Chapter Sixteen

"Who says...?" Oikawa mumbled under his breath. It was only because of the context of the conversation that you knew what he said. If you hadn't known, you'd be like Iwaizumi, clueless and ignoring whatever Oikawa had said right then.

Fuck you, Kawa-chan. Cut it out already!

Iwaizumi smirked (ASJDKFEK- IWAIZUMI SMIRKING, THE MENTAL IMAGE, SOMEONE SEND HELP I'M CURRENTLY DECEASED IF ANYONE ASKS) at Oikawa saying, "Well, then I guess I don't need to tell you about how she believes in aliens..."

You immediately shot a glare at Oikawa that read, "You'd better play along. When I say that I WILL steal all of your alien merchandise and plushies, AND raid your stash and funds for milk bread. I. MEAN. IT."

The poor boy gulped in fear for a quick second, before his expression turned playful and his eyes sparkled. "WHAAA?! That's incredible! You have to hurry up and meet with her so we can freak out and talk about conspiracy theories together!"

"FUCK." Iwaizumi suddenly said.

"AH! Don't suddenly scare us like that!" You exclaimed.

The green-eyed boy quickly apologized before going on about why he was not happy with himself. "It's her, my soulmate."

"Very specific, Iwa-chan..." Oikawa slightly rolled his eyes. "What do you mean? Something happen to her?"

"No. I was supposed to meet up with her at the Interhigh Tournament!" He exclaimed.

"That's right! I totally forgot..." You slipped up before realizing that once again, you had said something that you shouldn't have. Oikawa slapped his hand over his mouth in an attempt to hide his hysterical grin at your mistake. And I did it again. Good job [Y/n], good job.

"Huh? Forgot what?" Much to your relief, the ace was still oblivious to what you were just talking about.

"O-OH! Nothing! Um, just... uh. I was saying how I forgot to... uhh, check in with MY OWN soulmate!" Laughing nervously, you couldn't tell if you were proud of your excuse, or wanting to curl up in a hole and sleep for a while.

"I didn't know you were talking to him too! Or is she a her? Wait- I shouldn't have assumed anything, why don't you just tell us about them." Iwaizumi had an inquisitive expression.

"Well, he's a he." You blandly stated, not wanting to let on more.

"Why don't you share more about him? I totally thought that once you started talking to him, you would be like Crappykawa over here. Constantly blabbering on and low-key complaining too." The boy was being blunt, very blunt.

Oikawa pouted before smirking and added to the pressure you were now facing. "Yeah [Y/n]-chan~ Why don't you tell us about him~"

You forced a gulp down and inhaled to let on just the tiniest bit without revealing who it was. "Well you see, he's-"

"AYYYY sorry we're late Cap'n!" A voice barged into the gym.

Thank goodness, I'm spared. You thought.

The three of you turned to see Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Yuda, Sawauchi, and Shido were all out of breath and stumbling into the gym.

"We all met up outside the school gates and had a little race so we're out of breath. Just give us a minute." Matsukawa panted.

OIkawa stood up and smiled. "WELL. Look who finally decided to show up! No breaks for those who are late! Go get changed and come back!"

A collective "Yes, Captain!" was heard before they headed off. The three of you started cleaning up again to set everything the way it should be before practice. As the other third years came back into the gym, Iwaizumi asked if they knew where the 2nd and 1st years were, and if they were coming to practice today.

"We ran into the first years stopping by the convenience store earlier, but we didn't ask if they were planning to come." Hanamaki said, right before "accidentally" receiving the ball in a way that hit Matsukawa in the face.

You just ignored that and focused on what he had said. Those two always had some weird competition or had freakishly similar trains of thought. So the 1st years might be coming, good to know, I'll start filling the bottles up with water then. You piped up in the conversation, asking the rest of the team if they had seen the 2nd years. To that, Shido informed you that they were probably on their way since he saw them practicing at a nearby court.

All of you 3rd years practiced on your own, even forming a little three on three match. The teams were Matsukawa, Hanamaki, and Yuda on one, while Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Sawauchi were on the other team. Shido took the score with you.

