Chapter 1

            Sierra lowered herself to her haunches, her spine pressed to the wall of the alleyway. She heard footsteps pass by and hurried to bring her hair forward, down to the sides of her face, hiding her panicked expression. She hoped people in her neighborhood would go about minding their own business like they usually do. Breathless, she lowered her head to between her knees.

Breathe in, breathe out. Don't cry. They'll know if she cried.

Breathe in, breathe out.

She blinked furiously, holding back tears, trying to slow her hammering heart. She pressed her fingers to her tear ducts, catching her frustration. All these did nothing good but bring a painful, choking feeling in her throat.

She glanced at the knife lying a few feet to her left where it had landed after she hurled it away. How did she end up here again? When will she ever learn she couldn't do it? And in a dirty alley of all places.

Sierra sucked in a sharp breath and nodded to herself. Yeah, she could do this. It's just another day. They can't do anything to her. It's alright, it's fine. She'll be fine.

She sighed and leaned her head back, touching the wall, her eyes squeezed shut. None of it was working anymore. All that crap about being "a strong, confident woman" and the whole "I can do anything" vibe, it was all bullshit. All those positive affirmations she desperately searched up on the Internet, rubbish. None of them worked anymore.

No, she was Sierra Montrose, Part-time bitch, part-time heartbreaker. Full time loser.

She scoffed. No, they didn't have anything nice to say about her. They're all straight up nice and sweet to her face and downright nasty and hostile behind her back. She deserved it. She was the same, too.

She pressed the crumpled piece of tissue to her eyes, glad she didn't wear mascara when she left home. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, letting more light into her field of vision and looked towards the opening of the alley. She blinked at the light, trying to form a coherent thought. She should probably get home. Mom and Brett must be knocked out cold right about now, drunk-dead. Decidedly, she slowly heaved to her feet. Just another day of this stupid madness. There's nothing Sierra Montrose couldn't handle, she told herself, unknowingly remembering one of the affirmations she practiced upon unrelenting insistence from Ashley. She forced a smile to her face. "Damn straight."

She heard shuffling noises behind her. Footsteps? A cat? Dog? She was about to turn around and check what it was when a hand slammed over her mouth. Her eyes widened in shock and panic. She grabbed the hand and struggled against it, trying to wrench it away. Whoever it was, they were really strong. Her attacker jammed their foot onto the back of her knee, making her leg give away underneath her.

Held up by her attacker and disoriented, she tried to scream but the hand clamped around her mouth tightened. She barely took notice of the pain on the back of her knee as she rammed her elbow into her attacker's ribs. Their hold on her loosened but they didn't let go. She was about to jam her elbow back into them again but they pulled her closer so that she was locked against them and shoved her towards the wall, pinning her between them and the wall. Her attacker pressed closer, their steady breaths, compared to her ragged ones, loud next to her ear. And struck the back of her neck.

She hissed in pain. It was just like a vaccination. That same awful ache that spread all over her neck as the contents were pushed inside her bloodstream. She struggled and squirmed. She stilled in surprise when she felt a warm trickle down her neck.

"Stay still," the person growled unnecessarily. Their voice sounded thickly muffled, and perhaps even male.

She felt another sharp prick on her neck and suddenly her attacker let go, shoving her sideways to the ground. Sierra scrambled to her feet with a groan, gasping in a large breath. She scurried away from her attacker who was already receding from her, backing away hurriedly.

The lower half of their face was covered with a black mask and the alley was too dark to see their eyes. Their dark hair was tousled and roughed up from the interaction, a black jacket hiding their features. Sierra opened her mouth to scream for help, but her attacker slipped away into the dark.

Sierra stood there frozen, her chest heaving heavily, her mouth hanging open and sore. Her head and neck throbbed. Beside her, her hands trembled and she clenched her dress to calm herself enough to think.

Where were all the people? Why hasn't anyone passed by this place yet?

The shock was still there but the panic was wearing away. Her eyes were wide and her breathing was fast. Her heart rammed in her chest.

"Oh, God," she whispered shakily, staring at the spot they disappeared through, half-expecting her attacker to jump on her any second. She knew she had to get out of there. But she was too frightened to move.

