chapter 84: halloween bloodfest (part 8)

as jacob and vortex walk upstairs to help jacob's mom, they see she's carrying a box that's wobbly and ready to fall as jacob said

jacob: mom, why are you carrying that much boxes?

carol: well, it's because we need to show your girlfriends a demonstration so they can learn more about-

she was cut off as she fell backwards and before the boxes fell, jacob grabbed his mom before she could fall on the ground as vortex grabbed the boxes before the stuff in them could, i don't know, break or something as jacob said

jacob: (sighs in relief) thanks tex.

vortex: you're welcome, jacob. didn't want your mom to get hurt now would we?

jacob: no, i do not. same thing with what evers in the boxes.

he said as they went downstairs and enter the living room as vortex places the boxes on the coffee table and as jacob and vortex opened the boxes, they pulled out all the necessary halloween stuff needed for the holiday, such as plastic skeletons and fake severed hands, which vaggie picked one of said hands up as she said

vaggie: is this a real hand?

she asked worryingly as marcy said

marcy: nope, they're fake hands.

she said as vaggie sighed in relief and placed the hand down when crymini came in the room

crymini: ok, i know that it's part of halloween there a reason for them.

she asked to marcy

marcy: give children candy. we've been doing this every year, even before our worlds merged.

she said with a smile

carol: speaking of candy, is it ok if you can help give them to the kids tonight?

she asked to jacob's girlfriends, even milky and kiki as milky said

milky: really? we don't plans right now so...what do you think kiki?

kiki: i don't see why not.

she said as milky smiled

loona: well, i'm not doing it.

carol: why is that loona?

she asked as she was looking for the carving tools in one of the boxes

loona: because jacob's school is having a halloween party and me and the others are thinking about going, even charlie.

vortex: really? that's great loona. maybe next year i'll ask my girlfriend about if she can come.

he said as loona smiled. but unknown to everyone, jack the pumpkin demon sneaked off and as carol placed the pumpkin carving tools, she got confused when she counted the pumpkins

carol: hey, jacob. you said you got 6 pumpkins, right?

she asked as jacob walked in and said

jacob: yes, what's wrong?

carol: i counted that there's only five of them.

she said, making jacob shocked and confused at the same time as he said

jacob: what? but didn't i show you them.

carol: yes, but i'm just as confused as you are.

jacob: yeah, it's not like it just walked away or something like that.

he said as velvet looked at zuzu and said

velvet: can they walk?

zuzu: nope, they can't. and jacob, maybe you left the 6th pumpkin outside and someone stole it.

she said, making jacob deadpan at his harem's alpha as he said

jacob: but who would want to steal a pumpkin on halloween...or ever?

as zuzu was about to speak, she thought about what jacob's remark as she said

zuzu: alright, maybe you got a point.

(TF2 Spy: let's get back to the point.)

carol: how about let's drop it for now and you and jacob can teach the girls about how to carve a pumpkin while marcy, katie, and i put up the decorations and we'll do the rest in the morning, ok?

she said as jacob, zuzu and the rest of jacob's harem looked at each other and said

jacob: i can work with that.

zuzu: same.

charlie: sounds good to me.

she said as the rest of jacob's harem agree as well and leave the living room to start working on the pumpkins and decorate the house for halloween. but as marcy was getting a dr.pepper and closed the fridge, she was suprised at seeing jack the pumpkin demon stop in his tracks, staring at marcy, who was silent until she started to speak

marcy: hi.

she said nervously as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, and if you liked the TF2 spy refernce, then type in ''WHAT THE HELL IS THAT'', because that's my favorite line. speaking of TF2, look at this video i found a year ago)
