Contest 1: Closed!

Hello! Welcome to the first Clever Quill Contest! Woot Woot! If you've read the chapter before this, then you should know what to expect. If not, here's a couple of reminders: one-shot/short-stories (4 parts or less) are the only stories that are accepted. Any genre except for fanfics that I (or the other judges) are not familiar with are accepted in this competition. Be kind to one another, and be patient with the results.

Now that is just a quick refresher as to some of the rules and expectations. Please note that is not all of the rules, so if you haven't looked at the previous chapter, I highly encourage you do.

Since that's out of the way, lets get to the first contest and a few things you need to know about it:

1.) Entry Ends March 5th (midnight EST timezone). I know that's not much time, but it's only a one-shot or short-story. I'm not asking for a full novel (mainly because of judging all of that would be a lot). You can use one you've written in the past, just as long as it hasn't won an award (reasons listed in previous chapter).

2.) People's Choice Award: you can start voting for your favorite stories March 5th, and have until March 13th (midnight, EST timezone) to do so. Any votes prior and after that won't be counted. And votes must be on the chapter listing all the stories (it'll be titled Contest 1: People's Choice).

3.) Results should be up March 15th unless there is a conflict with one of the judges' schedule. If that happens, I'll make an announcement giving an estimated time on when the results should be posted.

4.) There are 10 slots for this first contest. For every contest, at least 5 slots need to be filled by the entry date in order for the contest to go through. If the contest is called off due to this reason, you will personally be notified when the second contest will be up and running.

And that's all I have unless you have any further questions. So, to enter, please comment your name, the story you're entering with the hyperlink included (so it's easier for me to find), and whether or not your story is a one-shot or a short-story. While the last requirement may seem insignificant, it will help determine if there is one or two Placed Category Awards.

In the end, your form should look like my comment on this line.

And, if you want, please tag a friend who you think will be interested in entering. Remember: the more the merrier (and I know I say this when there's limited spots; however, there's always next time, ways to support, and there needs to be at least 5 people to enter their story in order for this to work).

If you do not have a story ready or want to enter your story quite yet, but would like to help with judging, please PM me where I will do a quick assessment to determine if you can help. It sounds harsh, but it's just to make sure that I have judges that are fair, knowledgable, and willing to help people grow. Please note that it is a time commitment, and I'd like to follow those dates listed above. If something comes up unexpectedly, I'll understand, no worries. I just don't want you saying you can judge when you know you won't be able to judge all the stories in time.

If you have any questions about being a judge, please feel free to ask.

So far, here are the people who have entered (so that you can see whether or not a slot is available).

1.) Waves by ZeltheWeavile

2.) My True Purpose by SpeedingBolt

3.) Training Day by Blue

4.) Flashing Lights from Connected (Pokemon Short Stories) by eVolution04

Good luck everyone! I can't wait to read what everyone's been working on!
