Monday,May 20,2019


-12:34 pm, United Kingdom-
*Turns on PC.*
The light flashes a bright blue screen.
'Starting up' it reads in big white Bolded letters. Finally after a minute it turns into my homescreen. The picture of some fanart someone did for me pops up,along with some games I've downloaded,files,pictures, etc. I turn on my camera on top of the screen,set my microphone up,start running the apps to help with filming, and finally,I run the brand new game Scott Cawthon gave me access to! It's a game called Help Wanted!
Im so excited! We really haven't had a game in a while. When was the last game again? 2018. It's been a year already. Anyways this one is bigger than all the other ones. This one is a VR game! Finally not a fan game! An official Fnaf VR game! I'm so excited to try this! I check the email that the link was attached to again to make sure of what to do. I'm reading it when I see a strange thing. The word 'glitches' is glitched out. Like it looks glitchy,purple lines around it. What the hell? I don't think much of it and just start the game. I bring the microphone near me.
I pause for a bit while a timer starts for everything to work.
"What's going on guys! Dawko back again and today I have a very exciting game to play! But before playing it I wanna thank Scott! Thank you so much  again for letting me play all the Fnaf games early! Especially with this game. This one is very special and amazing. Now on to the game itself,today we are playing the one and only,FNAF VR!" I cheer.
The opening sequence starts playing. It looks like I'm on a roller coaster? Handunit starts talking about the history of all the games. Pictures appear every second,either on the left or right. One of them was Scott!
"SCOTT? He self inserted himself into the game." I laugh.
Finally it ends and takes me to a opening screen. I scream because there's models of the Fnaf 1 characters. Freddy,Chica,and Bonnie are staring directly at me.
"AHHHHH. HOLY THAT'S REALLY SCARY. Oh my god, that scared me." I scream.
I look around to see if there are any other surprises. Well guess what? There was. I jump and scream as I see foxy behind me. I start talking to the camera about how I like the opening screen. After talking for a bit I chose to start the game. It takes me to a party room. A big screen is in front of me with all the games, behind it is a curtain, behind me is the whole party room,and a prize counter. I teleport over to the prize counter. The screen turns black,then the prize counter appears. I see plushies of the Fnaf 1 and Fnaf 2 characters.
"Wow. This honestly looks amazing!" I exclaim.
I admire the prize corner,when I see something....glitching on a shelf and something hidden in the candy bowls. I look closer and see that they are,
"Tapes? Those are tapes. Why are they glitching though?"
I grab the one in the bowl,since I actually could reach. It makes a loud distorted noise as it disappears.
"What do I do with it now?" I ask.
Before I leave the corner I want to get the one on the shelf. I look at the stuff I could spawn on this little computer. I spawn a basketball and try to hit the tape. It takes a few tries before it falls down onto the floor. I hear the distorted noise again.
"Now I'm curious. What are those tapes for?"
I teleport back to the show stage area and look around and see if there's anything that shows the tapes. I notice a tape player glitching near a screen with a fraction of 0/20 coins. I tap the tape player. It teleports me to a pitch black room. The only thing that illuminates the room is a singular hanging lightbulb. I see a tape recorder,2 tapes,and a container holding the 2 tapes. The tapes are labeled "tape 1" and "tape 2".
"Well,looks like I found where they are now. I guess there's only one thing to do." I say in a relaxed tone,trying not to show that I'm nervous.
I grab tape 1 and place it in the tape recorder. It makes a beeping noise,then silence.
"Hello? Hello are you there? Hi Lewis,its me,Vanessa. You may not know me,but I'm trapped. I'm trapped in this game! I need help. I NEED YOUR HELP. The bunny somehow transported me into the game and I don't know what happened to my body outside of the game. I NEED HELP BEFORE ITS TO LATE. PLEASE LEWIS! PLEASE HE-." The tape ends.
How. How does it know my name? Who is Vanessa.
My thoughts are scrambling all together. Who is Vanessa? Is this an actual part of the game? How'd it know my name? Did Scott do this to scare me? WHO IS VANESSA?
"Ahh, Scott is probably tricking me. So funny Scott, you troll." I laugh. I exit out of the tape room. It spawns me back to the main room. That honestly freaked me out, even I'm still kinda spooked. Wait, what's that noise? It sounds like someone trying to call my name, but it sounds far away and.....glitchy. I turn to my right because that's where its coming from. I scream as I see a 7 foot tall rabbit staring back at me, waving.
"WHAT IS THAT?!" I yell at the top of my lungs.
The rabbit just keeps waving. I keep hearing my name being called. I see something in his other hand. Another tape? I can see that it's titled "Last Show". Is that the one I need to get now?
"No." A glitchy voice whispers. "HUH? HELLO IS ANYONE THERE?" I yelp. Silence. The rabbit is still staring at me, but everything went silent. I take off my headset and stop recording. "Billie is in the living room. Should I tell her?" I ask myself. "Don't Lewis. She won't understand are plan." The rabbit assured me. I put the headset on again and see the rabbit right in front of me. Before I could even scream he shushes me. "Shh, don't speak. I'll help you find all the tapes, then I'll explain everything." He promised.
He disappears. I then teleport to all these parts of the game. The tapes all glow a bright purple. I collect all 7 tapes that were scattered all over the mini-games. Add on the two I already found and the rabbits tape it equals up to 10. Finally I teleport into the tape room. All 10 tapes are in the container. I listen to the first one again. Then the second. Then the third. On and on until the last tape. All of them were a story about A woman named Vanessa that was trapped in the game and what she witnessed. She saw her friend getting possessed, the friend almost committing suicide, the bunny kept teasing her constantly, and so on. Now it's time to hear what ended up happening to her. "Hello? Lewis, are you there? Good you are. I'm so glad that I met you, you know, you are very kind and stupid-" "What. Wait what's going on?" I worry as the tape pauses for a second. "HAHAHHA YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOU FACE AS YOU WERE LISTENING TO THSES! Priceless. Honestly you are the stupidest person I've ever met. You actually thought these were real? I just wanted you to fall into my trap. Vanessa isn't real, Her being trapped isn't real, but you know what is?" The tape plays.
"W-what is?" I ask, stuttering from fear. "Me." A glitchy voice says from behind me. Everything goes black.

-3:13 pm-

I wake up after what feels to be an eternity. I open my eyes to see....purple? I sit up and see that I'm in a purple void? In the middle of this void is a figure. The rabbit. He notices that I'm awake and starts skipping over to me.
"Why hello, Lewis. I'm glad your awake now! Don't worry, you weren't out for long, just 10 minutes. Anyways your probably wondering who I am! Well firstly I want to say it's a pleasure to finally work with you! I'm Glitchtrap! I'm your master. You now must be wondering what I mean by "Master". Since you came and played my little game that Scott trapped me in, I figured we could be friends, and you know what friends do? FAVORS! Now my favor is that you help me take over the world!" Glitchtrap explains.   "TAKE OVER THE WORLD? I yell. "Yes! Exactly! Now if you don't mind I just need you to stand up and lend me a hand."
He holds his hand out for me to get up. I hesitate for a second, but ultimately choose to take his offer. He lifts me off the ground. Suddenly I feel my wrist burning. I look up and see that glitchtrap's eyes are glowing. "Thank you for helping me. I know you'll have fun."

