18 P1

**This part is shorter because 18 was long af and I had to split it up. P2 will be out soon.

Jacob doesn't spend a lot of his time thinking about relationships. He's not new to a pretty woman giving him an inviting glance or a hot guy buying him a drink at the bar. He's used to having some attention on him despite his closed off demeanor and ever present scowl. He's given into these looks and gestures on occasion, falling into some obscure place with someone he only just knew enough. These nights were quick, sloppy, and muffled and he was getting rid of his guest before he could even trust himself to get comfortable. He's not one for lingering. He didn't need anything getting in the way of his job.

So, he's not used to this. He's not used to the soft blankets and the careful touches. He's not used to the whispered affections and the passionate kisses. He's not used to the aftercare or the waking up to hot meals and cold water.

He feels like he's drowning. Edward eclipses his body, hands planted up near Jacob's head as he crowds around him. He's got Jacob's legs tossed over his shoulders and his mouth about a quarter of an inch away from Jacob's. He's saying something, Jacob can tell from the way his lips peek out from behind his lips, but Jacob can't parse what he's saying at this point. He can't think behind the constant touches, kisses, and teasing bites that are driving him insane. Edward's moving at a snail's pace, ignoring any protests coming from Jacob as he slowly pulls out and pushes back in like they've got all the time in the world. He can feel the man's breath blowing against his face as he moves to resting on his elbows, his left hand going to run through the hair that's covering part of Jacob's face. His eyes are on him like he's committing the moment to memory. 

Jacob wants to punch him.

They can take their time later. He open his mouth to huff out his annoyance when Edward suddenly puts some space in between them and snaps his hips so hard that the sound of their bodies connecting echos around the room. Whatever complaints Jacob has dies in his throat as this movement seems to set a precedent for what's to come. He can barely catch his breath as he attempts to keep up with the shift in momentum. 

"Please," He hears himself pant, but he's not even sure what he's begging for.

However, Edward seems to understand as he leans back down and places his nose against Jacob's neck, urging him to lift his chin. 

"Ready?" Edward whispers like it's a secret they're keeping.

Jacob must give some kind of affirmative in his babbling because the next thing his brain registers is a sharp pain somewhere at the crook of his neck. He stiffens at the feeling and Edward must notice because his hand drops down from Jacob's face to rub at his side in an attempt to soothe him. The pain morphs into this cool feeling that eventually lends itself to pleasure.

Edward pulls away for a moment before leaning into lick the wound. 

That's it. The moment that Jacob's been ripping his hair out over for way too long has come and gone. He feels like he's floating. He's only slightly aware of Edward's eyes on him, watching closely, but Jacob's mind has drifted off.

 Edward lays there in the mess they've created and waits patiently for Jacob to come back to him. He only moves to get up and grab a towel from the bathroom when Jacob's eyes come into focus again. He lets out a wobbly whine, pushing Edward off of him, and Edward lets him with a chuckle as he goes to drop the towel in a hamper. 


Jacob wakes up out of it. It might be the fact that he's in his own house or that Edward's not next to him. He would almost believe that he'd imagined it, if it weren't for the pulsing ache at the crook of his neck and the way his lower back protests when he goes to sit up.

"Oh, look who's finally awake," Quil says, stepping through the door with a giant smirk on his face.

Jacob blearily blinks up at him.

"Oh, Eddy's downstairs making you something to eat." Quil answers his unspoken question.

He finally drops his gaze and lowers himself back down into the covers. 

"Just came up because you've got a guest downstairs." He says it in a light tone like it doesn't really matter.

"Tell Mike I'm tired." He grumbles into the pillow, ignoring the way his voice fades in and out. 

"Not Mike...Uley." Jacob sits up again, turning to face Quil who looks apologetic before he can even get his eyes on him.

Why the fuck would Uley be here? Why would he want to speak to him? He's not in the position to speak to him. The last time he'd seen the man, he was fucking around with Edward in the hospital. He didn't need the smug asshole coming into his house. He didn't like him sure, but because he'd just gotten marked he was more susceptible to chewing the man out. 

"He said it was urgent, Jake." Quil says in the smallest voice he can muster and lays it on thick by placing one hand on his lower back and the other under his belly to support it. He knows it's going to make Jacob feel bad for dragging out the conversation. Even with the knowledge that he's being heavily manipulated, Jacob rolls over.


Jacob meets Uley at the base of the staircase, leaning against the banister to support his weight. Honestly, he's not even sure why he thinks he's going to get the experience that most get after marking, but he should've really prepared himself better. Uley steps into the house, scent heavy as he makes his way over to Jacob. Jacob can hear Edward pretending to do something in the kitchen as he listens intently.

"Tell your partner to stand down, I'm not here to hurt you." He says putting his hands in the air.

"Oh, it's not him I'm worried about." Edward calls from the kitchen.

"I need your help with something." Uley says. Half-way through the sentence, his eyes drop to the floor as if the hardwood is the most interesting thing he's seen today.

"Something?" Jacob urges, already tired of having the conversation as he shifts. The banister pressing into his back is starting to make the ache worse.

"The Chief's daughter." 

The sound of pans clinking and water running in the kitchen immediately ceases. 

"What about her?" Jacob asks, trying to ignore how loud the silence is.

"She's in danger." Uley says, eyes clearly pleading with Jacob to take this seriously.

