Cursed Island

When everyone finally arrived to the cursed island that the sailors were talking.

Pinkie said while getting off the boat "Its not that bad."

Baby said "Raping ghosts and dead pirates is not that bad?"

Pinkie smiled and said "Yup!!"

Baby rolled her eyes and said "Ok...If you say so."

Sonic ran past the group and yelled "Yes!! The smell of dirt!!!!"

Foxy said "Ye' are a' idiot."

Sonic yelled "RACE ME!!!!"

Freddy punched Sonic on the head causing him to faint and said "Goodnight rodent."

Aj asked "Now what N.F.?"

N.F. walked towards the group and said "Now we go to the cave that the sailor was talking about."

Rarity asked "Can we at least go to a hotel or something?"

N.F. said "This place doesn't have any hotels."

Rarity sighed and said "Then at least tell us where a inn is?"

N.F. said while trying not to get frustrated "There is a village past that mountain." 

Rarity said "Thank you."

N.F. said to everyone else "From here on out I want you guys to go to the village." N.F. pointed towards the mountains and continued "Its past those mountains when you reach there just tell them that you guys are here because you guys are tourists."

Twilight asked "So we just stay there and let you figure out what has been happening here?"

N.F. was about to burst into flames and said "Yes, now go!"

Everyone ran at top speed to the village. On the way Fluttershy and Butterscotch had some animals follow them in which they started to follow Sonic because he was eating a chili dog.

Tails said "So there's the mountain now what?"

Vixen said "Its not that hard to figure out...We have to climb it."

Rarity said "Climb a mountain? I'll get my new dress dirty."

Ennard turned around and said "Outfits are meant to get dirty now quit complaining."

Rarity said "I will not mister disordered."

Ennard said "That's a new name mister disordered not very creative, but still stupid think of a better name than mister disordered."

Rarity yelled "What do you mean by a better name than mister disordered?!!!?!!!!"

Ennard shrugged and said "Well you don't really have a proper name to call me and everyone calls me something mean, but no one ever calls me mister disordered."

Rarity said "Oh will you just shut up."

Ennard said "I was quiet until you started to be annoying."

Rarity said "I'm not annoying I'm just stating my opinion."

Ennard said while turning back around "Stating your own opinion against someone who has zero sense of sanity is not a good sign."

Rarity stopped and asked "Wait don't you have your sanity?"

Ennard shook his head and said "No, not really basically I never actually had sanity before."

Rarity asked "What happened to it?"

Ennard shrugged again and said "Well it never really came to my mind before and I didn't really want to be sane because that sounds like a lot of work to deal with. Wake up like a normal person, entertain the children without moving a lot, and also having to deal with being used for parts and have to deal with people calling me a monster after I have been scooped and have sit completely still for 24/7." 

Rarity said "So you think that being insane will help you out with this madness?"

Ennard said "Not really, but it gives something to do besides having to deal with being hurt a lot and have to deal with humans calling me a monster."

Rarity said "I'll shut up now."

Ennard smiled and said "Good because I'm done talking to you!"

Rarity froze and yelled "What?!"

Baby grabbed Ennard's hand showed him a new plant.

Ennard looked down at it and asked "What is that?"

Baby said "I don't really know."

??? said "Its best if you don't touch that specific plant it will kill you."

Everyone froze and stared at figure.

(Uh oh a cliffhanger...Do you guys always hate cliffhangers because I do and I apologize for putting one in and please don't hate me.)
