
@Harry’s POV@

It’s been a month, a month since the babies were born. Three weeks since Grayson came home and two weeks since Bentley came. The hardest part of being a parent so far has been the day we were told Grayson could come home with us because he had no difficulties breathing but Bent had to stay. Bent had to breathe through an oxygen mask for three days after he was born and needed to gain a few more ounces before the doctors said he could come home. But now we were all home.

I feel so bad for poor Niall though. Having a caesarean took so much out on your body and all I wanted to do was sleep and take pain meds to keep the burning in my stomach to a minimal.

Another thing we found out after the twins were born was that I can actually breast feed. Well, not actually breast feed, more like nipple feed, I guess. But we found out the day after the twins arrived and I completely freaked out and the doctors rushed in. They told me that as long as I didn’t feed them from my nipples than the milk would dry and eventually would go away. Of course I, still wanting to feel like a man, said I would do that and the babies would drink from a bottle.

Then that one night I woke up to one of the boys crying, Grayson to be correct, crying and wanting a bottle. Niall had barely gotten any sleep the last few days so I felt so bad when I turned to tell him to get a bottle prepared. So I didn’t. I tried to get out of the bed but the pain medication had worn off and the burning returned to my stomach right above my belly button. I muttered profanities under my breath as I leaned over to pick up the screaming Grayson from the bassinette next to the hospital bed and sighed hiking up my gown and placed his face towards my nipple. Of course I had no idea what the heck I was doing and kept cooing at Grayson and trying to get him to latch on.

After about ten minutes of trying I finally got him to suck and was relieved when the pressure was gone from my nipples and my son stopped crying. I looked down and saw that his eyes were staring up at me with his bright blue eyes. Niall thought it was a shame neither of the boys got my gem stone eyes but I completely disagreed. The boys eyes just made it a thousand percent easier to fall in love with when you’re staring into the mirror image of the ones you’ve grown to love for over two years now. Grayson’s eyes never left mine as he continued to feed and I felt something tickle my insides.

It felt so right. It was such a cherished and prized moment I knew it wouldn’t be the last time.

And I was right. It’s exactly 1:34 in the morning and I’m sitting here with Bentley’s fragile body pressed to my warm chest as he feeds for the second time in four hours. I gently bent down and kissed his tiny head and rubbed my thumb over the dribble that fell onto his chin. His eyes stayed closed and I turned to see Niall rubbing his eyes and gently burping Grayson, who had just been fed.

Our moms were sleeping in a hotel tonight and it was the first time since the babies came home that they had gotten to sleep through the night.

“Ni, baby when you finished burping him, put him into his crib and then bring the bassinette from the living room into here so you can rest while I put Bent to bed,” I whispered like a ghost as Bentley let out a little gurgle before turning his head away from me and spitting up the access milk.

I grabbed a burp cloth from Niall and wiped it off. Grayson let out a quite hiccup before bringing up his extras onto Niall’s shoulder. Of course it hit right where the burping cloth ended so his face twisted before leaning Grayson on his lap, between his two legs to keep his straight and wiped the milk of his shirt and grabbed Grayson from his lap and carried him to the boys’ room right across the hall. You heard Niall’s soft singing and soon the door click close to know Grayson had fallen asleep.

He smiled at me in the dim light from the night light and walked towards the living room to get the cradle for Bentley when he finishes. I smiled at Niall as he carried the object into the room and placed it up against my side of the bed so I wouldn’t have to move. I smiled at him and kissed him lightly before he walked to the other side and hid under the covers right after taking off his soiled shirt.

I hiked my shirt back down and placed the burping cloth over my shoulder as Bentley started to whine from the gas building up in his system. I placed him over my shoulder and supported his head in one had with his tiny bottom resting on my forearm and gently began to pat his back and rub circles. After about a minute of burping he let out a tiny burp and I leaned him forward to wipe his chin and threw the cloth on the night stand.

I gently twisted my upper torso and placed Bentley into the cradle with his eyes already fluttering. We were lucky the boys like to sleep, just like me. I fixed his blanket that was swaddling him and blew him a kiss because I couldn’t bend and turned off the bedside light before turning to face Niall and falling back asleep.