Hesitantly, she brought her hand up and touched the back of her neck. She felt a slick liquid on her skin and brought her hand back with blood on her fingertips. She hurried to wipe her fingers on her skirt, then regretted it immediately.

"What the hell..." she stumbled out of the alleyway and into the street, finally getting her feet to obey. She had to get away from here, she didn't want to risk the attacker coming back for her and finishing their job.

A hospital. She needed to get to the nearest hospital.

What did that person inject in her? Is she going to pass out soon? Die? Her hands trembled, her vision blurred. Was it an effect of whatever they injected in her? Her face felt wet, she tasted salt on her lips. No, it was just tears. For now.

"Hey, little lady!" a man's voice called.

She swiveled away from the voice and broke into a staggering run, ignoring the stares she received whenever she passed someone. She had no idea where she was going, only that she needed to get away.


            Somehow, she found herself standing in front of the town's hospital, panting and shivering despite the warmth on the air. She fumbled to open the door. The receptionist took one look at her and took charge. She's been here before and was friendly with the receptionist. She was a trembling mess by the time a doctor by the name of Drake Darren was attending to her. She didn't remember how she got there or who she saw on her way or who helped her. All she could remember was the strong hand clamped around her mouth, pressing tighter, their heat on her back.

She had given into sobbing by the time Dr. Darren had come back with the results of her blood test. Dr. Darren stopped in front of her, turning a blind eye to her tears. "Miss Montrose, how do you feel?"

She didn't reply. She was too busy trying to hide the fact that she was crying even if the doctor and the nurse with him were being gracious and pretending nothing of the sort was happening.

"It's alright," he said with a sigh, "we were able to get your results fast because yours was an emergency and there was no rush today...there were no traces of any sort of drugs, your blood is clean. He must not have had the chance to get any of it inside you." He paused, hesitating. "Judging from the wound, your attacker was highly skilled. You could have been seriously injured, even dead, with all the fight you said you put up."

No, she didn't. That person had let her go too fast. She hadn't expected herself to get out of their grip that easily.

Dr. Darren hesitated before reaching behind her and pulling her hair away from the back of her neck, where the wound was patched up by the nurse. She flinched when he touched her, but she let him continue. The nurse was still with them. He wouldn't do anything while she was there.

"I see the wound's been dressed well. It looked pretty bad. Are you sure you're alright, Miss?"


"Does it hurt much? I presume Marie gave you the medication. You wouldn't need to take it unless the pain increases or there's an inflammation, or you get a fever."

Sierra nodded in reply. The ache was dull now, but she was slowly getting drowsy. The back of her knee still throbbed, but she hoped it'd get better soon. The skin on her chin was stinging where it was bruised from when her attacker had shoved her to the ground in their attempt at getting away. Otherwise, she was fine. Just.

"Are you sure you have no guardian available at the moment?"


Dr. Darren let out an exasperated sigh. What did he know? Mum must be drunk and getting banged up. He didn't need to know that.

"Zuri can drop me off," Sierra said after a pause.

"That's the receptionist," Marie explained.

"I know," Dr. Darren said after a thoughtful pause. "You did the right thing coming to us. I would advise that you tell the authorities about this but since you're so adamant..." He handed her a slip. "You can go to school, but I'd advise that you don't exert yourself too much. Give that to your PE instructor if it comes to it."

She accepted it. "Thank you."

The doctor sighed again. "Listen to me. You need to talk if you must, alright? If you feel any sort of discomfort, say, pain or dizziness, you must tell someone who can help, do you understand?"

Sierra nodded weakly. She wanted to go home, to somewhere safe. She wished she had somewhere to go where Mum wouldn't be with her boyfriend. She didn't have the energy to deal with that hag or that brute.

"Can I go?"

Dr. Darren nodded. "Marie, please take her to Zuri."

The nurse helped Sierra up and led her outside the room. Her lower lip trembled. She felt the ghost of the man's fingers around her mouth. Soft yet calloused and strong yet gentle. Each move calculated and prepared. Almost as if he was waiting for her.

"Darling, are you alright?" Marie asked softly.

