CHAPTER 21 : Inosuke...

Present time

"Mocking my kind and family, made us wildly hungry."

Hikari click her tongue as she snaps her fingers, sudden more swordsmanship went out of the big doors and charge after Inosuke along with boars. They also automatically charge back as the boars got wild because they intent to butt some heads.

Inosuke blocks Hikari that she was about to get away, the girl was about to use her martial arts but it was no use, she immediately lost because of how flexible Inosuke's body are made of. Hikari was beaten to the ground as she yelled, "Kill them both!!!"

The swordsmanship did what she said as Inosuke also yelled, "Protect Aoi! She's the future queen of the mountains!"

The boars also did what Inosuke command. He moves forwards towards Aoi who's trying defend herself, the two are quite distance so Inosuke had to slash one of the enemies so he could get to her.

When it was the last for Inosuke, he let the boars handled the rest. He then spotted Aoi was already standing meters away staring at him. Inosuke was froze at the moment, it was the first time they look at each other after almost a week they didn't reunite.

Aoi was really injured, but after seeing Inosuke right in front of her eyes, some of the scars and bruises are like nothing to her. As long as she got to see the person she wanted the most right now.

Inosuke still had heavy breaths until he took off his boar mask to let Aoi see his face.

The girl then cries, she tried to walk one step but it was painful. Inosuke put aside his swords and runs towards her, don't hesitate at all to pull her into his longing embrace. Aoi let out small sobs when she can feel the warmth of his body.

Inosuke hugs her tighter, he buried his face into her hair and stroke it soft.

She's here, Aoi is alright. He was so afraid if he cannot see her again. Their last departure was so torture for the both of them.

Inosuke let go for a moment to see her face, "I-Inosuke... Inosuke..."

The beast breathing widens his eyes when her eyes met his, it was blue, but it tells the whole emotions she felt right now.

Aoi grips her hand against his arm, "Inosuke... Inosuke..." called her again, to make sure if he was really here.

"I'm here Aoi, Inosuke is here." He replied as he tried his best not to broke. He hated it that he can't save her sooner.

"I-I miss you so much... I'm not lying Inosuke, I really do."

Inosuke's eyes went soften as he caresses her two cheeks with his two big hands, he pulled Aoi closer as their foreheads made contact. He tells Aoi from that action that he misses her hundred times more.

They hold onto each other for a while until Inosuke glance to the chains, "Aoi, your feet."

Aoi just stay silent as Inosuke take his swords and crush the chains so it won't attach anymore to the ground. The boar didn't think to ask anymore and held her cold hands. "Let's go home."

The Onna-Bugeisha nods weakly but then she lost her balance and energy as she fell to the ground. Inosuke immediately caught her, "Aoi! Aoi!"

Inosuke couldn't bared to see her wounds left like that as he carries Aoi into his arms one more time. He asks the boars to carried his mask and swords while he hold the girl. Inosuke press his forehead one more time against hers and whispers.

"I got you Aoi. No one is going to hurt you again, I promise."


Aoi was in bad condition. After the rescued mission, they all were back in the Uchida residents for the time being until she recovered. Everyone at first was panicking, so worried about her state.

It was sad news to them when the doctor said the chains that wrap around Aoi's feet had poison in it. It may cause her not to be able to walk properly for the time being. Inosuke too, Tanjiro's assumption about the scars he got from Ouga had poison on was right.

After a whole day bringing back Aoi here, the boar collapse himself due to that.

But the great Lord Inosuke recovered quickly for past days, faster than Aoi does. He became more aware of her being and always stood by her side, doesn't want to separate anymore. Sometimes Kanao always reminded him to exchange looking out for Aoi, but he declines and end up waiting for the girl to conscious.

It took that long because Aoi was asleep for two weeks straight, knowing she didn't almost sleep since she was kidnapped and focusing to save the hostages while ignoring her own self. That's the selfish part that Inosuke hated it from Aoi, she prioritized everyone other than herself.

The first time when Aoi wakes up from her long slumber, she was in her big bedroom that Grandma Sae lend her to stay. She then felt someone's hand was holding her close weakly and it was Inosuke on her right who was fully asleep in sitting position, while his head was resting on the soft mattress.

Aoi smiles weakly and tries to sit up, she then squeezes her grip in Inosuke's hand that made the boar jolt in surprise when he presence Aoi was awake. Inosuke was not wearing his boar mask the whole time and she can see his bare sleepy face.


It was midnight, Aoi awoken at the timing Inosuke didn't predict. The boar wanted to hug her so bad, but remembering her condition right now, he squeezes back her hand tighter. "Aoi."

Aoi suddenly coughs that made Inosuke aware and immediately gave her a glass of water. She gulps it and he helped to put the glass back, "Are you okay? Do you want me to call Kanao?"