“Can I hold him now?” Louis whined as I brought Grayson into the room. I smiled and nodded. Liam was laughing as Bentley laid across his lap and he poked his nose.

Louis took Grayson from me and I walked back into the kitchen with Niall and our parents.

“How did you two cope last night?” Maura asked with a smirk and I smiled.

“Pretty well, I think. Bentley was fussy around four o’clock again but it was for a nappy change,” I said proudly as Niall carefully wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

“It was perfect. You know Haz would be eight and a half months pregnant right now. But instead we got to see our babies early,” Niall smiled and I rested my hand on my fading bump. Zayn thought it was funny when the day after the babies were born and I still looked pregnant.

“Yeah, it’s true. But at least we got to see them first. But it sucks that we didn’t have a baby shower yet…” My mom trailed and I shook my head.

“No. We don’t need anything else. Have you not seen the boys’ room?” I said and they laughed.

“You don’t have to get presents but you can still introduce the boys to everybody. Simon and Paul haven’t even seen the babies yet! And what about the other boys parents? I mean they should know that you two have children now. It would be perfect. We could even have it at a little diner or banquet hall so you don’t have to clean up this pigs sty,” My mom pleaded and I sighed.

“As long as they’re no gifts. I just want everyone to meet the boys. I know they’ll love them,” I smiled and Niall kissed my cheek.

“Yay! I’ll go get the phone book; we’ll have it next Sunday!” Maura chirped and I groaned. Niall drew circles on my hip bone.

“Ugh, I give in way to easily,” I groaned and Niall laughed pulling me back to where the boys were cooing at the boys and watching the game on the flat screen.

“Um Harry, I think he needs a nappy change,” Liam said holing up Bentley and I sighed.

“Again?” I took Bentley from him and checked his diaper. Sure enough it was soiled and I groaned handing him to Niall seeing I did the last one. He sighed but walked towards the nursery and came back a few minutes later with him in a new nappy and joggers and a t-shirt that said ‘I love my Papa.’ I smiled when I saw them and took Grayson from Louis, who was too busy watching the game to complain.

“Hiya baby boy,” I sang and he opened his eyes and open and closed his mouth, like a fish, “I’ll be back. Grayson’s hungry,” I said and the boys nodded. They knew the babies were nipple fed and didn’t judge. I cradled my tiny bundle of joy in my hand walking to the nursery and grabbed a burp cloth and sat in the rocking chair.

“Here you go,” I cooed as he latched onto my nip before he sloshed and sucked gently as I rocked back and forth. I smiled down at him and closed my eyes and held him caressed his cheek.

I heard the door click open and Liam walked in. I quickly reached for a blanket to cover myself and Liam stopped me.

“Don’t worry, I just wanted to see. You know you’re pretty amazing,” Liam said and I blushed.

“So I’ve been told,” I muttered sarcastically and Liam shook his head.

“Seriously, if I ever got pregnant, which I wouldn’t because I’m not gay, but anyway, I would never be able to cope like you. You truly amaze me,” Liam said and I smiled.

“Thanks Li,” I smiled and Liam patted my back. Grayson pulled away from me and gave me a lay smile before hiccupping and I laughed at Liam’s face.

“He looks so confused,” Liam laughed as Grayson grew big eyes.

“It’s because he’s lying flat. Normally I have to burp him,” I smiled and picked him off my lap to change his soiled shirt. I pulled it over his fragile body and pulled a plain white onesie.

“Ready to head out?” I asked ask pulled my shirt back over my head. Liam nodded and took Grayson from me carrying him out and I smiled and went to the guest room to see our parents.

“Okay great. See you Sunday!” My mom said into the phone before turning back to me and smiled.

“I got all of them to come. Well, except for Paul, I didn’t call him seeing it’s him family day today. I’ll do it tomorrow,” Maura said and I nodded sitting on the bed next to my mom.

“Good, you didn’t say anything about the babies did you?” I asked.

“No, we just said that we have a surprise,” Maura said and I breathed out in relief.

“Okay, do you want something for lunch?” I asked and they nodded pulling me out of the room.


