Soul time


What no one knew that day was that shit was about to hit the fan. 

I know you must be thinking things like how or why I know these things. Truth be told, boss warned us about something similar. He said I couldn't infer in anyway with, what was going to happen to Kat and Izu. None of us could. You see, the boss has this ability to know things before the rest of us. It's how he makes the lists we all have to follow. The thing with this was, I had a feeling that not even the boss truly knows what's going to happen to my family. They may not be blood related, but all of them from UA are our family. 

Being told to stand down and not interfere in any physical way, wasn't sitting right with me. So I did the one thing I could think of. I gathered information on everything and anyone I could about the mission I overheard was given to my family. 

From what I gathered, this mission was sending them into the pits of hell on earth. The highest security prison in all of Japan, just to talk to the purple mist guy from the League. This was a long mission considering the traveling and wait time to see the prisoners held there. 

It was strange to me, why they would need to be sent there in the first place. Usually a lower ranked hero would go speak to someone there. This whole mission screamed trap and I couldn't figure out why, when or how. 

Hopefully they'll be fine. Probably not, but who knows. Not me. I guess it's time to go back to work. With a huff I leave the small room I was listening to my family speak and portal to my next client. 

This one was an elderly couple who passed in their sleep holding hands.

"Deary! You must be here for us." The woman with kind eyes spoke to me with a smile on her face as she and her husband held hands awaiting their fate. 

"I am. Is there anything you wish to do before we leave?" I asked. 

"Not at all, son. It's time we leave, we've had a good life." The man spoke.

"This way please." I smiled at the pair opening my portal to their heaven for them to live out eternity together. 

With that I closed the portal and kept working. I was the Collector who got the honor of bringing All Might over. When he saw me, he nearly died, again. His face was a mixture of pride and sadness at seeing my current form. He also bore his signature smile as I led him into his paradise, where the boss would soon make him an offer. It was the same offer he gave my husband and I a year after we died. The offer we accepted for the chance to continue our hero work even in death. 

Well I gotta go. Souls to collect and all that. Hopefully I can help my family somehow. 