"This is un-fucking-fair. You put Oikawa and Iwaizumi on the same team?!" Despite the complaint from Hanamaki, they were having fun playing with one another.

"See, Kunimi-kun? I told you that they'd be in here." Yahaba said, walking in first with Kyotani in tow right behind him.

"Mmm. I didn't say you were wrong though..." The quieter 1st year replied.

"Good morning, Oikawa-san, Iwaizumi-san!" Kindachi trailed behind them all and greeted the rest of the team.

Now the gym felt full of energy, much better than the tension that was present not even an hour ago. You had a little chat with Kyotani about his remaining time away from the team, and he just nodded for most of the time. As you walked away, Oikawa approached you with a jealous expression. "[Y/n]-chaaaan~ It's not fair! Why does Kyotani listen to you and Iwa-chan?! I AM the captain, am I not? So why does he listen to you of all people?"

You grinned slyly, "Maybe it's because I don't act like a little child, bleh!" You pulled your under eye down and stuck your tongue out at him.

Oikawa gasped in an overly dramatic manner. "How rude, I'm wounded by all of you! Not to mention, we talked about this! You act almost exactly like I do!" He said, rolling his eyes. He backed up a bit, leaning back dramatically, only to trip over a stray volleyball on the ground. A momentary look of panic flashed over his face before a certain boy caught him by the arms. "Iwa-chan! Thank you!" Oikawa gave a cheeky smile.

Iwaizumi returned the smile before letting him go and letting him drop to the floor. Your hands flew to your mouth to stifle a giggle. Oikawa glared at you before giving a small laugh as well. The spiky haired third year who was just standing there kept looking back and forth between you two before finally shaking his head in defeat.

"I don't care what either of you argues, you both act like little children sharing some sort of big secret." Thankfully at that moment, Kyotani was picking a fight with Kunimi, who was getting irritated, so Iwaizumi ran over to break that up before it escalated further.

He didn't get to see that stupid grin that appeared on your face; of course accompanied by the infamous pink dusting on your cheeks.

"Man, you sure are one lucky girl. Somehow you get all these coincidences that prevent him from suspecting anything-" Oikawa suddenly lost his voice. Whoopsie. Looks like he attempted one too many 4th wall breaks 😗🔪.

"Kawa-chan? Are you okay over there?"

You helped Oikawa up off the ground and he gladly took your hand. You pulled him up and you two exchanged a knowing glance in reference to Iwaizumi's previous comment.

"Y'know, you'd better not go around getting cocky just because you know who your soulmate is. That's not the qualification for winning our little challenge." He said, careful to keep his voice low enough that it would stay out of earshot of the rest of the team. "You'd better hurry before I swoop in for the win~"

"Haha, yeah- I got that. I'll... I'll work on figuring out how to confess to him." It was starting to hit you that the school year was quickly passing by.

"Just get on with it! It can't be that hard! You've waited so long for that moment, so why don't you just seize it and tell him?" He was uncharacteristically trying to help.

"Kawa-chan, you say it like it's the simplest task in the world. It's different when your soulmate is right in front of you!" You said, reasoning your actions up until now.

He huffed and rolled his eyes. "Ugh- do you know what I would give to have my soulmate here with me? You can't even fathom it. Just be grateful that yours is so close to you!"

You just nodded in understanding. While you could see things from his standpoint, it didn't really make your current situation any easier. You were still faced with the predicament of how to confess to Iwaizumi. You really liked him, honestly, but you just wanted the timing to be right. After all, it was that moment. The moment that you'd always dreamed of. The moment that was going to change your life. The moment that fate would take you both by the hand and lead you down a magical path of life.

It was childish, but you wanted to make your confession to him perfect. That, and the author of this story is clearly stalling because they don't know how to write romance. You made an internal promise to yourself that you would not act impulsively on the decision. For now, you would just live in the moment, and see what ideas came to you.