"What does that have to do with him? Do you not have a team of police officers? Do you have the Chief's phone number?" Edward says, leaning out of the kitchen door to make sure Uley can see how unhappy he is. 

It's the first time that Jacob's seen him since they got home and the man has apparently opted to keep his hair the way Jacob had accidentally styled it. 

"The Chief can't know!" He says urgently, leaning toward Jacob as if he's going to step into his space and Edward's at his shoulder before he can take a step forward, urging to him find some space between them.

"And why is that?" Jacob asks, suddenly curious of what the man has gotten himself into.

"There are vampires involved." He hisses, and Jacob's not sure whether to laugh or to be genuinely alarmed that the man had trusted him with a theory that would seem ridiculous to a human. 

Though, Uley clearly knows he's not human. Maybe he hadn't known before, but his scent was probably overwhelming currently. 

Jacob lets out a sigh, turning for the stairs and expecting Uley to follow.

"She was dating one of them, yeah?" Jacob tries not to react to the way Edward bristles behind him as Uley speaks, "He was a blonde guy, the one from the tapes."

"She was dating our only suspect?" Jacob asks. He can feel Edward relax behind him at the news that they weren't talking about him.

"Yeah, it's why she got attacked. He's pissed and he's making it known." Uley huffs.

The man is flustered. It was understandable, their only living witness was being hunted like some kind of doe in the woods. Though, the way he looks at Jacob like he's desperate and the lack of contact with the Chief when her daughter might be in danger, tells Jacob that he's not telling them something important. It's something that ropes him and makes him look worse than he already does.

"She was scared so I agreed to let her stay with me and my pack." He says, and immediately Jacob knows. 

Their scents between one another were almost battling for dominance in the small space. Jacob's would be like this for about a month like an indication that he was still quite fertile within this window. It came with being marked. Uley'd gone and gotten into bed with the Chief's daughter. 

It didn't seem bad enough to not inform her of their current predicament though. Telling her and putting the necessary precautions in place was still the best answer to a problem such as this. 

"What are you not saying?" Jacob asks after stint of heavy silence.

Uley blinks at him, looking him up and down as if he's surprised before he pulls back, clearly defensive.

"Are you going to help me?"

"Not if I don't know all of the details." Jacob responds, crossing his arms and waiting for answers.

The man lets out a shaky sigh, covering his nervousness with irritation.

"We mated." 

Jacob gives him a slow blink to let him know that he's not that stupid.

"She's pregnant." 

Edward lets out a noise that sounds like he's choking behind Jacob. He turns around to see if the man is okay to see that his eyes are blown wide as he looks over at Uley. He doesn't necessarily seem angry or upset, he just looks like he's in a state of shock. Eventually, his eyes find Jacob's.

What the hell are you going to do?

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." Jacob says, ignoring the way his voice fades out at the end.

As soon as Uley steps out of the door of his house, Jacob calls Mike. He doesn't give too much information, just tells him to get his ass over to the house.

He doesn't immediately dump what he'd just learned onto the man because Quil's here and he's really excited to see Mike. Or maybe he's just really excited to have someone to talk to who isn't kicking him every so often.

"So?" Mike says, looking intrigued as he glances over Jacob.  He's clearly only here because he thinks Jacob's about divulge information about the weekend.

"Things go well?" Mike asks, grin only growing wider.

"He's not going to answer. Ed wrecked his voice." Quil calls from the doorway.

"Fine, be like that," He says with huff after about two minutes of them just staring at one another. After that interaction, the excitement seems to have worn off and replaced itself with restlessness as Mike begins to bounce his leg.

Quil's telling them about what went on around the house while Jacob was gone. Nursery updates and Embry updates. Mike also looks as though he's about to join in.

Jacob's not especially keen on knowing what has happened in his absence, but he thinks that Mike's about to announce that he's finally popped the question. He'd found the ring, he'd found the perfect location, and he'd finally asked the vital question. Based on his demeanor, it went well. He prepares himself to hand out his version of a congratulations. So, he's completely thrown off by what comes out of Mike's mouth.

"Bella and Uley are together." He blurts out.

 It's like a secret he's been holding in that he just can't keep to himself any longer.

"Thought you would want to know before Doc found out." He says, looking apologetic, "Apparently, it's serious. Like, bun in the oven serious."

 So, he knows.

"Yeah, Uley told me." Jacob says with a nod of his head and its Mike's turn to look scandalized.

Quil looks in between them with an expression that looks a lot like betrayal and curiosity mixed together. Mike gives his gossip buddy an apologetic glance before he's back to looking at Jacob like the man was the answer to all of his problems.

"Isn't he married?" Quil pipes up, waddling over to take a seat on Jacob's bed.

"Divorced." Mike answers with a huff. He looks like he can finally relax. Good for him. Now, what was Jacob going to do?

"Does the Chief know?" Quil asks, already looking between the two as if he knows the answer as they both look at him as if that's a ridiculous question.

"Well, why wouldn't she tell her mom?" Quil follows up, "Even if she was scared he was going to lose his job, who doesn't tell their mom that they're pregnant?"

Jacob's about to answer those questions with his own speculations when his phone rings on the nightstand.

 'CHIEF' flashes across the screen like some kind of threat.

Jacob answers and is met with a stern voice on the other end. The woman is clearly talking to someone else before she acknowledges Jacob.

"Be prepared to come into work tomorrow." Then, he's having the phone hung up in his face.

