
      During medieval times Dragons did live, although it wasn't peaceful and many died. A few dragons got away and live in hiding among the generations. As time went on dragons died from old age but new dragons continued to live in hiding, the legendary dragons became just that; legends. A few humans knew of the dragons' existence and helped keep their secret. Sadly the last of the human allies died almost a century ago and with him the knowledge of dragons. After years without human contact, the dragons became hostile to any being, not dragon, most stayed in their lairs only coming out to eat. 

     Tilly and Gunnar Gates are fire dancers with a traveling circus and carnival, The Delirium Cirque,  constantly moving from city to city. Tilly is an adventurous girl, always exploring the cities they visit. Gunner is a brute and a bad boy, constantly getting in trouble with the cops for petty crimes.  

     The circus visits a group of small towns all only a few miles away from each other. On the borders of these towns is a vast forest with something mysterious hidden within.  
