Journey home pt.2

The ninjas hurried to the lair through the trees, then onto buildings. When civilization was near, Raph, who held Ravi over his shoulder, was in the middle next to Soairse Leo, which was in the front, leading the group.  Mikey and Donnie were in the back of the group, destroying footprints and keeping watch. Leo glared at Soairse as they jumped through the forest and finally found the familiar buildings of New York until they jumped into the sewers.

Raph put Ravi in a spare room and locked the door as Leo brought Soairse to the dojo. The door to the dojo opened as Raph came in and sat on the side watching Leo. Soairse looked around after hearing a tail swish....Master Splinter had walked in the room, and she jumped, expecting to dodge his tail until it wrapped around her waist and flung her to the other side of the room she braced for the impact as a large CLANG echoed through the room as she hit the wall near the weapons breathing hard as she regained her breath. Leo's eyes were wide when Soairse didn't get up, Raph stood his muscles tense, looking at his father with pleading eyes. "Soairse rise!" His voice rang as she stood holding her side. "Grandfather....."  her voice lowered into a quiet whisper as she saw the anger in his eyes.

"You brought this foot soldier into our home, who has killed your sister, and now tracked yourself down!" Leo stepped in between them."Master bringing him here was my idea for questioning, and before you came in, I was dealing with her punishment for dealing with the individual on her own." Leo would claim trying to calm his Father. His father gave him the hard glare he'd had previously given to Soairse. "I understand, my son. However, bringing him here was a foolish decision. " he walked out of the room as Soairse fell back to the ground holding her side.

The room froze as an erie silence grew as heavy breathing only filled the dojo. Raph ran over to Soairse as Leo just looked at the door despair flooded eyes sight. Turning to face Soairse, he saw her eyes overcome with a cold glaze as Raph helped her stand. He walked over to her his muscles tense it seemed as though Raphs anger had transferred to him when both his protective manner and anger combined as his eyes burned as she pushed herself off of Raph and went to the otherside of the room as Raph shoved Leo out of the way and Soairse ran to her room locking the door. "You just scared the shell off her. Do you not realize that?!" Raphs yell echoed in the halls leading up to her door as she sat by it and shook, trying to quiet her crys.

"You used to be like this with her, weren't you, and she listened!" Leo's voice rang throughout the hall as their voices got closer she hugged her weapon tight. "I ALSO DIDN'T DO WHAT YOU JUST DID SHES A KID THEY MAKE MISTAKES!!!" The anger had returned to raphs voice as all the noise died to silence right in front of her door, and the handle started to shake. Looking up, she saw a latch in the ceiling of the room and climbed up and into it, shutting the latch as soon as the door was broken into. Her nervous breathing became hard and fast as she crawled her way out of the sewer system that the latch led to. Once out of the system, she began leaping onto each building until she found a safe spot.

She hugged her knees as her breathing finally slowed enough to take her black mask off, wipping the tears of fear and anger. Hearing loud thumps, she quickly put her mask back on and made an attempt to jump but was caught by a turtle hand as she hung in the air. The person who caught her brought her back to the roof and set her down as she pulled her weapon out. "Hey, it's me, it's ok." A calming voice that soothed her that was carried through the wind made her turn.

"I thought it was someone else." she breathed a breath of relief. "I'm sorry your father acted like he was after an enemy." Raph hugged her as she buried her head into her Plastron."I don't think I wanna go back tonight, Uncle Raph, not until Master Splinter and my father calm down." she'd say in between tense muscle spasms as she tried to keep herself from crying. "It's ok to cry. You're only 18. you're still a child for the most part, I will admit he went more overboard than when I get mad." Raph cooed as he walked her to the corner he found her sitting down with her cuddling until he could tell she felt safe.

He looked down at her smiling when he saw her fast asleep. "Let's get you home before your father gets even more angered." He picked her up and jumped into the sewers.  He put her in her bed, taking her blanket and covering her body, finding another bed sheet and clips he called Donnie over as they put up the sheet to act as a door.

"What do u think Don should this hold up?" He looked at his brother then to the door with the clips. "It should if Leo doesn't get into another fit of anger that even scared Mikey out of his playfull self. But it should hold. How did she even get out of here? " he'd walk over to the vent and slightly push on it, catching it before it hit the wall. "She climbed out of the vent, didn't she." He said his face, giving raph the 'really look'. Raph laughed quietly while nodding. "Alright, hand the the tool I used for the clips," he sighed as he twisted the bolts back in. "That should be it anything else?"Nope."Alright, let's get outta here before she gets up." The brothers walked out and went to their own rooms, leaving her to sleep for the night.