June went by in a breeze, but you couldn't help but feel bad that you guys hadn't celebrated Iwaizumi's birthday, so on your own, you planned a little team surprise party for both Iwaizumi and Oikawa. The party was to be held on the 20th of July, Oikawa's 18th birthday.

You got together with the other members of Aoba Johsai's VBC to put it all together. It was settled fairly quickly, and under your guidance and leadership, it all came together.

Matsukawa and Hanamaki were responsible for the candles, you weren't entirely sure you could trust them with much else. Kindaichi and Kunimi were responsible for the cards, and getting it around for everyone to write and sign. Sawauchi, Shido, and Yuda were in charge of the decorations and decorating in general. They knew Iwaizumi and Oikawa better than anyone, so you figured they'd be able to give the gym the best vibes. Lastly, you sent Watari, Yahaba, and Kyoutani to design and pick up the cake.

In the days preceding the event, everyone really couldn't do much. It was the end of the term; time for exams. You had to admit, though you could get used to them, it didn't really make them any easier; nor were they harder. Of course, you came out top 5 in your class. It was only to be expected from the popular girl. You were Kageyama [Y/n] after all.

Oikawa placed just higher than you, in 4th place for your class. Meanwhile, while Iwaizumi was in the class below you, he finished 1st place in his class, effectively sending Oikawa into a competitive rant. After all those grueling tests were over, the team once again began making last minute preparations. The morning of the surprise party came, and you were scrambling to make sure that everything would be in order by afternoon practice. Thankfully, neither of the boys questioned your request to not have morning practice that morning. It was understandable. Everyone should have a nice, easy day off before they went on a long break.

You initiated the plan with the team and watched carefully, distracting the two boys while the rest went into the gym and got into position. When you heard the brief sound of an air horn, you knew it was safe for you to lead them to the gym. Grabbing both of their hands, you led them to the gym.

The skin-to-skin contact with Iwaizumi was really distracting you, but you willed yourself to stay focused. You did have to admit, the way that his large, slightly rough and worked hand fit into yours just felt perfect. It didn't matter if your hands got clammy, or hadn't been manicured recently, you knew that his hands were where yours belonged. So distracted in your thoughts, you almost let go of Oikawa's wrist to cling onto Iwaizumi. Thankfully, you caught yourself, and stayed on task.

You walked up to the gym doors, and kicked them with your foot. They opened, and revealed the gym, decorated perfectly. Somehow it fit both Iwaizumi and Oikawa's tastes. In the middle of the gym where the net usually was, stood a table with a cake. All around the table stood the team, and they began singing to the surprised 3rd year students.

♪Happy Birthday to You♪

You slightly cringed at their pitch and tone, but it was a celebration. They were all having fun messing around, so it didn't matter. I'm just glad that all this came together in time. And so far, the party itself is turning out fantastic...

♪Happy Birthday, Iwaizumi-san and Oikawa-san♪

You held back a slight laugh. The way that they tried to cram the two names together fast enough to fit in the spot where typically 3-syllables would be just made it sound like a bunch of nonsense.

♪Happy Birthday to You~♪

Oikawa blew out the 18 candles on his side of the cake, while Iwaizumi did the same on the other side. The whole table was surrounded by lots of smiles and little grins. Some of the team brought them gifts.

You gave Oikawa a little self-care kit. He whined initially, but you knew that he was actually quite grateful. He always appreciated a little reminder to take care of himself. Between his constant need to improve and sometimes slipping self-image, he could use a nudge.

As for Iwaizumi, you honestly struggled with his gift. What were you supposed to get for your soulmate? Well, that should be easy. Give them a card telling them how much you love them. Promise them love and affection. In general, just love their whole essence. But you couldn't exactly do that quite yet. So you settled on a little Godzilla figurine that you'd seen him eying last time that you all had gone shopping.

Both boys were absolutely delighted to receive all their gifts, and could not stop smiling throughout the entire celebration. It warmed your heart to watch them all. You realized just how much you were going to miss this once graduation rolled around. Slightly shaking your head to stay in the moment you joined in on the celebration.   
