Back into the thick of it

The Tardis landed on Earth once more with a bang and all the occupants inside it tumbled out. Thor picked himself up and came face to face with a Weeping Angel. He grabbed his hammer and smashed it right on the top of it's head.

Loki changed form and managed to accumulate some more versions of himself to help combat the ever growing numbers of the evil statues who had managed to block the entrance to St Michael's. "Chaaaaarge!" cried Suze as she slalomed into them wearing a specially customised suit Tony Stark had made her. The Angels crumbled to pieces.

The Doctor grabbed his screwdriver and lazered one of the smaller Angels into oblivion. Thor and Loki were busy helping Sarah Jane and K-9 and Suze walked back to the Doctor with a massive grin on her face. "I enjoyed that!" she chuckled as Stark rolled his eyes.

The Weeping Angels were by this point completely demolished and the group decided to go back into the Tardis to fly to a safe spot. They found it at Alnwick Cemetery and the Avengers decided to depart knowing they had done their job for now. Suze, Sarah Jane, K-9 and The Doctor all sat down and The Doctor said "There's something strange occurring, I can sense the Weeping Angels know their time is up, they just cannot cope with the assaults we keep landing on them!"  The Doctor suddenly jolted without warning and Suze cried "Doc, are you okay?" She clambered to her feet and Sarah Jane had to pull her away as a massive white light enveloped them but mainly the Doctor. Two minutes later, another man appeared...... it was the 11th Doctor!

"Erm hello, I thought I told you to stay away!" Said The Doctor rather indignantly. "Oh no, I wanted to come back to make it fun and interesting for you!" The 11th Doctor replied with a rather disturbing look in his eye. No sooner had he said that, he grabbed hold of Suze and he took her to the Tardis and they flew off.

Sarah Jane looked at The Doctor with worrying eyes and she said "What on earth is he going to do with her?" The Doctor replied "Nothing, cos we know who we can call upon to save her'"

They stood in the cemetery in complete silence......
