Emotional Again

《Mizouka's P.O.V》

After what went down yesterday Sebastian forced me to return to the mansion in order to make sure the other servants didn't burn it down, Namely Baldroy. As of now I'm in a shop picking up something with the others. Finny had placed a lot of small boxes on the counter so the lady marked them all down on her notebook before looking at Mey-Rin.

"Alright I think that'll do us." Mey-Rin said while looking over at the boxes before looking at the lady who said she had it written down. "Oh Mey-Rin I've been meaning to ask, you work at the Phantomhive manor right?" The lady asked kindly, so Mey-Rin nodded before the lady placed the notebook in front of her mouth and leaned towards Mey-Rin.

Time skip...

All of us got those candies the ladies gave us taken away because they were drugged, but apparently they weren't actually made by the funtom company. Ciel and Sebastian had left earlier to go somewhere, but I was unfortunately left behind to wait for their return. "Although, that doesn't sit well with me and so I think I'll go find them." I say to myself as I walk towards the nearest window before jumping out.

"Ciel, Ciel, Ciel, Time to find the young master....and his demonic horrid butler!" I sing as I make my way towards where the scent of the young lord was strongest. He was being held by a bunch if guards and was about to be separated from sebastain. "My Young Lord!" I shout in surprise as I quickly glance around the guards in surprise.

"You can't ever just stay at the manor can you?" Ciel mumbled as I shook my head in response before jumping off the building where I was and landing next to him. "May I take care of them, because obvious Sebastain is being taken away." I say while looking at the guards again before seeing one with a gun.

"Oh, they had you at gunpoint...I can deal with that my lord." I say before he shakes his head and let's the guards take him away. "But Ciel, Why can't I help you?!" I yell, but he simply ignores me before I'm cuffed and pulled in the same direction as Sebastian. "Fine then, I will destroy our contract! Traitor!" I yell as I get dragged away before looking at the guard holding me and stabbing him with one of my rinkaku.

"Now why don't you go peacefully hm?" I ask before breaking my cuffs and throwing the body in the ocean after taking all of his belongings. I'll get back at Ciel, By helping him and following him around. He's so dependent on himself, he needs me and he needs my help in order to keep himself at the top!

Time skip to a while later.... sorry not sorry....

"Ciel I found you!" I state as I watch abeline the detective guy yell my young lords name as he gets held up by a bunch of people with guns. Abeline jumps into the back in order to keep himself from being shot as they begin shooting. "I always hated watching Sebastian get to have all the fun." I say as I jump down before seeing a familiar shadow hit all of the people.

"Damn It Sebastain." I mumble while sitting next to one of the people before taking his eyeball out and popping it into my mouth. Ciel steps out of the carriage before telling sebastain that he's late, and of course sebastian does his weird hell of a butler thing in response. Ciel gives Sebastain his next order before they head towards the castle near the dock, I'm forced to follow behind since obviously my presence is being ignored.

"Fire." Ciel said to Sebastain after being placed on top of the castle, so sebastain fire all the canons towards a ship. I wish I knew what exactly was going on, but oh well. "Let's go, Sebastian. Mizouka you follow closely behind." Ciel said as he was picked up before him and Sebastian went towards the ship at lightening speed. "Yay, he's acknowledging me again!" I shout before following sebastian.

I hop on one of the cannon balls which skidded towards the ship before I jump on board. Sebastian was already on board and fighting Lou's mistress girl, but I couldn't seem to find Ciel. "Sebastian!" Ciel called while running towards me before stopping and looking at his demon butler. "Ah, as I've always expected. Your not human are you?" Lou asked Sebastain who smirked.

"You may believe what you like." Sebastian said. "One of you get over here." Ciel shouted as Lou ran towards him with his sword. Fortunately the one stabbed was abeline, who was apparently aboard the ship now. "What an idiot, I could've taken that." I mumble as I walk beside Ciel before standing there.

Lou pulled his sword out of abeline, who fell to the ground, before raising it to strike Ciel. This time though, I stepped in front of Ciel and the sword shattered after making contact with my skin. Sebastian cut lou in the gut afterwards, so the male flew backwards before his strange mistress ran over to him in concern.

Lou forfeited, so Ciel looked over at Abeline in concern. Concern. "He's emotionally attached to that detective now?" I ask myself before shrugging it off and walking to the edge of the ship. I quickly find Abeline's boat before hoping in it and making my way to shore. I go back to the mansion of course, the other servants were all asleep and neither Ciel nor Sebastain have even came back.

I suppose that means I must go to sleep as well, if those two want to worry about the dead detective that much then I'll let them. Although, I wonder if Ciel's mad at Sebastian for not intervening before abeline did. It would mean abeline wouldn't be dead, but I suppose it's that idiots fault for getting involved. Ciel did warn the man he would get killed for trying to get involved.

"Oh well, kind of a shame though. Given the chance I would have saved abeline if I knew it would hurt Ciel's feelings to watch him die. I guess I can't always have everything I want, but at least Sebastian's probably disliked right now for not helping. I mean he is under the contract that created Ciel's beautiful eye." I say to myself as I walk to my room. After entering the room I quickly take off my maids uniform before laying in bed.

To be continued...