"No." Sierra sobbed involuntarily.

After a second's hesitation, Marie sat her on a chair and pressed her head to Marie's chest where Sierra cried freely until Zuri rushed to her, a worried grimace on her face, like always whenever Sierra dropped by.


      Sierra hesitantly opened the door to her Mum's house, careful to not make a sound. But the door creaked. She bit her lower lip apprehensively. Zuri had already left, there was no one to protect her.

"Where were you all this time?" Mum's resentful voice called from inside.

Sierra closed the door behind her, gulping when it took away what little light the house had. "I was at school."

She froze when she heard two sets of footsteps approach. The light was flicked on and Mum was standing right in front of her, inches from her body, a bottle in her hand. Mum's boyfriend, Brett, stood a few feet behind Mum, blocking the way to Sierra's room, his shirt left unbuttoned. He watched with a scowl.

Mum's eyes quickly spotted the bandage on Sierra's neck and the limp in her left leg. The bruise on her chin was hard to miss. Sierra hurried to straighten her posture but it was too late. Mum's face turned into an ugly grimace. Sierra hated that she and her Mum shared the same face. She wished she had her unknown Dad's face. The only thing she had from her Dad was her amber eyes, nothing else. She didn't even know who her father is. Was?

"What were you doing at school this late?" Mum barked. The reek of alcohol hit Sierra. She held her breath.

"I was—"

"You think I'm stupid?" Mum yelled. "What were you doing out this late? Why can't you get a job and bring home some money?" Sierra bit back the urge to cry out when Mum slapped her across her face, leaving the right side of her face smarting. The spot where the attacker injected her throbbed painfully. "Ungrateful child!" Mum growled, her words slurring from the effects of alcohol. "You take all my money and waste it on boys. When will you ever pay me back? You little—"

Mum was about to hit her again but Sierra ducked away from her and sprinted to her room, pushing Brett aside before he could react. She slammed her door shut and locked it. Mum continued to yell obscenities, now Brett joining along.

Sierra slid down the door and hugged her knees close to her. She let out a silent wail. It's alright. It's alright.

She dragged the back of her hand across her eyes, wincing away when she felt the vase smash against her door.

It wasn't alright.


            When she walked down the halls of her school the next day, no one would have guessed that she spent the night trying to keep in the tears or that her Mum hit her or that she was attacked. No one would have guessed she tried to... They'd only think that she was having exceptionally good fun last night. They'd think that it got a little rough with whoever it was. No one ever thinks she cried herself to sleep on most nights, that she puts on a brave face everyday. Because otherwise, they'll eat her up faster than a pack of wild dogs and there'll be nothing left for her to put back together.

Claire and Ashley met her by her locker, waiting for her. "You're later than usual," Ashley said with a raised eyebrow, a conspiratorial look on her face. "Had a great night?"

As was the image she wanted to keep. Sierra smirked but didn't reply.

What did they know? Everyone thought Sierra Montrose has been with just about every boy in her year, and the one that left last year. Only she knew that she had never touched a man before and neither has a man touched her. It was all a façade for her sake. It kept her safe in it's own twisted way.

Her flings never lasted more than a week. She stepped back when they wanted more than just her friendship. It makes them think she's a bitch and that she thinks they're all beneath her. Fine. Let them think that.

Claire sighed, her blue eyes downcast. "Jacob broke up with me last night. Because I said no."

Ashley grinned proudly. "That's my girl. You don't need no man, baby. Tell him no if that's what it takes. We've gotta protect your virtue." She patted Claire's shoulder. "I'm glad he broke up with you. He wasn't even worth it in the first place."

Sierra knew Claire really liked Jacob. But Claire wanted to keep her purity until she's married. Ashley had never been more protective of Claire ever since Claire told them. Sierra smiled and linked her hand with Claire. "Don't worry, let's mope together. I broke up with Sam two days ago, remember?"

Claire beamed at her, her eyes no longer sad. "You're such a strong woman, Sie. You haven't cried about it at all. Me, I cried all night last night."

Sierra squinted at her, leaning closer. Then broke into a grin. "I wouldn't have guessed. You look tough as a nail."

