Chapter 5: Coffee and Questions

Chapter 5: Coffee and Questions

I walked past the gate. My hands are sweating and I feel numb. I stopped when I saw myself standing in the glass door, the only thing that blocks me and A&D Cor. I took a deep breath as I felt my palm touch the cold bars of the handle and there, I felt the cold air swift through my whole system as I step my foot inside. I stopped midway when I saw an old man fell. I frown as I saw that no one helped him. I started walking towards him and picked up a folder.

"Are you ok, Sir?"

I asked politely. He looked up at me, staring at me before he smiled. 

"I'm fine, dear" He said as he stood up "thank you"

"It's nothing, Sir"

I said then handed him the folder I was holding. He has this gray hair, his face are full of wrinkles and he's blue eyes, which constantly reminded me of Zach, are getting pale. I smiled.

"Where were you going, Sir? Maybe I could help you"

He shook his head as he arrange his eyeglasses through his nose. He breathed a heavy breath as he looked at me and smiled.

"No, thank you dear but I think I can manage. So? May I know your name, little dear?"

His pale blue eyes searched for my hazel ones. I straighten my back and smiled confidently.

"I'm Allison Agostini Livingstone, Sir"

I smiled. He nodded as he looked at his watch then looked back at me.

"So Ms. Livingstone. Where were you heading?"

"I'm gonna apply for the position of being the CEO's Secretary, Sir"

He nodded once more as he smiled from ear to ear and his eyes are glistening. My eyebrows crossed.

Why is he so happy?

He nodded once more.

"Wanna grab a coffee with me, dear?"

I smile as I found myself nodding and following him.


"Oh, you're not married?"

He said in amusement. I nodded as I took another sip from my coffee.

"Yes, Sir but I do have a son"

He mouthed an 'oh' and nodded.

"Well, how old is he?"


He stiffened as my lips said the number 5. He stared at me for a while then relaxed.

"5? Wow, being a single parent must be hard, isn't it?"

I nodded in agreement. We're here at the building's cafeteria, taking coffee since he said that it's nice before having an interview. I thought it was water?

"So, your parents?"

I lowered my head at the mention of parents. I played with the mug I'm holding as I spoke.

"They're gone"

Is the only words I could say. Honestly, I don't know where they are. When I left my house, I didn't bother to check up on them.

"Hmm. So, what's your son's name?"

He tried to change the atmosphere so I looked up, a smile plastered on my face.

"Oh, he's name is Marson, Sir and his quite a prick sometimes"

I said while smiling. He laughed.

"Well, you look like a decent lady so I bet his like his father"

Like his father?

I don't know. I just sent him a smile and took another sip. I honestly don't know. I'm sure I'm responsible. Like hell, I'm the top notcher in our school, I never had a criminal record and I swear, I haven't kill a bug before. I swear! So I guess yeah, maybe Marson got that trait from his father, who apparently, I never had a contact or even told him that he had a son.

"So, why do you wanna get this job?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw him staring at me, seriously. I cleared my throat.

"Well, Marson's starting school now and as much as possible, I want to give him a perfect life-"

Not like the life I had

"And give him all his needs and wants and for him to start a brighter future-"

Not like my dim one

"And of course, to prove to myself that I can be the best mother any child could have-"

Like the mother I always wanted to have

"And be a strong mother like a father every child needs"

Like the father I once grew up

"And let him be happy"

I simply said. He nodded once more and took a sip of his coffee. Afterwards, he stood up.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Ms. Livingstone. I hope I could meet your son someday"

He said as he looked at me intently. I nodded slowly as I also stood up. He held out his hand and I gracefully held it too. He looked at me and smile, his pale blue eyes sparkling like the sea as he turn his back from me and walk away. I just followed him as he vanished through the crowd.

Why was the cafeteria full of people already?

I suddenly looked at my watch and my eyes widen. Shoot.

It's already 12:13

I'm late

I instantly grab my bag and headed to the office where I was suppose to be at exactly 11:00 for my interview.

But as I open the door. I saw no one except for a janitor moping the floor. He looked at me quite shocked.

"T-the inter-interview... Is it d-done?"

I asked as I lean to the door, hand on my chest as I keep on breathing after a long run. He shook his head.

"Sorry Ma'am but it's already done"

Holy crap
