The end

That night when I went to sleep, I had a peculiar dream, and I heard Darwin ask "is he gonna be alright?" When I woke up suddenly and saw I was in the hospital. Wait, how did I get...wait a minute, that all wasn't real...well I'm glad it wasn't. "Mom, Dad, what happened?" Mom told me that the car fell of the cliff and when it hit the ground the car got totalled but luckily no one was critically injured but me. I noticed a big gash on the side of my head and it burned like no other. The doctor let me go home with some pain pills and bandages on my head. When we left the hospital doors, I got to see the car, and yeah, Mom was right, it was totalled.

And when we got home I was pampered and didn't have to go to school but it still wasn't worth the pain. But I'd much rather have this pain with my family than without.
