21- Jish Goes Home


A/N- Hey guys, I'm posting this chapter now instead of tomorrow because we just had a huge storm go through here. A tree fell on some of our power lines, so the electricity is out at my house right now, and might stay out for another day or two. So I wanted to post while I have a charged phone. Enjoy!

After school got out, as promised, Brendon, Jack, Patrick, Dallon, Pete, and Alex all came to visit me. Since the room was getting too crowded, my dad and Tyler's mom excused themselves to give us some more space.

They all brought a smile to my face and made me laugh, which hurt due to my ribs, but I didn't care. I felt so buoyant and free now that almost nothing could ruin my good mood.

Except for the homework they brought me that I had to catch up on, that didn't brighten my mood at all. Due to the circumstances, the school was cutting me some slack with my work, but I'd still have to get it all done and turned in, and take the tests whenever I could.

The guys stayed for about an hour and a half, before telling Tyler and me good-bye. Shortly after they left, the doctor came in the check on me again. He spoke to my dad, and apparently I would get to go home tomorrow, but would have to rest for a week or two.

Tyler had to go home that night, his parents were making him go to school tomorrow, so he kissed me on the forehead as he said good-bye, and promised he'd come to my house tomorrow after school. Also, my mom called to talk to me, today was Tuesday, and she told me she was coming home on Thursday, earlier than she originally planned. Of course, she went through the phases of being happy I was ok, to pissed off at me and the other three, to sad and crying all within a span of less than ten minutes.

My dad, who could hear her talking, said something about her going through menopause, which Mom heard, so I gave the phone to Dad and smiled as I watched him get yelled at. He flipped me off; I returned the favor.

After my dad finally calmed my mom down and got off the phone with her, we turned on the TV to a basketball game and watched it together, yelling at screen just like we normally do at home. At one point, a nurse had to come in and tell us to be quiet, to which we sheepishly agreed and apologized.

Around ten the game ended, and Dad and I stayed up for another hour or so just talking. It was nice, with his job we hardly got time to just talk and hangout, so this was much needed quality time.

He asked about the music and movies I liked now, about my friends and Tyler, and was just genuinely interested about me and my life. It was wonderful, I always knew he loved me and cared about me, but this was just a good reminder of that.

I got to go home around lunch the next day. My dad signed the papers while one of the nurses talked to me and gave me a list of things I could and couldn't do. On the list of things not to do, was "anything that would accelerate my heart rate (including sexual activities)" which was going to be a bummer for the next two weeks, but rules are made to be broken, right?

Tyler's mom had brought me some sweats and a t shirt from home, so I went into the attached bathroom and changed my clothes. I was taken down to the ground level and out the front door in a wheel chair where my dad was waiting for me in the car.

As I walked up the driveway, my steps were slow and a little shaky. My muscles wore sore and stiff, and my left ankle was acting up again. When I opened the door, I called out Jenna's name.

I heard a little thud come from upstairs, and she was meowing repeatedly the entire time she galloped down the stairs and over to me. She weaved in-and-out of my legs and continued talking, waiting on me to pick her up. I scooped her up and held her close, listening to the sound of her purring contently right in my ear. I missed her more than I realized.

Dad immediately sent me over to the couch to lie down while he took his bags to his room before making us lunch. We didn't have much in the house, so we ended up eating macaroni and cheese, but I wasn't complaining. We watched a few movies until Tyler came over. Since Dad didn't want to leave me by myself right now, he was waiting on Tyler before he went shopping to stock up on food so my mom wouldn't have to do it.

Tyler had brought me Taco Bell, which of course made my day. We sat on the couch; I had my feet propped up in his lap, as I ate. Once the food was gone, I flipped so I had my head resting in Tyler's lap as we talked: he was absent mindedly playing with my hair.

"Where's your nose ring?" Tyler asked as he looked down at me.

"A nurse told me it got bent up; they had to un-bend it to get it out of my nose, so I have to buy a new one." I said while feeling the side of my nose where the ring normally sat, it felt really weird to not have it there. Tyler frowned at my words. "What's wrong Ty?"

