Doopity doo

*Wenis' POV*

Today marks the day I start my grand journey to the seductive forests of Antarctica. I have one, and only one, goal in mind: to find my piece of pork, Peppa, and capture her wenis. With Peppa gone, it feels as though the sun can't fry my skin anymore. It feels as if the sun is gone. "This feeling... what is it... could it be..... Disgust?" I slipped out loud. "It's love you nit wit. Has your head gone all spaghetti to the Serengeti?? You're going to Antarctica, not Africa you stupid toe fungus fool", Mr. Cookie scoffed, driving past me in a garbage truck???? "MR. COOKIE??? WHERE ARE YOU EVEN COMING FROM???", I scream, but Mr. cookie just farts and disappears with the garbage, throwing me a half eaten burrito from Taco Bell. I eat it. But shove the last bite in my pocket for later. Gotta save it for later, gotta gobble and swallow something.. unfortunately I won't get any wenis action for lunch.

"Let's get this wenis chugging!", I yell as I hop skippity scotch down the magenta, concrete grass.

~57 hours later~

I look at my watch: 3:37 pm. "Wow I've been venturing for quite some time now." I said. I was getting bored. I picked up some beetles and crushed them to cure my boredom. I kept on walking through the trees and bushes.

"~Oompa loompa doompety doo~" I hear very faintly.

"What?! Who's there?!" I frantically pull out my stick and whirl it in the air. Maybe it's just my imagination, am I really that lonely.

"~I've got a perfect puzzle for you~" I heard the strange voices sing again.

"Uhhh whoever you are I can pump you're guts full of lint, you do NOT wanna get freaky with me", I say holding back the terrible terror.

"~Oompa loompa doompety dee~"

I then see a bunch of squatty orange men with green hair dance in a long line out of the bushes. They look so jolly and depressed at the same time. They break out into the cha cha slide and then pull me in and we tango like a mango.

"~Oompa loompa doompety dee~"  we all sang and danced in harmony for hour and hours. Pure joy I had with those oompa loompas.

Then I hear loud horns and the music gets louder and louder and more upbeat, kinda like church in the south at a 9:30 service, where everyone is clapping and the chocolate chip people and all in rhythm.

Then a tall man with a long hat walks out with a stick.... where was he going to put that stick? And who was the strange man?
Authors note: Pee. Oooooo those Oompa loompas got some movezzzz..
