Read this rn

I was at the park with my friend and there were these 16 year old boys (3 of them) like staring at us at waving and following us around. I have like rlly bad anxiety so I asked my friend if she could walk me home and she said yes. They were cat calling me telling me I had nice boobs so we ran away from them. We walked for a while and then decided to go back to my house and they were slowly walking towards us . They were around the corner so my friend said we can't go to my house cuz she doesn't want them to know where I live and I said we had to go anyways or else they were gonna do something to us  keep in mind the whole entire time we were there they were slowly walking towards us and following us

Obviously they were cuz they were calling me hot telling me I had nice boobs and winking at us and saying other rlly bad things. As we were walking to my house my friend turns around and says "(name) their running their fucking running) and I turned around and they were literally fucking chasing us so I started running for my life and my friend did as well. We got to my house and I passed out so my mom walked my friend back to my house (I went aswell) and I saw them walking and Jesus I am literally never going out alone with a friend EVER again

I was so scared that if they caught up to us we were gonna get beat up or worse. They were literally following us chasing etc I was so fucking scared
