Somewhere stranded [3]

"WHY!!!! Can't my life be normal and not crazy and messed up!!!!" As I yell why banging my head against the hood of a random car we might have borrowed. "It's okay mia belle we will find a way back home, my love" says an annoying voice. "If it weren't for you I would have been watching hours and hours of Netflix with lots of food on my soft bed with a big fluffy blanket on me! It's all your fault! You're such an annoying pickle!"

Let me rewind and tell you a story of how a sweet little innocent girl got stuck in the middle of nowhere with an idiot. "It's not my fault you didn't wants to stop for gas at the creepy looking gas station" Xavier the butthead says. "Well maybe you should have not listened to me! Duh why are you so stupid!" Anyways back to MY story before I was rudely interrupted by an idiot.

I was sitting there banging my head on the seat in front of me in the airplane mumbling, "I can't believe this." "Don't worry sweetheart I will be there the entire time with you no matter what." How is that gonna help me. Can't he just shut up or like forever he is so annoying! Wait I gotta call Josh he will save me. I pull out my phone and see that it is dead. "You have to be kidding right! This is probably the worst day ever!!!" "You can use my phone, love." Xavier replies after hearing my rant about everything in life. "I would have asked you but I don't remember his phone number cause he changed it!" "Okay take a chill pill I was just asking" putting his hands in a surrender motion will slightly moving back after me telling at him. Yes be very be scared of me while slowly chucking and petting my invisible cat. Xavier just looks at me like I have lost my mind which may or may not be true.

Quick a/n: who do you ship?
Josh and Bella
Xavier and Bella

"We will be landing in a few minutes please buckle up your seatbelts and remain calm. Once we arrive at the airport all of the passengers will receive a free plane ride to their destinations." Finally I could go away from this crazy child and go to get my freedom.

So as I was calmly waking out of the airport with him behind me and I suddenly make a run for it and got into a random car and speed my way out of there. Far far away from him. As you might be thinking now how was it possible for him to be with me when he wasn't here now. Well long story short he somehow got into another car and chased me down into an alley where he corners me and we had a awesome fight and he lost and I drugged him and threw him into the car. Just kidding he just ran after me and got into the driver seat before I could and locked me into the passenger seat. Told you I was innocent!

So sitting in the car annoyed out of my head with my arch nemesis I realized that we were out of gas. "Hey idiot the gas is all most out you might wanna stop anywhere." And that is all I said before we went into another awkward silence. And soon later we were turning into a really sketchy gas station where you see in movies. "Heck no don't go in there turn around and find another." "Fine I will but if we stop in the middle of the road don't blame me."

And that is how we ended up stranded.
