
I'm with Narrator my boyfriend and he's gonna meet one of my friends! We were waiting on Tyler.

"Y/n!" I heard a voice.

"Tyler!" I said.

We hugged.

"Grant (Narrators réal name I think) this is Tyler my friend, Tyler this is my boyfriend Sam!" I said.

"Hi Nice to finally meet you I subscribed to your youtube," Tyler said.

"Oh well thank you," Sam said.

Grant pulled me closer to him I shrugged that off.

"So you remember our old camp handshake?" I asked.

"*Gasp* You remember too?" He said.

We did it and one part we had to blow a kiss to each other.

Grant kisses my cheek. We all agreed to go to my house.We played beat saber with my VR and Tyler got a high score. Sam went on and got a higher score.

"Congratulations Grant," Tyler said.

"Yeah thanks,"Grant said in a blank voice.

"So karaoke?" I asked.

"Yes!" Tyler quickly said,

I picked a song and Tyler and I sang and Grant didn't was too.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(You should know Tyler boy y/n girl)

We spend the whole day dancing and Singing but Grant was just sitting out on everything.

"Oh well I gotta get going bye y/n!" Tyler said.

We kissed each other cheek and he left.

"Y/n Can you come here?" Grant asked.

"Sure what is it?" I asked.

He kissed me passionately.

"I want to tell you I love you and-,"

I cut him off. "You're jealous huh?" I smiled.

"What? No!" He said.

"Don't lie and Tyler he's Gay and did anyone ever tell you that you stay out of things when your jealous?" I smirked.

"I-Is it that obvious?"

I kissed him again.



I went on my Vr to chat with the boys.

"Oh hey what's up dawg," Eddie said.

"Ay y/n!" Reekid and Josh said.

"Hi Y/n," Mully Said.

"Hey Y/n," Juicy said in a baby voice.

"Hi Babe," Grant or Narrator said.

"Hi Boys, wanna know a story that happened yesterday? It's about Narrator and me,"I asked.

They all said yes.

"Narrator got jealous," I said.

"Bro you got jealous?" Eddie laughed.

Everyone started to laugh but narrator.

"Uh guys hold on I gotta do something," Narrator said.

He got off.Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Okay guys I gotta go and answer the door," I said.

I took off the headset and went to open and saw Sam?

"What the fuck babe?!" I screamed.

He went in my house and turned off the VR and grabbed me put me on my bed.

"You're getting punished," He purred in my ear.

I think we know what happened ;).