"The fact that you got punched in the nose hard enough to bend the ring. And, I know I've already thanked you once, but thank you so, so, so much for what you did. I still can't even process it. I never would've thought someone would do something like that for me, or anyone else. I love you, so, so much you don't even know." After he finished speaking, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'd do anything for you Baby Boy." I replied, caressing the side of his face in my hand, lightly stroking his cheek with my thumb. Tyler placed his hand over mine and leaned his head into my hand, letting out a content sigh.

"Everything is finally perfect. I meant to tell you the other day but I forgot, but I think Blurry is gone Josh."

"What? But how?"

"I don't know. When you were getting beat up, he started talking, and instead of listening to what he was saying, I just got so angry. I don't know where all that anger came from, because I'm normally not an angry person. Anyways, I snapped at him, and then I turned and started hitting Kellin and all of that, but ever since then I haven't heard him. I can't even feel him anymore...he's just gone."

I pulled Tyler in for another kiss before speaking again. "Tyler, this is fantastic! I'm so happy for you; I knew you could beat him."

"I just needed you to help me."

My dad came home an hour later with a whole car load of groceries. I tried to get up to help unload the car, but both Dad and Tyler yelled at me to lie back down while they toted in the bags and put everything away.

They spoke as they worked, and it made me extremely happy to see that they were getting along well. I don't know how anyone could not like Tyler, but I was still slightly paranoid that my parents wouldn't. Obviously, I was worried for nothing.

Around six, Tyler's mom knocked on our door. She invited my dad and me over to their house for dinner so we wouldn't have to cook or clean anything up on our first night back home. We gratefully agreed.

My dad walked ahead of Tyler and me, talking animatedly with Kelly about something. Tyler slowed his pace to match mine, which was annoyingly slow due to my ankle and sore muscles, but he didn't mind. He just laced his fingers with mine and slightly swung our arms as we walked over.

When we walked in the door, I could smell the food and my mouth began to water. It was all already prepared and set on the table. Tyler's dad was filling up cups with ice and water. I took my usual seat next to Tyler, except instead of being across from Mrs. Joseph my dad was placed in her normal spot.

The food was delicious as always, and the conversations flowed easy that night. After we had stuffed down all the food we could, Dad and I thanked the Josephs for everything before saying goodnight and heading back over to our house.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but feel a little lonely. I had gotten so used to sleeping with Tyler curled into my side that my bed felt twice as empty and cold. I rolled over onto my side, only to hiss in pain and immediately lay on my back again. This was going to get really annoying, really fast. I couldn't sleep. Around two in the morning, I heard my phone go off.

Baby Boy- Are u awake?

Dog Breath- Yeah, u having trouble sleeping 2 I assume?

Baby Boy- Yeah, I had to get an extra blanket cause im cold I've gotten used 2 u keeping me warm

Dog Breath- I could come over and warm u up ;)

Baby Boy- U are not leaving that bed Jishua Dun, the last thing u need 2 do right now is climb a ladder

Baby Boy- *Joshua

Dog Breath- Or u know, u could just let me in through a door like a normal person. Also, Jishua?

Baby Boy- Yup, gonna call u Jish from now on.

Jish- whatever dude, try to get some sleep. U still have school tomorrow 

Baby Boy- ugh don't remind me. G'night Jish, I loooooove u!

Jish- I looooooooooooooooooooovvveee u 2! (I win)

I woke up around eleven, the sun shining on my face through a crack in my curtains. I squinted my eyes and held my hand above my eyes trying to shade them. With some effort, I sat up and checked my phone.

I had a bunch of texts from Jack that were just jumbled up letters and words. The very last one he sent was saying Brendon had stolen his phone or something. I shook my head as I stood up and stretched. I made my way downstairs and saw a note from my dad on the counter. He had to go into work, but to call him if I needed anything.

I made myself some lunch and went into the living room to watch TV for awhile. Around two, I decided to go take a bath. I could still smell the hospital on my skin and in my hair, and I didn't like that smell. I went back upstairs, into the bathroom, and started running the water.

I decided on a hot bath instead of a shower to try to relax my muscles and get the last bit of soreness out of them. After the tub was full and had plenty of bubbles, I stripped down, started playing music on my phone, and slipped down into the warm, bubbly water. Apparently, I got too relaxed, because I ended up falling asleep in the tub.

