

Gloria she talks a lot she just reads magazines and is on her computer doing God knows what

Not just with hobbies but also how they dress

Cassie she's more of dark colors

And Gloria is more of light colors

Twins but opposite though they do finish there sentences and look at each other when the need help or just when something awkward or funny happens

That why Brenda calls them 'cree"py twins'

"Guys I'm bored"Brenda said walking in "you're sister and victor kicked me out"

"Unbelievable"I said shaking my head

"They did that to you huh?"she pointed at me


"That's messed up"Cass said

"I know"we both said

Brenda gasped

"You know what we should do?"she said with exitment


"She should prank them. Come on guy's"

We smiled and nodded

Brenda smirked rubbing her hands like an evil villian would do

"I got an idea"

"Okay we should blow up some balloons put them in a cake pan and cover it up with frosting. Tell them that its actual cake"

"That is smart"Cassandra said smirking

"Well we just need Katherine"I said

"Need me for what?"she asked walking in

We explained everything to her

When we were done she was grinning

"Man I haven't done something like this in a while. We definitely need to do this. Plus they deserve it,they just kicked me out and they have been ignoring us most of the time"

"Wow selfish people"Brenda said"K let's go down stairs"


"Do you hear anything?"I asked my sister who was keeping watch

"Nope,there still up there"

"Were almost done"Brenda said from the kitchen

"This better work"my sister said next to me

"It will relax Jesus woman have some hope"Brenda told Kat

She rolled her eyes "Whatever"

"Okay were done Cassie give it to them"


"Here" Brenda handed her plates, knives and forks

To make it look at les obvious as possible

"Here goes nothing"whispered Katherine

We were in front of victors room


We heard a loud pop followed by a scream

We burst into laughter as they came out with frosting on them

"This is not funny"gloria said

Katherine was on the floor holding her stomach from laughing so hard

"Oh my god what happened"Aunt Kate asked

Followed by Stephen "I'm not going to ask"

We were laughing so hard we couldn't talk

"They tricked us by saying it was cake but it was just ballons covered with frosting"Gloria complained

We all laughed even harder

"You guys are grounded"My aunt Kate pointed at us

We stopped laughing

"That's not fair,it was just a prank"Katherine pouted

"I dont care as funny as this is,you guys are grounded for wasting frosting and making a mess"she said smiling

"This is not funny"

"It kinda is"victor said to Gloria

She glared at him

He shrugged "Just sayin"

"Ugghh whatever"Katherine left

"I'm hungry"I said"whant to go downstairs?"

I asked Cass

She shrugged "Sure"

As I always Katherine was at the kitchen eating


"We'll that was worth it"she said as we made some snacks

"Totally, Gloria's face was priceless"I said smiling

Cassandra laughed

"I'm surprised she didn't blow our heads off for staining her clothes"

We all laughed

It was good to have a normal time

No training, no spell practice

And especially no experiments