“Niall, I don’t want to do this,” I whined and Niall hugged me close buttoning my blue shirt after fixing the bandage over my incision and gauze over my nipples so they wouldn’t leak when we were at the party. Niall pulled me out of the bathroom and gave me a weak smile.

“Well, better get this done sooner or later,” Niall sighed and pulled on his Supras. I sighed and walked to the boys’ room and grabbed the car seats. It was the first time we used them since we brought them home and I was nervous and Niall smiled and started packing the diaper bag with bottles, formula, diapers, extra clothes and burp cloths. I sighed and picked up Bent from the crib and changed his diaper before dressing him in a red shirt and gray joggers before setting a knit mouse hat on his head before setting him sleeping form in the seat and tucked his blue blanket around him. Niall zipped up the bag before taking it and Bentley out of the room while I grabbed Grayson and changed and dressed him in a green shirt and black joggers with a frog knit hat and tucked him in with a blue blanket and picked him up to carry him out to the car and lock up the house.

I was nervous about taking them out in public so early but this is what our moms wanted and I knew the questions would start rolling.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” I asked as Niall tried to click the seat into place and groaned.

“Yeah, this car is so small though, I can’t lean over him to buckle him in,” Niall sighed and I groaned.

Eventually we got both babies in the car and we climbed into the front. I grabbed Ni’s hand and squeezed it tightly. I breathed in deeply and watched the boys sleep though the rear view mirror and smiled.

“We’re here,” Niall sighed and let go of my hand and walked to the side Bent was on. I smiled and walked to Grayson’s side and pressed the buttons and took his car seat out. Ni grabbed the diaper bag and Bent from the car and walked towards the tiny banquet hall where everyone was. I smiled weakly at him and grabbed his spare hand and we walked towards the door. I reached for the handle and pulled it opened to see everyone sitting and talking. Maura’s eyes met mine and she smiled walking over.

“Nice to see you two finally here,” She smiled and I put Grayson down at my feet and hugged her.

“Ready?” She asked ad we nodded. We walked over to the table and placed the car seats next to us. The guests were all looking at us questioningly and the boys and Simon wore smiles.

“Um, what you got there boys?” Zayn’s mom asked.

“Yeah, what are you hiding?” Liam’s mom asked and I sighed. I picked up Grayson’s car seat and gently lifted him up.

“Aw! How’s this little fellow?” Louis’ mom asked walking over.

“This is Niall and I’s son, Grayson William Styles-Horan,” I said proudly holding the baby close to my body.

“You adopted?” Liam’s mom asked curiously.

“Um, not exactly…” I trailed not sure if we were going to say the whole truth or not.

“Well, it’s not like one of you gave birth to him…them,” Louis’ mom continued as Niall picked up the fussing Bentley from the seat.

“Um actually, that’s what I wanted to tell you. But you all have to pinky promise not to say anything. Please,” I asked and I sat down with Grayson looking around with his big eyes and a blue pacifier in his mouth.

“Anything, you boys know we love you like sons,” Zayn’s mom said curiously and Zayn patted her shoulder with a big smile on her face.

“Well, Niall and I are there biological fathers. I was born with a condition and I got pregnant with the twins. Hence why I took a break from the band for my surgery for a few months,” I rushed out and Niall stood behind me rubbing my shoulder. Knowing how embarrassed it makes me to talk about it. Not because I’m ashamed but because it makes me less of a man.

“How?” Liam’s dad spoke up; he was the only male that could make it besides Simon. Si just sat there smiling.

“Like I said I was born with a condition. I was supposed to have a twin, a female twin. And I guess I got stuck with her,” I blushed and everyone nodded. Louis walked over and took Grayson from me and walked over to his mom so she could see.

“He has Niall’s eyes. He must be yours,” Jay said and I smiled.

“I even got the scars to show it. I guess the fans won’t be seeing me shirtless anymore,” I said hoping to get them to laugh.

“That’s a shame… they always freak when your shirtless,” Simon snapped his fingers in a way that reminded me the way Swipper would from Dora. Everyone chuckled and Niall walked over to Liam and Zayn’s mom to show them Bentley while he wasn’t fussy. I smiled when they all cooed and Bentley gave his gassy smiles that made them laugh. I knew a nappy change was coming but I didn’t want to burst their bubbles too soon.