Tyler's POV

After school, I drove straight home and walked over to Josh's house. The front door was locked, but since I didn't want to make Josh get up I used the spare key they had hidden in a hanging plant basket by their door. After I opened the door, I placed the key back and made my way inside.

"Josh?" I called out, but got no answer. I went into the living room, kitchen, and dining room but he wasn't there. I went upstairs and was about to check his bedroom when I heard the music coming from the bathroom.

I tried calling his name again from behind the door, but I still received no answer. I assumed he had fallen in the tub again and knocked himself out or something along those lines, so I opened the door and stepped in. I was met with a sight completely different than what I was expecting.

Josh was in the bath tub full of water sound asleep, his mouth hanging open and snores coming out every few breaths. Occasionally his nose would twitch. Another thing I noticed was that all the bubbles on the water were gone.

I blushed and quietly shut the door so Josh wouldn't know what I had seen. I will say though, he was definitely....um...big; thank god his tub is shallow...shaking my head, I cleared my throat before banging on the bathroom door.

"Hey, Josh!" I heard a surprised yelp and the sound of water splashing onto the linoleum floor.

"Uh, yeah?"

"You ok in there?"

"Yeah I just, uh, fell asleep in the bath tub. And now there's water all over the floor...crap...uh, I'll be out in a moment!"

I laughed to myself as I walked into Josh's bedroom to wait. I sat down cross-legged on his bed and played games on my phone while I waited.

After what felt like forever, I heard to bathroom door open and Josh came sauntering into the room with a towel wrapped low on his waist. His torso was covered in old bruises along with the new ones.

The scrapes had started to heal over, but there was a plenty of them. Especially on his back. I pretended to still be playing on my phone so Josh wouldn't notice me checking him out as he bent over digging through his drawers for clothes. I wonder if he's ever done that to me?

"Hey, Tyler?" he asked I looked up from my phone; he was standing there holding his clothes balled up in his hands.


"Can you take me out to get a new nose ring? Pleeeeeeease?"

"No! You're supposed to stay home and rest and you're still limping!"

"But Tyler-"

"No. At least wait till next week, you have two broken ribs for crying out loud."

"That was never proven." He mumbled under his breath, but I could tell I had wont the little argument, for now at least. Before I could look back down at my phone, Josh dropped his towel to the floor.

"Josh, oh my God! Some warning would be nice!" I cried out, my face flushing bright red. I looked down at the ground, and I heard Josh laugh as he pulled on his sweat pants.

"You can look now, I'm covered. And don't pretend you didn't like what you saw." He ended his sentence with a wink, which made my blush deepen at the truth of his words.

"Shut up..." I mumbled, not able to bring my eyes to meet his.

"Aw!" he cooed. He sat beside me on the bed, still shirtless, and pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and pouted at him.

He gave me a smile before grabbing the sides of my face and pulling me in for a kiss. I couldn't resist, and immediately kissed him back. I loved the feel of his lips against mine; they made me forget about everything else except what was going in this very moment. I threaded my fingers through his blue hair and tugged lightly; causing Josh to let out a deep moan, which only encouraged me more.

I gently pushed Josh down on his back and straddled his hips, never once breaking our kiss. Unfortunately though, I still had to breathe. I pulled away from his lips and moved down his neck. I kissed and sucked at different spots until I found just the right place.

He let out another moan and his grip on my hips tightened. I began sucking and nibbling at the spot, making sure to leave a hickie like he did to me. Josh's breaths were getting labored and I could see his face scrunch up slightly in pain every time he'd breathe in, so I decided we had to stop.

I gave him one last peck on the lips before climbing off of him and lying down beside him instead.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked, the disappointment clear in his voice.

"I could tell your ribs were bothering you." I replied, starting to lightly trace random patterns on his chest like I usually do.

"No they weren't," he mumbled, a pout on his face like a child who had been told they couldn't have something. Even making that face, he looked perfectly adorable to me. I kissed his jaw, and due to the fact he hasn't shaved in the past week or two, his beard kinda tickled. He needs to shave soon, I like the beard, don't get me wrong, but I think I prefer him without it.

 "I know you're lying Jish."

