Chapter 9: Last Day Here


I sat on the roof, waiting for something to happen. I mean, tomorrow, the four of us are going into a death zone. I don't want to fight them. They're my friends!

I... I just want to go home...


I was standing by the window in my room. Tomorrow, I'm going to die. I just know it! Besides, Jack can take care of the girls for me. They don't need me...

I'll only hold them back...


I was curled up into a ball in the corner. I was crying like some stupid crybaby. Why was I crying? Tomorrow is why. Tomorrow, the four of us will be stuck in a death battle. Tomorrow could be the end of our lives. Tomorrow, I'll be dragged along and alone. And the worst part is...

I'll be too weak to handle it...


I kept viciously punching the bag in the training center. Everyone is counting on me and I can't take the pressure. I mean, tomorrow is the whole reason why we're here in this mess. Tomorrow is the reason why my little sister is not at home, waiting for me to come back. Tomorrow is the reason why everyone is suffering. And I just know...

That I won't be able to protect everyone...

(A/N Look, I know this chapter is short but, I'm at a writer's block if you know what I mean. I just hope that I can come up with something that's awesome for my beloved readers! Now, in Happy's words, Aye, Sir!)