“I’m proud of you baby,” Niall whispered in my ear and I smiled and kissed his cheek. I walked over to Simon who was playing with Grayson and was playing peek-a-boo.

“Hey Uncle Si, thanks for coming,” I smiled and Simon gave me a fatherly hug.

“I have to say Harry, they are quiet the stunners,” Si smirked and I laughed.

“They’re only a month old, so let’s hope their ways don’t come too early,” Niall joked from behind me and I playfully smacked his arm.

“Oh Harry, if I knew about the boys I would have brought something,” Jay complained and I laughed.

“Trust me, I think we’re good. You should see the flat, it’s awful,” I joked and she laughed.

“I still wish I could have gotten you something,” She sighed and handed me back Grayson who was starting to fuss. I smiled at him and bounced him gently up and down as Louis and Jay left to spend the rest of the day together.

I smiled at Niall and we walked over to the rest of the guest who were cooing at Bentley as he made him hungry faces and gapped like a fish.

“I think he’s hungry,” Zayn’s mom laughed and I nodded handing them Grayson and walking over to the diaper bag with all the bottles and formula. I asked the staff to heat the water while I made faces and cooed at Bentley, trying to keep him calm so he wouldn’t have a meltdown. The staff member handed me the bottle and had Niall add the right amount of formula for the bottle. I smiled at him and tested the milk on my hand to make sure it wasn’t too hot. I smiled at Bentley and went to cradle him in one arm and give him the bottle. He turned his head and started to bite down on my shirt and I gently put my hand where his mouth was searching and tried to feed him the bottle.

I probably should have stuck with bottle and nip feeding instead of just nip feeding because now he was fussing and not taking the bottle. To my utter embarrassment people were watching me struggle and the boys were trying to distract them knowing I was flustered right now.

“Ni, he won’t eat from the bottle. He’s going to throw a fit soon if I don’t feed him. I’ll go to the bathroom and feed him quickly. Please don’t add attention to it,” I whispered blushing.

“Do you want to drive home? You could say we forgot to bring nappies and you need to get some,” Niall asked and I shook my head.

“Just cover for me, it shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes,” I pleaded and he sighed nodding. I quickly walked to the restrooms, thankfully they were one person, and locked the door behind me. I placed the diaper bag down next to me and put the seat down on the toilet before sitting down and pulling out a burp rag and pulling my shirt up. I quickly helped Bent latch on after I removed the gauze and he began to feed. I sighed looking down at how peaceful he looked and I fixed his mouse hat on his head and wiping under his eyes where tears began to slip. He normally doesn’t actually cry tears unless he’s really frustrated and I sighed knowing he would be done soon. After a few more minutes he pulled back and smiled lazily. I knew a diaper change was in the future and hoped it wouldn’t be too soon because Niall is better at changing nappies then me and I don’t need to be in the restroom any longer than necessary.  I quickly fixed the gauze over my nipple and pulled my shirt down and threw the burp rag over my shoulder and placed Bent safely over it. I tapped his back a few more times and he burped but brought up nothing. I sighed and tucked the rag back in the blue bag and washed my hands and emptied the bottle down the drain. I smiled at Bentley and he rested his head against my chest and his eyelids looked heavy.

“Everything alright?” Liam’s mom asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, he didn’t want a nappy change,” I said and she laughed.

“Well, I’m going to head off, Liam and Geoff are going out for lunch to talk about something and they’re sending me back Liam’s flat to clean up,” She smiled and hugged me.

“Thanks for coming,” I smiled and she nodded waving goodbye and following her boys out to the car.

“Hey babe,” I said walking up to Niall. He turned around and smiled.

“Everything alright?” He asked nervously and I smiled and Bent shifted on my chest.

“Yeah, I think we should head out before they get to tired,” I said and he nodded.

We buckled the boys back in their seats and said goodbyes before heading back home.


A/N this chapter is really boring … sorry :(

Anyway the last chapter didn’t get many comments so I was hesitant to post this.

I’m thinking of writing either zarry or zouis story too so please tell me which one cos I want to start it over winter break :D

Please comment and vote if you liked it and comment and vote if you didn’t :D
