Chapter 24: An actual conversation

They returned to the original meeting place; they knew he'd be there. And so he was. "Heya. So you got a solid rating on Hephaestus T.V. And you got the shield to boot. Good job." Ares said; leaning on his Harley. "You knew it was rigged. You wanted us to trigger the trap; didn't you?" Percy asked; seething. "Oh yeah definitely. I was totally expecting that Nico kid to bite it." Nico's eyes widened in shock; "Wow really?" Nico said, slightly offended. "Anyways..." Thalia tried to keep the conversation moving. "You uh... Promised us transportation?" She said nervously. "Huh? Oh yeah. Guess I did." Ares said; scratching his head. "And food." Percy said with a edge. "Whatever. Now; are you ready to be incredibly disappointed?" The three sighed. "Surprisingly yes." Nico said. "Tough quest?" Ares asked. "Unbelievably." Nico nodded. "Okay no getting buddy buddy with a God." Percy sighed. "Oh right. And boom." A lock on a near by truck came unhooked. "There ya go. Oh and as for the food..." Ares chucks a blue bag at Percy. "Oreos. Keep the bag. On the house." Ares snatched his shield as it morphs into a bullet proof vest. He got up on his Harley. "Wait a minute! You really want us to ride in.. " Percy narrowed his eyes. "A... Zoo transport truck!" The God gave Percy a snarl. "Why yes. Yes I do. Be grateful brat." Percy decided that God or not; he wasn't gonna take anymore of his talk. "Big talk Coming from someone too afraid to face metal spiders." Ares snarl turned to a frown. "You do not pick good enemies kid. Watch your back." The God drove off.

Percy, Thalia, and Nico had snuck on the 'Humane' truck. It was not. "I will electrocute those monsters who dare call this Humane!" Thalia said; trying hard not to draw her weapon. "While I'd love to see they're faces go to my father's realm; maybe we shouldn't kill our only ride to California." Percy and Thalia nodded begrudgingly. As they're ride took off, they started having a nice conversation. "It's been a while since we just talked. Not anything quest related huh?" Percy said. "Yeah... So, what about?" Nico asked. "Hmm... Maybe... Future goals? What do you want to be when you're older?" Thalia asked, with a casual tone. "Well... I was thinking maybe a comedian?" Nico said; uncertainly. "Dude; heck yeah! I can totally see you cracking horrible jokes in front of a adoring audience." Percy said jokingly. "Well I know what I want to be! I want to be a great hero! Even more so than Heracles!" Thalia said proudly. "Oh the mighty daughter of Zeus wants to be a hero? Shocking." Percy said sarcastically. "Eh shut it fish face." She said; playfully hitting his shoulder. "Eh I'm kidding. I'm sure you'll do great. Maybe get your own constellation." Thalia laughed. Nico snored. He'd fallen asleep. Thalia snorted and blew some hair out of her face. "So.. What about you Perce?" Thalia asked; genuinely curious. "What about me? Oh uh... I don't really have any plans. I just know I gotta make some money." Percy said; bashful. "Gotta?" Thalia followed up. "Yeah... I gotta help my Mom." Thalia gave a short; "Oh." Then sighed. "Percy?" Thalia said after a moment of silence. "Yeah?" Percy answered. "I mean... Do you have to?" Thalia said quietly. "Wh-" Thaila cut him off; "You hate it there right?" Percy sighed. "Yeah... I do." Then Thalia said quickly; "Then why go back?" Percy quickly said back; "I can't just leave my Mom to somebody like that. She's a nice lady and-" Thalia again cut him off; "Well you can't do anything about it right now. Look I'm just saying; you don't have to leave forever but... Did you plan on going back after this summer?" Percy was silent for a while. "Well... Yes I-I did..." Thalia sounded chocked up; "Don't. Stay. Stay while you can. When you're older and can actually do something... I'll; I'll even go with you! I just... Don't want you to go back to...Him." Percy looked down; ashamed. "I... I don't know." Thalia put a hand on his shoulder. "Please. I don't say it often; but please." Percy thought of his mother; of her what her reaction must have been when he went off the radar. Gabe probably convinced her he was dead. He thought of all the times with Gabe. He hated it. He hated being so powerless. He needed to be stronger. For her. For himself. For his friends. But he couldn't just leave her in the dark. "Is... Is there a way I can talk to her?" Thalia nodded. "We'll need a rainbow but yeah." She was confused; that was sudden. "Okay. If I can talk to her and explain everything; I'll stay." Thalia gave a sigh of relief. "Okay. When we land in California I'll give her a iris message." Percy stuck up a eyebrow. "A what?" Thalia yawned. "I'll tell ya later. All this being serious is exhausting." She laid on a hey bail and fell asleep almost instantly. "Yeah. Me too."

A/N: This has been my favorite chapter to write so far! Tell me what ya think!
