Chapter 2

“So, children,” Banthis said, looking across the small table at his two students, “Why is the Trade Confederation our enemy?”

“I know!” Loria piped up, “It's be-”

“Why doesn't Cyran answer one this time?” Banthis said, “You've answered every question so far.”

Cyran scrunched up his eyebrows and glanced at Loria like she was going to communicate the answer to him telepathically. “I...because of the…” He furrowed his eyebrows even more. “I have to think,” announced Cyran.

“Because they took our land, humiliated our nation and murdered our people!” Loria blurted out.

“That is correct,” Banthis replied, “But wait your turn next time. Anything you would like to add, Cyran?”

Cyran pretended to think for a second. “Hmm… Loria’s already said everything.”

Banthis chuckled and closed the history book. “Well, history is done for today, you are dismissed.”

As the two got up, Banthis added with a smile, “Actually, concerning you, Cyran, you will be starting a new subject today.”

Cyran looked up inquisitively, “A new subject? Which-” Suddenly, his face lit up. “Are they the lessons mother was telling me about.?”

Banthis’s smile widened, “Indeed, if the magic lessons are what you're referring to.”

Cyran grinned, “I didn't realize the were starting so early!” He ran off, forgetting to ask where the lessons were even being held.

“Banthis?” Loria asked, looking up.

“Yes, child?”

“Will I be going to magic lessons too?” Loria murmured, glancing longingly in the direction Cyran had run off to.

“In time,” Banthis replied uneasily, “I am sure it will come in a few years.”

Loria smiled and ran off, waving to Banthis.

She wandered down the palace, seeking out Petyr for a game of something. Walking absentmindedly down the halls, Loria came across a familiar door. As she tried to open it, the handle slipped over and over out of her hand. “Stupid doorknob,” she thought.

As she turned to walk back, Loria realized, “I'm in the clock room again.” She looked up at the impressive-looking grandfather clock, it's mechanisms slowly ticking away. Walking up to it, Loria bent down and pried open the panel, opening up the familiar compartment. Curling up inside, she pulled in the door after her, and plunged into a world of imagination.

“I wonder…what will I do once I have magic?” Loria pictured running through the palace, shooting bursts of light. She imagined sitting in a tub of bathwater, forming little waves and spraying the servants. Dueling with Cyran, practicing until she could beat him every time. Playing with him in the courtyard, shooting little fireballs at each other. Millions of exciting possibility flooded her mind as her eyes slowly began to close.

Ice spells, arcane shields, explosions, fixing her stupid crooked nose. Soaring through the sky like an owl, flying all the way up to the stars. Her mind wandered back to Cyran. “I'll definitely outmatch him one day,” She thought to herself, “I'll study and practice every day, while Cyran’s out pranking the servants and playing stupid games. I'll grow up and go on all sorts of grand adventures. I'll slay monsters, tame magical beasts, and master spells even Karnissa couldn't do!” Enveloped in fantasy, Loria drifted off to sleep.
