Copper POV.

"it's been two hours and we haven't heard anything" Zach was freaking out.

"you need to relax, she's with Dylan trust me when i say she's in good hands" i tried to ease his worries.

"what if something happened to them?" he was stressing.

"there fine, Dylan texted me ages ago that they made it to her apartment. now sit down and relax" i was getting annoyed with his pacing

"i am sorry" he sighed and sat down beside me. we where in my room at my parents house, they kept it the same for if i ever want to come by.

"what do you think they are taking about?" Justin asked.

"i have no idea, but why would Tristan be crying?" Zach didn't know.

"so i don't mean to sound racist, but how come you never told us she was black?" i  wondered.

"why dose that matter?" Zach scoffed.

"it doesn't" it really didn't.

my phone ringing caught the attention of Zach. he looked nervous, i picked it up.

"hey you" i smiled.

"hi, so she feel asleep, crying can really tucker you out" Dylan informed me.

"should you wake her? so that she can get home" i wondered.

"ya so she's not going home" Dylan voiced.

"okay?" i wasn't sure what was going on.

"it's a long story, but basically i told her she could crash here for a couple days." She dropped a bomb.

"well clearly there is a story there" i was confused.

"ya my heart goes out to this poor girl" Dylan sounded sad.

"what's wrong?" i wasn't sure if she would tell me, but i was curious.

"well it's not really my place to say. but i can tell you that she's doing what she thinks is right, and based on what she's told me. giving the baby to Zach to raise,  is smart a choice for her." she  gave me bits and pieces.

"interesting" was all i could say.

Zach was giving me confused looks.

"ya so how's Zach is he worried?" she asked.

"oh ya" i chuckled.

"well i would say you could come bye. but let's save that for tomorrow. she's had a long night and just needs to rest" Dylan was so giving it makes me proud to call her mine.

"alright i will have Zach drive us over in the morning" i replied.

"alright i love you" i lover heading her say that.

"love you too" i smiled then hung up phone.

"ohhh love hun" Justin wiggles his eye brows.

i rolled my eyes, "so she's asleep" i tell Zach.

"what else did she say?" he pushed.

"well she kept it brief" i wasn't lying.

"okay and?" he pressed.

"just that she's going to be crushing with Dylan for a couple days" i tell him.

"did she say why?" he asked.

"no she didn't, and it's not really her place to tell us. it should come from Tristan. Dylan said we can stop by in the morning. so we can take your car" i tell him.

"fine" he sighed.

"what's wrong?" i knew something was bugging him.

"just crazy to think about the fact that i am going to have a baby to raise, and a girl. god must be punishing me" i couldn't help but laugh.

"you know moms just so excited to finally be having a girl in the house" Justin was so true.

"she's going to be so adorable, and have some thick hair on her head to. it's in her jeans between you and her mother's beautiful curls" mom says as she walked in to my room which crushed our guy time.

"i wonder how dark she will come out" Zach says.

"i think she will have a good amount of colour. she will be so beautiful" mom looked close to tears.

"what do you think of the name Gabriella?" Zach randomly blurts.

"it's pretty" mom smiled.

"and Gabby for short?" Justin questioned Zach.

"little Gabby i think it's cute" mom gushed.

"well i want to make sure Tristan likes it" he voiced.

"this is where you all disappeared to?" Dad smiled and came into my room to.

"What do you think of Gabriella?" Zach asked dad.

"that was your great grandmothers name" dad tells us.

"really? i didn't know" Zach says.

"ya we called her GG though" dad smiled.

"damn weird to think about my kid brother having a baby before me" i couldn't help but blurt.

"well you will be next, hopefully soon?" mom looked eggar.

"not anytime soon" i was going to make sure we where married and i wanted at least a year in the NFL, under my belt before. but if it happens before i would be okay. but she will be my wife before that's all i care about.

"well what about a wedding?" mom pressed.

"we have only been together six months mom" i knew she was it for me, but it was just a bit to soon.

"so when you know you know" mom shrugged.

"well i would be okay if she became my sister in law, she's funny. the way she told off that waitress" Justin was laughing, but it was true.

"i know i was trying not to laugh myself." mom smiled.

"ya that's Dylan, she speaks her mind" i smiled.

"there in love" Zach grinned.

"you told her you love her" mom was gushing.

"you sound surprised, your the one saying i should propose. but you sound shocked when you heard that?" it didn't make sense to me.

"well i knew you weren't going to propose anytime soon. but oh my baby is in love" mom was so emotional.

i groaned at i hate when she calls me her baby.

"i know sorry, i can't help it sometimes"

"so have you heard anything yet?" dad questioned.

"ya she's with Dylan, she fell asleep. we are going to stop by in the morning." Zach voiced.

"well clearly there is a story there" Mom was right.

i noticed Justin give a look to Zach.

"what's going on?" i looked at justin.

"nothing" he didn't make eye contact so i knew he was lying.

"your lying what do you know?" i pressed.

"well i don't know if it's true or not so i don't want to say anything" he had a look on his face.

"well now i am curious" mom was always the nosy one.

Justin sighed, " okay like i said, i don't know if it's true. but i heard she's in a abusive home."

Dylan POV

as i looked at Tristan asleep on the my sofa. i couldn't help but feel my heart break for her. i wouldn't wish what she was going threw on my worst enemy.

when she told me her story i had to keep my self from crying. she needed me to be strong and listen. not cry and give her pity. i also know that i couldn't let her go back there, so i offered her to stay. she excepted right away, which i was glad.

i wasn't sure how long she would be staying here, but i would let her stay for as long as she needed. she also told me that i could i from Hadley about her situation. so that she understands why she's staying. i told her i wouldn't go to into detail, because i just felt like she didn't deserve all these people knowing.

