Chapter 13 - Powers?!

Alex's POV*
Steve fell down. I looked at Dan and we exchanged looks. He sighed. "Look, here-" He helped Steve up. "-you've got to accept this. You are the chosen one. We need to teach you this.
"In another part of the prophecy, it says the chosen one will have unbelievable powers. Two others, a female and man, will join him on his journey with a separate power each. Can you handle that?" Steve's eyes widened. But he nodded. Dan continued, "That means that Alex and I have a power each. I know for a fact that mine is running the speed of light. Alex?" I looked up. 
"Um, I um. . . wasn't it like talented with a bow or something?" He pulled an enchanted bow out of his backpack along with an arrow. "Yup. And for that, you're going to need this." He handed the weapon to me. I felt its smoothness in my hands. I recognised the enchantments flame IV, punch V and infinity. The arrow had sharpness on it. I never knew you could enchant arrows. I slung the bow over my shoulder and put the arrow in my bag. Steve still looked confused.
"So what do I do then?" Dan sighed and shook his head. "This is going to take a while."

Steve sat down on a log beside the fire. Dan and I sat down opposite him, facing him.
"So let me get this straight. You're saying, that I've got these unexpected powers and that I have to use them to defeat some evil dude, and that you two have powers too and are supposed to help me? How do I know that we all have these powers? And if you, Dan, had some fast run why couldn't you have just run us towards our destiny?" Dan sighed in return.
"The reason why I didn't, is because the three have to spend a night together and have to trust each other. I let Alex hold the Nether star, that was my show of trust." He nodded. "So. . . can you actually run that fast?" Dan looked at me. "Well, we'll see now."
He got into a good position to start running. He took off first at the speed of sound and eventually built up to. . . the actual speed of light. I couldn't even see him move anymore. He seemed to dodge every obstacle that came in his way. He ran back towards us, panting.
"So how does that work?" I asked him. He said in between short breaths, "I- it all- goes in like- slow motion, then I run, I build up speed, so I guess to you, it looked like, I was, running really fast." I handed him his bottle of water. "Take some water, you're really puffed out." He thanked me and drank half of it in one go. I wanted to see if I was actually a skilled archer so I slung my bow off of my shoulders. I reached into my bag and found the arrow. I put the arrow in place and drew back. I found a pig in the distance and took a shot. It hit right on! Dan ran up to it using his abnormal speed and picked up the drops. He ran back handed me them, before collapsing onto his sleeping bag. I turned back to Steve. "So you see. The prophecy is all real. Now, it's time for your powers. What's a strong emotion that you feel right now?" It didn't take him long to answer.
"Confusion?" I sighed and shook my head. "No, I mean like anger, happiness, excitement. . ." He laughed a little. "Fine. Curiosity or excitement."
"Ok then. . . lets use excitement. Let it build up, stronger. Let it overcome you. Feel the power in your body. Build it up. Bigger." He closed his eyes and strained his face. I looked around, wondering what was going to happen. Then, a stream of water started building up behind him. Eventually it got as a small river. He opened his eyes and the water gushed over him, towards me. I jumped out of the way as it flowed towards the direction of the lake. I looked at him. He wasn't the slightest bit wet. He looked back and we exchanged excited looks. But then Dan woke up.
"What the hell was that for?! Ever tried to sleep when some giant river of water just comes and completely soaks you?" I laughed. "Nope. Never. But now that you've had the experience, you can tell me what it's all like." We all laughed. I looked at my watch again. It said 1029 (10:30 am). "Alright enough. We need to pack up and get going. It we continue having fun we aren't going to get anywhere." I went over to the tent and started undoing the pegs. Dan came over and helped me. Steve took everything out from the inside and started packing them up and putting them in his rucksack. We finished undoing the pegs and went over to the pole things tat held the tent up. Steve helped with them too and we got the whole tent done. I looked in the direction were I had marked the ender pearl had shown. "Well, looks like it's the start of another strange day. C'mon." I started going down a path that had been cleared in the forest.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm currently in the mood of writing (YAY!) so I will maybe be able to update some more. Pls vote it makes me happy

