7. female titan

Timeskip bout 4 months like that

This is my first time go to expedition. I follow levi squad now. We are running away from female titan who tag us.. not us but eren.

I was happy cause well i don't have to fight in their uniform. I wear my uniform with my haori and also bring my katanas. I was riding my horse since i got one of them. Erwin give it to me and ask me to train her. I decide to give my horse name kuro since she was all black like levi except there some white sock on her leg.

Eren was bout to change into titan but we stop him. "Eren believe in us" petra said to eren make his eyes widen

"What is your decision eren! Hurry up!" Levi shout at him. "Arghh! I'm moving forward!" He said and make me smile.

"Than look forward and don't look behind" i said to him. We run forward and suddenly i smell human infront of us.

'erwin! Why erwin at there and tok many people at there! Are they planning to trap female titans?!'

When we step in the trap suddenly i heard erwin shout "SHOOT!". All of us jump to the branch.

The female titan are now trap and can't move at all. "Eren go run away with the others.. y/n you stay here" levi said us and they salute.

I go next to levi and erwin. "Now it's time to show your self titan!" Levi said and go to her neck.

He was bout to cut her neck but she freeze her neck and levi sword broke. "You! Just give up already!" Levi said and kick her head again and again.

Suddenly the titan start to scream and make us cover our ears except for erwin. 'how tough his ear tho?!'.

I remove my hand from my ears suddenly smell a lot of titan coming to our direction.

"Erwin! There's a lot of titan coming to us. I can smell them" i said to him. "I also smell them" mike said

"Protect the female titan whatever it takes! Kill all the titans!" Erwin said and they salute.

They using their 3dgm to kill the titan. I use water breathing to kill them. Suddenly when we lost a lot of life and more titan coming...

"Fall back!" Erwin said. Levi land next to erwin and i and he just tch.

Levi pov

Erwin ask us to fall back and i land between y/n and erwin. "Tch that bastard" I said

All the titan start to eat female titan "disgusting" i said. After all the titan gone, we check on the female titan and saw no one in the neck.

"She must got eaten already" mike and some of the other cadet said. "no, she must run away. Does have anyone saw titan eating her?" Erwin said and they just gulp.

I look around and notice y/n gone. "Where the hell is that brat gone?!" I look around and still nothing seen.

"She must notice the titan shifter and go chasing her. Levi refill your gas and search for eren and y/n" erwin told me

"Tch, my gas is enough to go after then" i said.

"Levi refill it" erwin look at me with unreadable face. "Is that an order?" I look into his eyes.

"Yes" he said and i just tch and refill my gas. After that, i began to search for my brat

'don't die or i will kill u by myself brat' i thought and search her around

Y/n pov

I notice someone came out from the female titan neck. I chase her and ignore to tell the others cause i afraid i lost her.

I jump to tree to tree. I notice she was wearing a green cloak and use 3dmg to run away

"Oii stop right there!" I said to her. She turn back little and start to run away more faster.

I use my breath and quickly go after her

Annie pov

I quickly get out from my titan form and run away. I heard someone shout "Oii stop right there!"

I turn around a little bit to peek who it was. My eyes widen when i saw y/n. I know her pretty well.

She become my friend and idk how but we become friends. She was from other world. She can run a lot faster than normal people can.

I quickly look forward and go more faster. I look behind and saw she still can catch me up.

I saw someone... Eren! All levi member squad at there. I decide to kill one of them to let eren become rampage and fight me.

I know i will win if i fight him. I go to one of his friend and bout to kill him but someone block me.