"Dylan ahh you will-" Hadley started but stopped once she saw Tristan on the sofa.

"come to my room so we can talk" i didn't want to wake Tristan up.

She didn't question me, she just followed.

"you want to tell me about your night first?" she looked so happy.

"oh i will later, what's going on? who is that?" she questioned.

"That's Tristan, she's Zachs baby momma." i started.

"oh snap it's his, so what's she doing here?" she pushed.

"well we all went out to diner, and we where leaving and she just asked if she could talk to me. she thanked me for sticking up up for her. cause our first waitress was low key racist. then i asked her why she looked so sad at the restaurant. and she just started crying. so i brought her back here, so we could talk. cause i knew she just needed someone to let it all out. and basically she's being forced to give up her baby. because Zach is white, and her mother isn't a good person. but a bunch of other reason are playing into her dession to. i don't want to go to into detail. but i told her she could stay here. i hope that's okay. i just couldn't stomach the thought of her having to back home." i explained it all to her.

"girl of course she can stay here, i don't want her going home if she's being abused. we will make this work" Hadley was always so understanding.

"Zach and Cooper are coming over tomorrow to talk to her. i didn't want them to wake her up. she's been through a lot. now tell me about your night so i can feel better" i wanted to know every thing.

"his mother is so sweet, she couldn't stop taking to me. she kept saying how beautiful i was, and that i was smart and had lots going for me. and it was amazing, his dad didn't say to much. but Max said that was normal. but he asked me a few questions and he seemed pleased with my answers. and his sister was so funny. we got along great. she's excited to be trying out for cheer this summer. i just man i felt really good about tonight" she was smiling and i was so happy for her.

"that's awesome i am so glad, now he has to meet your parents. which. i know will go just as good. so don't even stress." i knew she was stressing.

"i know after today though, i feel really good about him meeting my parents." she tells me.

"that's good, i know it will all work it's self out for you" i smiled.

"ya well i am going to get ready for bed, i am so tired." Hadley says.

i nodded and told her good night, i went to check on Tristan. i wanted to make sure she was okay before i went to bed. i saw she was still asleep. so o pulled the blanket they had fallen of her back over her. and then went to my room.

i woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking on the door. i groaned and checked the time on my phone. it was nine o'clock in the morning, i knew it was Zach and Cooper. so i groaned and got out of bed.

i saw Tristan sit up, the knocking must have woken her up also.

"did you sleep okay?" i questioned as i looked threw the peep hole just to make sure it was them.

"ya thanks" she offered me a shy smile.

"you do realize what time it is right?" i opened the door and was not impressed.

Cooper looked me up and down, and it was then i realized what i was wearing. i was in a flimsy tank top and my sleep shorts which where short.

"my eyes are up here buddy" i snapped my fingers in his face to get his attention.

"ha she told you" Zach laughed.

"shut fuck face" he pushed him with his shoulder.

"ugh" i groaned and walked away from them.

they laughed and stepped threw the door, Cooper closing the door behind him.

"i will be right back" i called out and went to my bedroom, so that i could put some decent clothes on.

"you look fine as fuck right now" Cooper groaned as he walked into my bedroom behind me.

"are you always on?" i couldn't help but joke.

"only around you, so ya probably" he smiled and grabbed me by my hips to pull me against him.

i could feel his erection up against me.

"you should probably take care of that before you go out there" i patted his chest and turned to walk to my closet.

he grabbed me by surprise and picked me up, and tossed me on my bed. causing me to burst out laughing.

" you think your so funny huh" he groaned as his face was in my neck.

"oh i am so hilarious" i tried not to moan but the way he was kissing my neck it was hard not to.

"if there wasn't so many people here, i would fuck the shit out of you. the bed would be banging against your wall." he whispered in my ear.

"Cooper" i moaned out in his ear.

he chuckled and grinned himself on me.

"you make me so hard baby." he kept grinding on me.

"we can be quick?" i wanted him so bad.

"you best not be fucking in there. i am starving. so hurry up and get dressed so we can go get some food" Zach banged on my bed room door.

"my family i am serious going to kill them all" Cooper groaned.

i couldn't help but laugh, but at the same time i can't help but agree.

"time to leave" i pushed Cooper off me.

"fuck sakes, i am still mad hard though" he complained.

"just think of something weird, like your grandma naked. or something i don't know" i was trying not to laugh at his face.

"your nasty" he scrunched his nose up.

"did it work?" i was curious.

"no it didn't, but i might have nightmares" he shivered.

"just tuck it in your pants then" i laughed at his face again and went to my closet so that i could get dressed.

"just suck me off quick" he tried.

"no your brother is in the next room, and besides your ass always the one getting off. if anything you should be the one sucking me off." i was dead serious.

"well then lay your ass on the bed then" he tried to push me back down.

"Cooper your brother is going to knock on that door again any second. and i am not having you stop half way through. so no let me get dressed in peace" i was getting annoyed.

" i will be back" he quickly adjusted himself and left my room.

"go out with out us, and don't come back for at least an hour. maybe two now buy" i heard Coopers voice.

i couldn't help but laugh.

"your ass nasty" Zach chuckled.

i knew Cooper was rolling his eyes. and not even a second later, he burst through my door.

"your ass is all mine. since you been complaining open your damn legs and let me make you cum" he demands.

and i sure as heck wasn't going to complain.
