chapter 26

*the next morning*

I woke up the next morning and instantly remembered last night. 'I told Bryce I would think about me and him how can I be so stupid to have kissed Jaden last night' I thought to myself, what an idiot I have totally messed this up. then. I had a flash back of Jaden kissing my neck, I tried to take it further but being the person he is he told me no because I had, had a drink. I must have been fidgeting during my thoughts because the next thing I know Jaden is sitting up stretching.

"morning" he says with a smile as if nothing has happened, "yeah um morning" I say in a whisper to try not wake anyone else in the house. "so I'm guessing you have just remembered what happened last night then by the um" he teased poking me in the side, this did make me laugh. this is the thing with Jaden we have always been this way since we got closer but I still didn't expect this to happen. "yeah, do you think we should talk about it?" I asked him and he nodded. as he got up he passed me my jeans that I had left here before when we used the pool and one of his jumpers. "here get dressed, we will go get some breakfast and talk there so we don't get distracted" he winked. oh god he is so hot why cant I get him out of my head. "yeah good idea" I say back to him.

as we was about to leave the house Noah and Blake came downstairs "hey, where are you guys off to?" they asked, great they are gonna wanna come now. "just to grab some breakfast" Jaden replied, to this they both said in sync "yeah we will come thanks for the invite" and with that, that was our conversation going out the window! Jaden gave me an apologetic look which I knew it wasn't his fault but I was still frustrated.

as we got in the car Blake called shotgun so I sat in the back with Noah. "since when do you two do things just the two of you?" Blake asked, I could tell by his tone he was annoyed he wanted to be my only guy friend aside from Noah, I could just tell. "see I told you he likes you" Noah whispered in my ear. before I knew it I started crying "Nicole are you okay?" Noah asked, I nodded but then Blake turned around "no you're not your crying what's going on?" he asked. all I could say was "Jaden can you turn around I need to go back home" to which he did so.