Claire smiled relieved at that. Ashley linked her arm with Sierra so that Sierra was between the two. "Well then, I'd better set up an appointment with Jonah for a breakup. We can go downtown after school for a group pity-party!" She scrunched her nose. "But jokes aside, you know Jonah's an asshole. I wouldn't have accepted to go on that date if it weren't to keep an eyes on you and Jacob on that god-awful double date."

Sierra, Ashley and Claire broke in laughter as they walked to their homeroom together. Sierra may not have much to be proud of, but she had these two.


            Sierra sat between Claire and Ashley in homeroom, waiting for the teacher to come in. School Spring dance was only three weeks away and Ashley was its head of management. While Sierra read over her shoulder, Ashley was scribbling down notes about the dance on her notebook.

Destiny Soul, a wannabe as Ashley called her—of what, Sierra didn't know—flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned on Sierra's desk. Claire leaned forward in her chair, almost ready to jump up if she has to. Destiny smiled sweetly. Sierra, expressionless, blew a bubble with her gum and popped it.

"Look who it is."

Destiny's grey eyes glinted as she tapped her manicured fingernails on the desk. Sierra's fingers flinched, imagining reaching out to touch them. Then remembered them leaving scratches on her arm a week ago, on accident apparently. She looked back up when Destiny said, "I heard you and Sam broke up."

"News travel fast," Ashley mumbled.

Sierra raised an eyebrow, ignoring the scent of Sam's cologne wafting from Destiny, mixed with her perfume. "Why is it always boys with you?"

Destiny pouted. "I'm sorry? I thought that was all you ever understood." She shrugged. "Can't you see I'm trying to connect with you here? I'm finding common ground."

Sierra heard sniggers from the seats behind her. Destiny lazily looked past Sierra, her expression unchanging. When Sierra didn't reply, Destiny said, "What? Has Sierra Montrose finally run out of excuses?"

"Nobody plans a murder out loud."

Destiny made a cringing expression at that as a student entered the classroom. Sierra noticed that she had never seen the new girl around. Destiny caught her watching the new girl and turned around to look. The teacher entered right behind the girl.

"Back to your seats, everyone," Ms. Donberg said, moving to the front of the room with a smile, a strong grip on the new girl as she got dragged to the front of the class with the teacher. Destiny, her eyes still on the new girl, sashayed back to her seat. The new girl didn't seem too happy to be there. "Everyone, this is Lake Breeden. I hope you will show her a good time here in Goodwill High, yes?"

Sierra noticed the boys in the front nudging each other, grinning smugly. The new girl, Lake, stared at them, unimpressed. Ms. Donberg motioned for Lake to start talking, the hand on her shoulder still holding her in place.

Lake raised a hand in a half wave. "Right. Hi. I'm Lake. I moved here from Wisconsin. This is my first time in Chicago. And...yep, that's just about it."

Ms. Donberg nodded disappointedly and nudged her forward. "Go ahead. Take the empty seat at the back."

Lake rubbed her shoulder when Ms. Donberg let go of her. With a disgruntled look, she made her way to the seat two seats behind Ashley. Sierra found herself watching the girl as she passed her. She's pretty, she thought.

Lake was pretty. Her dark hair was styled into a choppy long pixie that looked like it needed a trim, the bangs brushing her eyelashes. She must be wearing contacts because her listless eyes were purple. She had olive skin and a light layer of freckles sprinkled on the bridge of her nose. Her nails were painted purple, matching her eyes, and on her left hand she wore an open fingered black glove. She was dressed in navy blue jeans and black hoodie, a headphone set resting on her neck.

Sierra turned her focus back to the front of the class, her nose wrinkled with dissatisfaction. If it was a pretty boy, it would have been fine. Sierra didn't have space in her life for pretty girls. It would have been nice if there was. Boys were getting dangerously boring. And none of the good ones wanted to breath the same air as her.

Sierra spotted Destiny and her followers exchanging looks and glances at each other and Lake. Sierra slowly turned her eyes away from them. Let them do what they want. Let them torment the new girl. Who was she to stand in their way?
