
Reproduction is a standard thing for the first two trials, but beings take it to a new level. Though logically inefficient, they wish for a monogamous mate. They believe a feeling should be the dictator of this part of their lives. Some say it is a feeling accommodating to the biological senses for a good mate, but that isn't quite right. Beings need to feel in control. By allowing a feeling of passion to decide the proper mate they can feel like it was their choice and not their body's.

Relationships between two or more beings help them survive their challenges in a way. In the first trial you still have emotion but not the same level. Beings have this 'gut feeling' that tells them who to like and trust. Most of it is biological signals but these feelings can grow and become beneficial to the being. These emotions give them someone to listen to and have listen to them because it is hard to keep your sanity of you can barely understand most of the thoughts in your own head.

Beings have this thought process that all other creatures are just on the planet to reproduce, but that they are there to love. In fact, all creatures including beings are on the planet to make more of themselves so that the challenges will continue. Love isn't necessary to achieve that aspect of the cycle, but it does pose its own set of challenges. Beings have to learn what to do when emotions contrast, when two different loves conflict, and when love disappears.

Atalanta looks into the eyes of the young man in front of her. Years have gone by in this family, with this being by her side. She has laughed, cried, and rejoiced with them all. Now the son of the farmer that took her in, kneels before her with a small pearl ring in his hand.

I have seen her smile at him so many times. I've always given her the option of a hug or peak on the check, but she would rarely take that choice. She eyes begin to water as she stares down at him, hand over her mouth. I connect with her thoughts.

Each memory whirls by in a tornado of thought. Her parents, both memories of them happy and sad are most of what I can see. I send my voice forward as far as I can past her thoughts. You can spend your life with him but take the chance of becoming like your parents or you can say no and leave his love unrequited.

The thoughts around me change. Fresh new memories shine through. Them making pie, her sneaking a peak at him in the other field, and her wish upon a star that she can be happy one day all come into the storm of her brain.

I back out and look at her face. A tear rolls down her check as she continues to look down. I look at the being in front of her, his face soft and sad. He stands up and engulfs her in an embrace. He tells her how he won't be like her father, he will be like his own. Atalanta leans out of the hug and looks into his eyes.

