Chapter Twenty-Five: Lovely Weather For A Sleigh Ride Together

After opening all the gifts, mom and Julie threw away all the colorful wrappings before coming back into the living room to chat while their husbands went outside for a couple of drinks. The temperature still felt well above freezing. T-shirt weather, my father said.

Bailey hopped up off the floor to fetch me another box from the garage for all my baby gifts. He wasn't quite willing to give up his boots boxes. I was too busy fiddling with my new phone, though. And my fathers gift from me was a TARDIS case. It looked so awesome. I loved it far too much.

Bailey came back a moment later and we both sat there on our phones while our mothers were fangirling over Julie's engagement ring. We remained side by side, texting each other until I leaned over, just out of listening reach of my mum.

"Can you come upstairs for a second?" I whispered into Bailey's ear. A sly grin came upon his face, so he followed me all the same.

"You're going to finally give in on Christmas Day?" Bailey smirked after he came into my bedroom.

"Nah, you wish. I've got something even better."

I poked my head into my closet and came back with my gift to him in my hands. I handed it to him and he sat down on the bed, looking from the present to me. 

"You already gave me a gift. You didn't have to buy me another."

"It wasn't a big deal...And mom and I had already split ways by the time I found your present, so it's not like we could have switched out the Ariats for this."

Bailey still gave me a somewhat annoyed look, but began opening the gift just the same. The smile that enveloped his face was massive. "These....These are perfect," he said, referring to the brilliant blue sport boots I'd bought for his horse. 

I didn't have time to say "you're welcome" before he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks Jess," he smiled.

My cheeks, however, were still lit up bright. I hadn't expected him to be that thankful....

"You're-you're welcome," I choked out.

Bailey hopped off the bed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I half shouted to him.

"I'll be right back. Jeesh."

And sure enough, he came back. A present in his arms as well.

"You really didn't have to get me anything!! You already bought those boots for the twins for my birthday!" I exclaimed.

"C'mon, now, Jess. I thought you knew me better than that," he smirked. 

He handed me a neatly wrapped present. It was blue and yellow diagonally striped with a huge yellow bow on the top. 

"Don't try telling me that you wrapped this," I laughed.

"Yeah, I didn't. My mom was being pretty nice that day. But, open it!"

I slid my finger under a piece of loose wrapping paper. I tore it off and was presented with a big, brown box. It looked as if he had ordered it off a website. 

I glanced over at him and he was looking mighty anxious. 

So, with a huff of breath, I ripped open the top of the box. I just about choked on air. 

I looked at Bailey again with astonishment. He was full-out grinning. 

"I knew you'd love it, Jess."

"It's...It's perfect. But how?"

"I have my ways. Well, I considered buying you a pair of earrings, but y'know, figured you weren't that much of a girly girl."

I lifted it out of the box, tears threatening to spill.

"Is it really mine?" I asked, looking up to Bailey in awe. 

"Yes," he smiled. "I'll go get Gus so you can try it on him."

Bailey left and I looked back down to the collar. It was a dark blue colored leather collar. On the side, Gus's name was stitched inside a cloud. How had Bailey known my favorite book (The Fault in Our Stars)? Augustus Waters was part of the reason I had named Gus that...And on the cover of the Fault in Our Stars, the words are within clouds. Bailey was absolutely unbelievable....

And then, hanging from the D-ring, was a pendant that stated "okay". It made my heart hurt a little to think back to TFiOS...It was one book I shouldn't have read. It was honestly that depressing.

In what seemed like hardly any time later, Bailey was back, dragging Gus with him. The 8-month-old liver and white puppy had grown a lot since the first time I saw him. That was way back when I was thin. Now, it seemed I had a bowling ball strapped to my stomach. 

"Here, Gussy," I said. 

Gus stopped resisting Bailey and came bounding over to me. He let me slip off his old, dirty sky blue collar and slip on his new one. 

"It is so, so beautiful, Bailey," I said. 

"I know."

I looked up to Bailey and he smiled back down at me. 

"Really beautiful," he ended.

"Are you ready for something epic, Jess?"

I nodded my head. Right after we exchanged gifts, Bailey told me he had a surprise for me outside. So amazing, he said, I'd have to wear a blindfold. Yes, I was worried.

I was glad, however, that I put my coat on before we left the house. It was chilly outside. I could feel the cold nip my exposed skin. We walked a ways. I'm not all entirely sure where we were headed or even where we would end up. I heard the crack of twigs and the crinkle of leaves beneath our feet. And then, we stopped. Bailey stood behind me and removed the blindfold. I opened my eyes slowly and absorbed the scene. We were inside a thicket of evergreen trees. Almost entirely enclosed, apart from the path we'd come in. The ground was covered with leaves and sat upon them were tall, brightly lit candles. 

"," I exclaimed as I looked over at the deep, crimson sleigh. It was hooked up by only a few pieces of balers twine, to two identical horses; black and white with long, flowing hair on their hocks. 

Once again, Bailey had gone to the extreme just to make my day. 

Bailey left my side and walked over to the sleigh. I saw the flash of the candlelight against the blade of his knife. The twine fell to the ground and the horses bounded off a few feet to munch on the old, brown grass. 

I raised an eyebrow at Bailey.

"Well, you're pregnant," he bluntly stated.

"Nicely put," I laughed.

"And," he began again, "I read that actually riding the sleigh wouldn't be good for the babies, so I thought that just sitting in it wouldn't do any harm."

I grinned at Bailey as he took my hand and guided me up into the sleigh. He plopped himself onto the seat beside me and I grasped my hand in his.

"You really need to stop going all out on everything little thing. You're setting the bar really high for yourself."

"So does that mean you like it when I get you expensive gifts?" Bailey asked. 

I considered the thought for a moment. "Yes. Yes I do."

"Not even gonna try and deny?"

"Nope!" I grinned.

He only laughed as he shook his head. Then, his eyes lowered to our hands. Upon his, a tiny snowflake sat. We watched as it quickly disintegrated. Ours eyes met on their path of looking up. An odd gasp came out of my mouth as I saw what was dangling above our heads.

"Mistletoe," I whispered, staring up at the plant that was swinging gently in the wind, tied to the branches of the maple tree. Snowflakes began to fall as well, putting an end to the black Christmas we had been witnessing.

Bailey smiled and moved closer to me, his head inching towards mine.

"Jessica Anne Campbelle. May I have ever the honor of asking you to be my girlfriend?"

I hesitated. But, what the heck. If a guy really wants to date a pregnant girl, that's his problem, right? 

"Yes," I whispered.

Our lips met.


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