3 - Brazen


Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. 

That was my heartbeat. I've never done something so brazen before. I'm used to the guys calling up first, making the first move but I felt that I had to do the first move with Szach, so yeah, I called him. And made up an excuse so we could be together. And if my gut feel's right, he's looking forward to it as much as I am. Still, my hands were clammy and my phone would have been suffocating from my intense grip. But hearing his voice was totally worth it - and I heard a hint of smile in it too. I heard some background noise, sounded like it was Geraldine and some other kid-could be her brother. So, Szach was in her house again? I wonder what the real score is between them. I've asked Geraldine once before and she said he was just her best friend, nothing more. I've casually given hints that I sorta liked Szach and I hope she picked that up. I mean if she's not after him, I'd be a good catch, right? I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile at the girl looking back at me. She had long straight jet black hair with a few strands tied with a pink ribbon to give the prim but casual look. She had a white knee-length dress tied with a black bow belt showing off a tiny waist other girls would kill for. She's not too bad, not too bad at all. And she was me. I have a feeling that my time has come and everything's falling into place. I'm in a band. I've got new friends. Classes aren't so bad. And then there's Szach... That made me smile again. I feel like a schoolyard girl having this huge crush on a boy. Well, I hope I'm not acting like one. I don't think he's the type who'd fall for wide-eyed school girls. I thought of the next time I'll see Szach. He'll probably be in tomorrow's band practice and then there's our "alone" practice session. Let's see how that goes... 


He's grinning like a Cheshire cat and there and then, I knew it was Arielle who called. Hmm, that was fast. She might be more of a chaser than I thought, or maybe she just genuinely likes him. What do I care? We were just friends, weren't we? So did that kiss ever happen? We never discussed it and I always felt that it was left there, hanging. Sometimes, I even feel that it was just all a dream. It took me a few weeks to get over that. I'm not even sure if I have even gotten over it. Every time we talk about something akin to kissing, an eerie silence would just come between us and we just moved on to the next topic. I am ashamed to admit, it was my first kiss. Szach thinks I'm "experienced" when it comes to relationship, but really, it's all for show. I just don't wanna be one-upped. I smiled at him as he sat back down the table.  

"Arielle called, huh?" I asked, trying to sound chirpy. 

"Yup, something about an extra practice session." He said nonchalantly. 

I just nodded and went on to finish my dinner. Yup, another eerie silence taking over.  

"So, what do you think about her?" Szach asked me.  

"Who?" I asked as if I didn't know who he was asking about. 


I don't know anything about her coz I just met her, you fool. I was itching to say but I kept a lid on it and replied, "I think she's nice. She probably likes you and you'll be good for each other."  

And with that, we went on to finish dinner quietly. Jerry went back to playing his video games. We were loading the dishwasher when Szach asked: "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, why?" 

"You just seem so quiet." Szach observed. 

"I just have a lot on my mind. And I'm tired. I'm probably just gonna go to bed after this." I said. It was a subtle message telling him he can't come up and bother me tonight at my room.  

"Okay. Why don't you rest and I'll finish this up?" he offered. 

I nodded and left him with the dishes. And plonked off to bed in my room depressed. To be honest, I don't understand why I'm so depressed. Arielle and Szach are two good people and they do look that they're a good match. And they're both my friends who deserve to be happy. That's it.... Yeah, that's probably it. I'm worried that I'll be the third wheel, the odd man out. I closed the lights and drifted off to sleep... and had a really dark bad dream which I forgot the next day but still felt really bad about it.  

Practice went well and we felt we were ready for the gig. Arielle sounded great too. Mirage was his usual dazzling self and I noticed three girls hanging around after practice, probably waiting for him. Ramone was a bit edgy but I don't blame him - we were the front act for his ex-girlfriend's band. Chrissy was getting her game on too. Szach dropped by a bit for practice but left early to watch an anime or something. I still wasn't talking to him and I still couldn't understand why I was so upset with him. It was the same the next day. I didn't get to talk to him as classes were full on and I started missing him. He was my best friend after all. Not a day would pass that we didn't talk to each other. He comes by my room just to tell me about his day, to its every boring detail. And it's been two days since he's done that. Fine, I miss listening to his boring details. I looked at my watch. 7 pm. He should be home now, probably in his room, playing his xbox or watching another anime. I smiled at the thought of his sloppy room, how goofy he looked with Pringles in his left hand and the controller on the right. He usually had me beside him to feed him Pringles so he can play without getting his xbox controllers sticky with all the cheese from Pringles. I was thinking about how I'd surprise him while in the bus. He must be worried sick that he's done something to annoy me, or worse, he must be thinking, it's the time of the month. I bought a cake with lots of apples on top, sort of my apology cake--- get it? Applelogy cake? It's been a while since we've share a cake. We usually get messy and play with the icing and stuff. I smiled at the impending mess we'll be making out of this cake. I went up my room to freshen up and thought of just climbing up his window- should be a clear message enough to say that everything's fine with us. And there they were. In clear view. Across my room. In Szach's room. Arielle and Szach. It looked that they were kissing. Really? This soon?  

And my tears started to fall. I can't look. I turned around, ran towards the bathroom and locked it. It started with silent tears, and my shoulders started to tremble... then I found myself bawling like a child. And I don't know why. Why am I crying? Why am I hurting? Do I like Szach? Waiiiiiit, do I love Szach? Shit. I'm in deep big time then. I haven't had this feeling, ever.
