Chapter 4 (Blakes POV)

    "Phoenix Star." Tabby whispers as she visibly shudders. My best friend.    
   That son of a bitch!
I feel Rocco start to come to the surface and I tense up. Sensing this Tabby leans in closer and puts a hand on my arm, tracing small circles on it. Effectively soothing my racing heart.
I turn Tabby around, looking in her eyes for a few seconds, then I kiss her. Not expecting it she pauses for a minute then starts moving her lips against mine in a pattern of love. I nip her bottom lip for entrance and she denies. Smirking against her lips, I pull away, still smirking, I throw her back onto the bed, I lay myself on top of her. Tabby groans.
      "Blake... I...can't... breathe!" She gasps out. I laugh.
"Are you going to let me in next time?" I ask still laughing. I watch her bring her hand up to her chin and ponder.
"YES, YES. GET UP YA FATTY!" She yells playfully. I pretend to be offended and roll off her. She fake gasps for air. Standing up I pout and giggling Tabby gets up and kisses it and runs playfully away.
Growling I barrel through the door, pausing to pick up her sent of coconut and chocolate. I run downstairs towards the door.
A huge wave of fear rolls through me from my mate and a bloodcurdling scream echoes throughout the whole house. Following the sound of the scream and Tabby's sent, it leads me to the back door by the garden. I spy Tabby shaking with fear on the ground, holding her cheek with Phoenix above her.
      I sprint over in front of Tabby. Shielding her from him. "What. Did. You. Do?" I question. Anger coursing through my veins as I crouch down and pick up my beautiful mate.
    Phoenix laughs evilly, " What are you talking about Blake. Why are you so pissed? That's my daughter." He steps forward and I step back with Tabby in my arms, still shaking from fear.
    "Give me back my daughter. Now Blake!" He shouts at me. Turning around quickly, I set Tabby down on her feet.
    "Tabby, ya remember the way to my room right?" I say in the mind link. She nods. "Good, when I turn back around, you run back to my room." I instruct.
    "Will you be ok?" She shakily asks me. And chuckling I nod. I hug her and turn around, and just as I instructed I hear Tabby's quiet footfalls.
    Facing Phoenix, he sighs. "Blake this doesn't have to be hard. We've been friends for years. Just hand her over and we can go back to being friends." I laugh humorlessly.
    "You abused my mate. You stole her virginity when she was twelve. You made her go rouge. Do you really think we could ever be friends again after this?" I sneer. Looking at Phoenix. He's shocked. Finally snapping out of it, his face contorts in anger.
    "That little bitch told you!" He bellows out, echoing throughout the whole house.
   That's when I snap.
    I launch myself at him. Punching him repeatedly, until he's knocked out cold.
    "Get Phoenix to the cells! Now!" I roar through the guards mind link. Hearing a quick.
    "Yes, alpha." In response. And shut off the mink link. I quickly leave him there and bound back to my room. Where I hear faint sobs and whimpers coming from my room. Gently I open the door and step in.
    Tabby is on the bed with my pillow hugged to her chest, muffling her cry's. Her beautiful blue eyes catch hold of mine as she launches herself off my bed and into my awaiting arms. I pick her up and carry her back to my bed and cradle her in my arms. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear to help her calm down.
      Finally, Tabby stops crying and turns to face me, straddling me. Her eyes, red and puffy from the tears. "Thank you." She says launching herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug. We fall back into the bed in a hug laughing. "Where is he, Blake?" She suddenly asks. Looking at me, I stiffen.
      "He's in the cells." I say emotionlessly. She nods and looks at my lips and leaning in. My hands make their way to the back of her head pulling her beautiful kissable lips closer to mine. Slowly our lips come together in a gentle, passionate kiss filled with love and kindness. Sparks fill my body, radiating all through my body causing a moan to escape our mouths. I pull away only to start kissing down Tabby's jaw line to her neck.
      "Tabby, you better stop me. I don't know how much longer I can hold back. Please, let me make you mine. Let me mark you." I ask stopping to look into her eyes. She nods, apparently not trusting her voice.    
"Are you sure? This is permanent." I say worriedly.
      Looking up at me she says. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to be yours." Smiling I nod and start to kiss down her jaw line. Going to the place where her shoulder and neck meet I kiss around and receive a moan telling me I've hit the right spot. I start sucking and licking the spot, feeling my canines pop out I suck and lick it a little more before sinking my fangs into Tabby's sweet spot.
      Hey my dudes! Author here! I made this chapter longish. Wow. That's not s word, anyway sorry for not adding this chapter sooner. I had a horrible case of writers block. Also you might be thinking 'Why does Blake have a forty year old man as a best friend.' Well he likes to hang with some older peeps, because they help him with Alpha decisions and stuff like that.   Remember, suggestions are available, hate comments are not welcome. But anyway, thank you all that decided to give my book a try. See ya! AUTHORS OUT! (Dramatic exit)