For the first time in Aoi's life, Inosuke has never been this soft and delicate towards her. But Aoi could sense it's not just because she was in this condition, Inosuke felt the same way towards her like she always have.

She shook her head quietly, "I'm fine."

Then it was silent for the both of them. Aoi was about to say something again but surprised when Inosuke suddenly stood up and let go her hand. Somehow, Inosuke doesn't feel this was right. He doesn't want to face Aoi after what he had done, he would still hate himself that he was unable to protect her.

"Inosuke?" called Aoi concern. She then gazes at his chests where there is a long large bandage around it. "Did you get hurt?"

That question made Inosuke couldn't believe at a time like this, she was asking about other people rather than herself again. "Can't you just not care about yourself first?"

Aoi look at him questioningly, Inosuke tries his best not to burst. "You are worsen far than me here, don't ask people's condition if you cannot maintain your own health!"

The statement made Aoi silent, all she cared the whole time was her friends and patients. To be honest, Aoi sometimes looks like Inosuke, didn't look at own self that well. Inosuke still couldn't bared to see all the swollen bruises that Aoi has, moreover, he felt more bad when she cannot walk for a while.

"I'm going to the other room." Inosuke said that made Aoi widens her eyes. 'N-No!'

"Please don't!" yelled Aoi as she could when Inosuke was on the edge of the door.

The boar stopped mid-track and still back facing her. Inosuke still anticipate to wait but he could tell from the way Aoi breaths, the girl is still really tired, she needs more rest. "I-I'm sorry Inosuke, I made you mad didn't I?"

Hearing her apologizing made Inosuke more miserable, he clenched his fist real tight. He was so mad, not towards her but himself. Aoi was about to asked again but stopped when Inosuke turn around to face her, it startled her when Inosuke plastered a frown expression.

Due to that, Aoi become aware and close her mouth.


"But your face told the opposite!" answered Aoi.


This time, the boar yelled louder that made Nezuko and Kanao who was at the other room almost awake. "Inosuke..." mutters Aoi.

"I hate myself that I cannot save you sooner! I've should just accompany you the whole day when you're here! I even convince that I'm suitable to protect and take care of you other than that Yoshio guy!" Inosuke explain more, throwing away all those pressure that he kept holding all this time.

"I know how my mother died Aoi! And I cannot forgive myself if that happen to you! I cannot sleep for whole week! I was so afraid if I found you already gone or maybe worst, I won't be able to see you anymore!"

Aoi teared up while Inosuke's eyes are glistening due to the tears he held. "SHIT! I LOVE YOU LIKE I LOVE MY MOTHER WAS AOI!"


The blue eye girl stood slowly and tried her best to stand up, Inosuke notice that as he immediately dashed towards her, "YOU DAMN WOMAN! YOU CANNOT WALK BECAUSE OF THE POISON! DON'T BE STUBBORN!"

Aoi hold herself against his arms, Inosuke was about to scold again but Aoi silent him with a light kiss. It was so fast like a peck that made the boar frozen. At the same time, tears falling out of his eyes, Aoi brush it off softly with her thumb and smile.

"Inosuke, you did your best to save me. You've grown into strong man, I bet your mother are so proud of you."

Inosuke still sniffles as he put his one hand on Aoi's while the other holding her waist for support. Aoi steady her breaths, "Thank you Inosuke. I don't know to put it into words but I feel the same way, I always have."

The boar was silent for a moment while Aoi kept showing her reassuring smile. As if she had mind communications with Inosuke that she's alright, she is safe right now. It must be a nightmare for Inosuke day and night, unknowing Aoi's condition back then.

But moreover, he was pissed because Aoi stole his role. He has a plan to have a first kiss with her when she already recovered, he cannot help but to click his tongue.

Aoi giggled, "What's wrong?"

"You damn woman, I should've done that first! Now my plan is stolen away from you!" Inosuke yelled mad sulking.

Aoi chuckled more, "Well, that was all I think of how to shut you up, Inosuke."

That statement made the two's face dip crimson red, to Aoi surprised, Inosuke rest his forehead against her. But this time was so close other than back then at the mansion where she kept, Aoi could sense the tension where Inosuke want to capture her lips on his own, but he seems resisting.

He pulled her one hand and place it onto his bare chest where his heart located, Aoi can feel Inosuke's heart beat rapidly faster.

"See? What have you done to me, Aoi?" asked Inosuke closing his eyes while Aoi still shyly look at him. She yelped when Inosuke suddenly scoop her up, and place her back to the bed.

Inosuke was still close to her and brought her hands to his soft plumped lips. Aoi feels like about to die in place when Inosuke kisses her knuckles multiple times, "You have to recover quickly."

"O-Of course!" answered Aoi with a stuttered.

"Because I would want to do that with you again, in my own proper way."

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